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OPS705 Lab 1

1,518 bytes added, 15:47, 2 February 2023
Part 4: Adding Your Professor's Public Key
# Your Seneca login credentials
# A mobile device (phone/tablet) to setup 2FA (two-factor authentication)
# Your printed copy of the '''OPS705 Lab Logbook - Azure''' PDF
= INVESTIGATION 1: Connecting to Your Azure Account =
== Part 1: Logging In For The First Time ==
# '''Follow the link to our DevTest Lab in Azure: [https://portalfound on OPS705 DevTest Lab]'''
# Enter your Seneca credentials. (Same username and password you use for your e-mail)
# You'll next be asked to set up two-factor authentication. Do not bypass this step!
# Use your Seneca credentials.
# Complete 2FA authentication.
# Our classroom DevTest Lab will be in your recent list. (You , or you can always use the search bar to bring up DevTest Labsby looking for ''OPS705''. (<u>Do not search for ''Virtual Machines'' in the search bar.</u> You will find yourself in the wrong area and things will not work.)
= INVESTIGATION 2: Managing a Windows Server 2019 VM in Azure =
# Click the '''+ Add''' button.
# Wait for the ''Choose a base'' listing to populate. This may take a few moments.
# Select the item titled '''Windows Server 2022 2019 Datacenter(Gen 2)'''. Be careful here! There are many other options.
# A new blade, ''Create lab resource'' appears.
# In the ''Virtual machine name'' field, type: '''yourSenecaUsername-win''' (you only have 15 characters, you may need to abbreviate)
# To quit, type <code>exit</code>.
== Part 3: Downloading OPS705 Lab Files ==[[Image:Ops705_lab1_fig6.png|thumb|right|450px|Figure 6. Lab files downloaded to CentOS.]]A number of files have been created for you that you need for the next several labs. These must be downloaded to your CentOS VM using the following steps:# Install git: <code>sudo yum -y install git</code># Using git, download all lab files into your bin directory: <code>git clone ~/bin/</code># We'll explore how these two commands work in more detail over the next few weeks.# Run the following command to show you've properly downloaded all lab files, and take a screenshot of the result: <code>ls -lh ~/bin</code> == Part 4: Adding Your Professor's Public Key ==In this section, you will add your professor's public key to allow them to log in to your Linux VM and run lab checks and perform troubleshooting when needed. # On Blackboard, find your professor's public key in ''Course Documents'' and copy the text from inside the file.# Using the following command as your '''regular user''', install your professor's public key on to your Linux VM (substitute ''professorID'' for the actual public key text): <code>echo "''professorID''" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys</code> == Part 5: Fully Stopping your CentOS VM ==
As with the Windows Server VM, fully deallocating your VM is essential to responsible usage.
= INVESTIGATION 4: Managing Your VMs Directly Through Azure's UI =
In this quick investigation, we'll walk through how to directly manage virtual machines from the Azure Dashboard interface on a basic level. This is useful for starting up VMs, shutting them down when unresponsive, and deleting them when you're finished. ('''Warning:''' Do not delete either VM created in this lab!)
{{Admon/important|After creating your VMs for the first time, you must log out and log back in to Azure.|When you first create a VM in DevTest Labs (DTL) and it's in a fully running state, you need to log out and log back into the Azure Portal for permissions to be added properly to your account. If you don't, you'll get ''Permission denied'' warnings from Azure if you try to do this investigation.}}
== Part 1: Powering On A Virtual Machine ==
= Lab Submission =
When complete, show your instructor Submit to Blackboard full-desktop screenshots (PNG/JPG) of the following in-class:
# Your view of the OPS705 DevTest Labs Overview blade.
# The Azure ''Overview'' blade for your '''Windows Server''' VM.
# The Azure ''Overview'' blade for your '''CentOS''' VM.
# A full desktop screenshot of the The text file created for your Windows VM, open in Notepad.# A screenshot of your Your CentOS remote SSH session after running the command: <code>hostnamectl</code> Your professor will review your VMs directly; the screenshots are a backup in case # The list of catastrophic issues. '''Your professor will not check lab files downloaded to your lab until the screenshots have been submittedCentOS VM.'''
Make sure to fully stop your VMs when you're done!
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