added the <pre> and </pre> tags to preserve the spacing and format of command outputs
:1. What is the kernel version on matrix?
:2. What is the IP address and MAC address of the Linux machine on matrix?
::from: /sbin/ifconfig
:3. What is the network mask on matrix?
:4. What are the network addresses of the Linux machine? (there should be three networks)
:5. What is the IP address of the gateway for the Linux machine on matrix?
:6. What is the command to display all the currently loaded kernel modules?
<pre>::lsdaly@matrix:~> /sbin/lsmod::Module Size Used by::nfs 236268 4::lockd 73192 2 nfs</pre>
:7. Where is the file for the kernel module called "e1000"? (changed from e100)
<pre>::daly@matrix:~> /sbin/modinfo e1000::filename: /lib/modules/</pre>
:8. What is the MAC address for the network device that has the IP address
<pre>::lsdaly@matrix:~> /sbin/arp -n::Address HWtype HWaddress Iface:: ether 00:0E:0C:7F:84:6F eth0</pre>
:9. How do you display all the physically network addresses known by a Linux machine?
:10. <What is the MAC address of the network device on the default gateway for the Linux machine on matrix?
::From question 5: Gateway IP is