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no edit summary
|*||Matches zero or more characters||Matches zero or more characters
|?||Matches one character||Matches one character, unless at the end of the filename or immediately before the dot preceeding the extension in which case it matches zero or at the end of the nameone character
|<nowiki>[</nowiki>''list''<nowiki>]</nowiki>||Matches any one of the characters within the brackets (note that it matches exactly '''one''' of the characters)||''Not applicable''
|whoami||whoami||Displays the name of the current user
|clsclear||clearcls||Clears the terminal display. Note: in the Bash shell, you can also clear the screen during command entry by typing ^L (Ctrl+L)
|tree||tree||Displays the filesystem hierarchy starting at the current directory (or the given directory, if an argument is provided).
|touch||copy NUL: ''filename''||Creates an empty file (Linux: if the file exists, <code>touch</code> will just update the date/time of modification).
== Viewing Online Documentation ==
To find a Linux command to perform a particular function, use the <code>apropos</code> or <code>man -k</code> commands:
apropos calendar
man -k calendar # same as the above!
To view information about a Linux command, use the online manual ("manpages"), accessed with the <code>man</code> command:
To view information about a Windows command, use the online help:  help ''commandname'' For example, to view the online help for <code>dir</code>, enter the command:  help dir Alternately, to get a brief help summary for a command, enter the name of the command followed by <code>/?</code> -- for example, to get a help summary for the <code>copy</code> command, type
copy /?
Nano provides a help display at the bottom of the screen. The carat <code>^</code> symbol indicates the control key, so the help text "^X Exit" means that you would press Ctrl-X to exit from the editor.
The current versions of Windows (Windows 10 & 11) do not provide a CLI/TUI text editor. However, you can run the GUI Notepad editor from the command line (as long as you are not accessing the Windows system remotelythrough a non-graphical connection):
notepad ''file''

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