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Fall 2022 SPO600 Project

373 bytes added, 16:32, 9 December 2022
Stage 3
[[Category:Fall 2022 SPO600]]
This page describes the [[SPO600]] project in the Fall 2022 semester.
== Test Code ==
To test your solution, use the code available at as the input. (Reminder: you can clone this to another system -- such as -- by using the "git clone" command along with the URL that you can find on the green '''Code''' button on the repository web page. Alternatively, you can fork the repo on GitHub and then clone your fork).
Note that your project should accept other input as well -- this code is just one example, provided for easy testing.
== Open Source ==
Since this is an open source codecourse, your code must be licensed under one of the [ Open Source Initiative approved licenses]. Select an appropriate license, and include it with your project. Note that it's important that any code from other sources that you include in your project must be under a compatible license.
This is an individual project, but since we're working with open source, you're welcome to incorporate other open source code into your project, and you may also collaborate with other students. You must write a minimum of 30% of the original code in your project.
* Submit the implementation as one or more blog posts linked to your code hosted appropriately (recommendation: place it in an accessible git repository)
Due: <strike>Sunday, December 4, 11:59 pm</strike> Thursday, December 8, 12 noon
Mark: 20%
What is required:
* A Provide the final implementation of your project
** The implementation must work
** The implementation should not have any limitations beyond those listed in the [[#Limitations|Limitations]] section above
* Bonus points may be awarded if your project works well (Note: bonus marks are not applicable if your basic solution does not work properly!) and:
** ... is not subject to some of the [[#Limitations|Limitations]] listed above. For example, your project could work on both aarch64 and x86_64 systems, or it could accept multiple function files. Up to 5% bonus is available for each limitation that you overcome. (Note: the quality of the implementation will be considered when assigning the bonus marks).is
** ... has additional useful features, such as notifying the user if autovectorization could not be applied to the code. Up to 5% bonus is available for each additional useful feature. (Note: the quality of the implementation, and usefulness of the feature, will be considered when assigning the bonus marks).
* Provide clear documentation on what the project does and how to test it