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OPS445 Online Lab9

314 bytes added, 13:12, 16 July 2023
Investigation 1: The Ansible Package
= System requirements =
* You must have a control machine and a valid Seneca user account on and an VM assigned to you in** control machine (matrix.senecacollege.caor your Fedora)- run ansible to configure your assigned VM in
** managed machine(s) (your vm in myvmlab.senecacollege) - to be managed by the control machine
* You should be able to ssh from your control machine as a regular user to your managed machine without supplying a login password.
* Your account on your managed machine is a sudoer and can run sudo with/without password.
* Has Ansible installed on your control machine.
* Has Python 2.7+ installed on your managed machine(s).
 = Investigation I1: The Ansible Package =
: In this investigation, we explore the main components of the Ansible configuration management system and its operating environment. We also study a simple playbook for managing the configuration of a CentOS 7.x VM.
: You need at least two Linux systems for this lab: your account on to be used as the control machine and your assigned VM in as the managed machine. The Ansible package is already installed on matrix for you.
== Part 1: The Ansible package installed on matrix ==
: You only need to have the "ansible" package on your control VM (i.e: On Fedora, Ansible is provided in the ansible package. matrix)Run: <source lang="bash">dnf install ansible</source>: On Matrix, Ansible is already installed for you.
:* Login to matrix with your Seneca account and change to the directory ~/ops445/lab9
:* Issue the following command to check the version of the "ansible" package: <source lang="bash">
[[OPS445_Ansible_setup|Click here for complete sample contents of the above]]
= Investigation II2: Ansible Playbook =
== What is a playbook? ==
: * Playbook is one of the core features of Ansible.
hosts: vmlab
user: instructor
become: yes
apache_version: 2.6
motd_warning: '"WARNING: used by ICT faculty/students only.'\n"
testserver: yes
Sample Run:
[raymond.chan@mtrx-node02pd lab9]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts --private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa -b motd-play.yml
PLAY [update motd file] *******************************************************************
- hosts: user: rootinstructor become: yes
apache_version: 2.6
motd_warning: '"WARNING: use used by ICT faculty/students only.'\n"
testserver: yes
Sample Run:
[rchan@centos7 playbooks]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts httpd-play.yml
PLAY [] ********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************************ok: []
TASK [install apache] ***********************************************************changed: []
TASK [restart apache] ***********************************************************changed: []
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************** vmlab : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
 = Investigation III3: Using Playbook to configure an OPS445 Linux VM machine =
: Assume you have just installed the latest version of CentOS 7.x on a VM with GNOME Desktop. You need to configure it so that you can use it for doing the Labs for OPS445.
: Study the documentation and examples of following ansible modules:
:* yum
Create an ansible playbook named "config_ops445.yml" using the appropriate modules to perform the following configuration tasks on your assigned VM::* update all the packages Apache (httpd) installed on in the VMInvestigation 2 - Part 2:* install extra packages repository for enterprise Linux:* install python3 (EPEL) if it is not already installed:* remove 'tree' package:* set the host name hostname to your Seneca user name:* install the git packageusername (Seneca ID):* create a new user with your Seneca_id Seneca_ID with sudo access:* configure the new user account you created above so that you can ssh to it without password:* setup a directory structs structure '''using a loop''' for completing and organizing labs as shown below:<source lang="bash"> /home/[seneca_id]/ops445/lab0
:* create a when it's ready, run your playbook named "config_ops445.yml" :* in order to perform test it, log into the tasks mentioned above.VM with the newly created user (your Seneca_ID), install the 'tree' package with sudo, and check the directory structure with the 'tree' command:* test and if everything is correct, capture its output for a successful run of your playbook to a file named "lab9_[seneca_id].txt"
= Lab 9 Sign-off (Show Instructor) =
== Have the following items ready to show your instructor: ==
: * The Ansible playbook called "config_ops445.yamlyml" for configuring the VM mentioned in Lab 1.: * The result of running the playbook "config_ops445.yamlyml". Save the result in a file called "lab9_[seneca_id].txt"
== Upload the following files to blackboard ==
: * config_ops445.yamlyml
: * lab9_[seneca_id].txt