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SEC520 Weekly Schedule

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=SEC520 Weekly Schedule=
== Winter 2018==
::Instructor:<br />Austin (SAA)<br />Craig Barretto (
1 credit
::*Quiz and Labs ( 4 Quiz, 7 Labs (15%))
::::'''Logbooks due April 10th, 2018'''
::*Assignments (2) 20%
::::'''Assignment 1 - Due Date March 9''''''
::::'''Assignment 2 - Due Date TBA''''''
::*Tests (2) 30%
::::'''Written Test - March 8''''''
::::'''Lab Test - March 15'''''
::*Final Test 35%
{|width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="2"
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:'''Reading References:'''
::* [ Computer Security Basics (E-book)]<br />(Chapter 1: The New Insecurity)
::* [ Inside the Security Mind, Making the Tough Decisions (E-Book)] (Chapters 1 - 3)
::* [ Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit (E-book)]<br />(Chapter 2: Reconnaissance)
::* [ SEC520 WIKI]
::* [ Course Outline]
::* [ Course Policies]::* [ Required Materials are listed in your Supplies Checklist.28Required_for_Second_ClassOther materials and references are noted week by week.29 Required Materials]
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 3'''
:'''Scanning, Enumeration, & Vulnerability Testing:'''
:'''Slides (Concepts):'''
::*[ Scanning 1] , [ Scanning 2]
::*[ Enumeration]
::*[ Online Pen-Test Scanner]::*[ Prep for Metasploit]
:'''Lab 3:'''
<div class="messagebox" style="background-color: #f9f6b7; border: 1px solid #c4c295; color: black; padding: 5px; margin: 1ex 0; min-height: 35px; margin-left:15px; margin-right:10px; padding-left: 20px;">
<div style="float: left; margin-left: -40px;"></div>
<div><b>WARNINGS!</b><br /><ol><li>'''Scanning ports must require the permission of Server Owner''' (preferably in writing). Student must either work in Security lab to scan each others' ports, or sign an agreement to scan the Tank server within or outside Seneca College.<br /><br /><li>'''Your instructor will hand-out permission forms to allow students to obtain Tank accounts, and allow students to perform ethical "penetration testing" on that server'''. Students <b><u>must</u></b> sign this form, hand back to the instructor, and await further instructions before proceeding with penetration testing on the tank server</li></ol></div>
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 4'''
:'''Scanning, Enumeration, & Vulnerability Testing:'''
:'''Slides (Concepts):'''
::* [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Vulnerability Testing
::* [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Interpreting and Respecting the Rules for the Tank Server
:'''Reading References:'''
::*[ Setting up the Metasploit database]::*[ First Metasploit Payload]::*[ jJd5qg3fkyw Using Armitage] (Metasploit Framework)]
:'''Lab 3:'''
::Continue Working on '''Lab 3'''
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 5'''
|:'''Types of Attacks:'''::*Client-side Attacks:::*Phishing:::*Webbrowser - Malicious Payloads:::*IP Spoofing (Man in the Middle) / Password::*Server-side Attacks:::*Out-dated Software Patches:::*Database Injection:::*Password Cracking
:'''System Hardening in Linux:'''
::*Rule of Preventative Action
::*Rule of Separation
::*Rule of Least Privilege
:::*AAA Protocol (Authentication):
:'''Slides (Concepts):'''
::*[ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Linux Hardening (part 1) Types of Attacks :'''YouTube Videos:'''::*[ Phishing]::*[ Malicious Payload]::*[ IP Spoofing]::*[ Database Injection]::*[ Password Cracking]
:'''Reading References:'''
::*[ Linux Security Cookbook vwebv/holdingsInfo?searchId=89542&recCount=50&recPointer=0&bibId=315433 Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit (E-book)]<br />(Chapter Chapters 4 - Pages: ,5,6)
:'''YouTube VideosResources:''' ::*Linux Hardening:::[http://wwwatlas.youtubearbor.comnet/watch?v=GJMKgV8V4FI Part1ATLAS Web-page] | (Active Threat Level Analysis System)::*[ Part 2] | [http:org/top-cyber-security-risks/ Part 3php Top Security Risks 2009 (SANS Institute)]::*[http PAMWebGoat/WebGoat/wiki Webgoat]
::* [ Why Use PAM?]
