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4 bytes added, 13:22, 15 September 2006
D-Bus and other Linux desktop integration improvements
[ Delta debugging] is an automated approach to debugging that isolates failures systematically. Given a failing test that can be mechanically verified (including a browser crash), [ delta debugging] is a way of automatically isolating the change that introduced the failure. Having a framework in place to pull builds from CVS, bisect by date and change set (using [ bonsai ] data -- remember, CVS doesn't have changesets!), and report results would let computers make developers more productive.
== [[D-Bus and other Linux desktop integration improvements ]] ==
Various Linux distributors have patches in their Firefox packages that add bits and pieces of Linux integration, and we'd like to see even more available. One particular area of interest is controlling the browser via [ d-bus], and exposing [ dbus] events to the application and extensions.

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