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OPS705 Assignment 1

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In this assignment, you will install a WordPress blog from scratch on a new Azure-based Linux VM. You will also create step-by-step documentation as you go.
Unlike labs, assignments have minimal instructions. You are given specifications on what the assignment needs, and you must rely on your previous work in the course. If the assignment doesn't have the command you need, you can find it in your labs. And don't be afraid to do a little research!
Assignments in OPS705 are built as an assessment of your ability to meet the course objectives. As such, I'm unable to provide detailed help.
= Step-by-Step Documentation =A large part '''Hint: Many of this assignment is self-documentation. As you progress through the assignment, write down detailed instructions on how to complete each part. This includes these commandsrequire elevated root privileges. You may include screenshots, though it's not required. Use the OPS705 labs on this wiki as a guide to the level of detail required in your documentation. An instruction document template has been included on Blackboard with tips on how to fill out proper documentation. Use this template to fill out your instructions and submit.''
= Installing WordPress On A VM =
All other options, set up as you did with your previous Azure Linux VM.
=== Post-Installation Setup==
# Fully update the system.
# Only allow public-key authentication.
As with previous labs, your work will be evaluated by accessing your site directly. To formally submit, you must include the following:
# In the comment section of your submission, paste the URL of your new site.
# Your ''Assignment 1 Documentation PDF'' based off the linked template document on Blackboard.
Once submitted, please shutdown your VM.