::* [ Understanding and Configuring PAM]
:'''Lab 4:'''
:Attack Categories:System Hardening::*[ Linux System Hardening Types of Attacks]  <div class="messagebox" style="background-color: #f9f6b7; border: 1px solid #c4c295; color: black; padding: 5px; margin: 1ex 0; min-height: 35px; margin-left:15px; margin-right:10px; padding-left: 20px;"><div style="float: left; margin-left: -40px;"></div><div><b>WARNINGS!</b><br /><ol><li>'''Scanning ports must require the permission of Server Owner''' (part 1preferably in writing)]. Student must either work in Security lab to scan each others' ports, or sign an agreement to scan any server.<br /><br /></ol></div></div> 
:'''Assignment #1 Posted:'''
::* [ Assignment Submission Instructions]
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 6'''
More on mysql injection and Webgoat
::* [[ Blind MySQL injection video]]
'''Moved until after the break'''
:'''Hardening Windows 7/8/10'''
::*Installing and Configuring Security Configuration Wizard
::*Using New Technology File System (NTSF)
::*Configuring Automatic Updates
:'''Midterm (Test #1) Review:Details, March 6th'''::*Complete Labs 1 - 5::*Review for Midterm# Quiz 2 (February 22)
:'''Slides (Concepts):'''
::*[ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Hardening - Basic Concepts
::* [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ pptx] ] Hardening Windows
:'''Reading References:'''
::*[ Intrusion Discovery - Windows]
::* [ Hardening Windows, 2nd Edition]<br />(Chapter 5 - Pages: )
::* [ "Know Your Enemy: The Script Kiddie"]
:'''YouTube Videos:'''
   :'''Lab 4Assignment #1:'''::* Assignment Instructions (N/A)::Continue Working working on '''Lab 4'''::Work on '''Assignment #1'''and install Webgoat
:'''Week 7'''
 :'''Midterm (Test #1March 6th):'''::*Test Details(Check course announcements for test details)
:'''Additional Tasks:'''
:'''Lab 5:'''
::*'''Hardening Windows 7/8/10'''
::Work on '''Assignment #1'''
|- valign="center"
!colspan="4"|<br />'''Study Week'''
|- valign="center"
!colspan="4"|'''Study Week'''
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 8'''
:'''System Hardening in Linux / Continued:'''
::*AAA Protocol (Authorization):
:::*Cron Jobs
:::*Turning Off Xwindows
:'''Hardening Windows 2003 Server:'''
::*Installing and Configuring Security Configuration Wizard
::*Using New Technology File System (NTSF)
::*Configuring Automatic Updates
:'''Slides (Concepts):Types of Penetration Testing'''::* [ [httpNetwork::*Access Control::*Infrastructure /Patching::*Physical/ odp] ] [ [httpBuilding Security:// pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Linux Hardening (part 2)*Social Engineering
:'''YouTube Videos:'''::*[ ACLs]::*[ SELinux]::*[ Sudo]::*[ Cron Jobs]|
:'''Reading References:'''
::*[ Linux Security Cookbook]<br />(Chapter 5 - Pages: )
::*[ SELinux by Example]<br />(Chapter x - Pages: )
:'''ResourcesSlides (Concepts):See Blackboard'''::* [ How to Use ACLs]::* SELinux::* [ Sudo In a Nutshell]
:'''Slides (Concepts):'''::* [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Hardening Windows|
:'''Reading References:'''
::* [ Hardening Windows, 2nd Edition]<br />(Chapter 5 - Pages: )
:'''YouTube VideosLab 6:'''::*[ Security Configuration Wizard 2003] :'''Resources:'''::*|Work on vulnerable Windows 7 VM CTF
:'''Lab 5:'''
::System Hardening
::*[ Linux System Hardening (part 2)]
:'''Lab 7:'''
::*[ Hardening Windows 2003 Server]
:'''Types of Attacks:Passwords, Pwn'ing, & Pillaging'''::*Client-side Attacks:::*Phishing:::*Webbrowser - Malicious Payloads:::*IP Spoofing (Man in the Middle) / Password::*Server-side Attacks:::*Out-dated Software Patches:::*Database Injection:::*Password Cracking 
:'''Intrusion Detection:'''
::*Using Tripwire
:'''Slides (Concepts):See Blackboard'''::* [ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [ ppt] ] Types of Attacks
:'''YouTube Videos:'''
::*[ Phishing]
::*[ Malicious Payload]
::*[ IP Spoofing]
::*[ Database Injection]
::*[ Password Cracking]
:'''Reading References:'''
::* [ Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit (E-book)]<br />(Chapters 4,5,6)
::*[ ATLAS Web-page] (Active Threat Level Analysis System)
::*[ Top Security Risks 2009 (SANS Institute)]
:'''Slides (Concepts)Lab 7:'''::*[ [ odp] ] [ [ pdf] ] [ [http://cs.senecac.Continue to work ppt] ] Intrusion Detection / Using Tripwirevulnerable Windows 7 VM CTF
:'''Reading References:'''
::*[ Intrusion Discovery - Linux]
::*[ Linux Security Cookbook]<br />(Chapter 1 - Pages: )
|- valign="top"|:'''YouTube Videos:Week 10'''::*[ Iptables]
:'''Additional Resources (for interest):'''
::*[ Intrusion Discovery - Windows]
:'''Lab 6:Metasploit and Metasploitable 2''':Attack Categories:::*[ Types of Attacks]
<div class="messagebox" style="background-color: #f9f6b7; border: 1px solid #c4c295; color: black; padding: 5px; margin: 1ex 0; min-height: 35px; margin-left:15px; margin-right:10px; padding-left: 20px;">
<div style="float: left; margin-left: -40px;"></div>
<div><b>WARNINGS!</b><br /><ol><li>'''Scanning ports must require the permission of Server Owner''' (preferably in writing). Student must either work in Security lab to scan each others' ports, or sign an agreement to scan the Tank server within or outside Seneca College.<br /><br /><li>'''Your instructor will hand-out permission forms to allow students to obtain Tank accounts, and allow students to perform ethical "penetration testing" on that server'''. Students <b><u>must</u></b> sign this form, hand back to the instructor, and await further instructions before proceeding with penetration testing on the tank server</li></ol></div>
:'''Lab 8:'''
::*[ Intrusion Detection]
:'''Assignment #2 Posted:'''
::*Details - N/A
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 10'''
:'''Additional ConsiderationsLabs:'''::*Decoys: Honey-Pots::*DMZs::*Disaster Recovery::*The BIGGER Picture|
::* <div style="background:#ffff00">[odp] [pdf] [ppt] Additional Considerations</div>
|- valign="top"|:'''Reading References:Week 11'''::*
:'''YouTube Videos:'''
|- valign="top"
:'''Week 11'''
:'''Test #2:'''
::*Test Details
  <!-- * SELinux and httpd -->|:'''Lab 8:'''
:'''Work on Assignment #2 Evaluation:'''::*PresentationsComplete Report::*Evaluate Secured System