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OPS435 Python/assignment 2 fall2022

477 bytes added, 17:18, 2 December 2022
fixed a type
after completing each step. There is no penalty for "too many commits", there is no such thing!
=== Suggested Process ===
<li> Read the rest of this document, try and understand what is expected.
<li> Now implement the -d <date> option. This will filter your user list based on the date provided by the user.
<li> Use <code>./ -f -v TestDate</code> to check your work. <b>You have completed the first milestone!</b>
<li> Use <code>./ -f -v TestDaily</code> and <code>./ -f -v TestWeekly</code> to check your work. <b>You have completed the second milestone!</b>
<li> The next stage will be to implement the daily/weekly reports. Use <code>TestDaily</code> and <code>TestWeekly</code> with the check script.
<li> Perform last checks and document your code. Write **why** your code is doing what it does, rather than **what** it's doing. You should have 100% of tests succeeding.
=== Output Format ===
The format of your log tables should be identical to the sample output below, in order to minimize test check error. The horizontal banner between title and data should be composed of equal signs (=), and be the length of the title string.
List tables should need no extra formatting.
The following is a Weekly Usage Report created for the remote host by the command:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -r 10.4043.105115.130 162 -t weekly usage_data_file
Weekly Usage Report for 10.4043.105115.130162
Date Usage
Please note that there will no unit test for this, but it is still a requirement.
=== First Milestone ===By April 4the first deadline, you should have your <code>TestHelp</code>, <code>TestList</code> and <code>TestDate</code> tests all passing. Make sure that the code is in your GitHub repository. I will use a pull request comment to give feedback, suggest changes or get you unstuck.== Second Milestone ==By the second deadline, you should have <code>TestDaily</code> as well as <code>TestWeekly</code> tests passing. Again, make sure that the code pushed to GitHub includes your latest work.=== Python script coding and debugging ===
For each function, identify what type of objects should be passed to the function, and what type of objects should be returned to the caller.
Once you have finished coding a function, you should start a Python3 interactive shell, import your functions and manually test each function and verify its correctness.
=== Final Test===
Once you have all the individual function tested and that each is working properly, perform the final test with test data provided by your professor and verify that your script produces the correct results before submitting your python program on Blackboard. Upload all the files for this assignment 2 to your vm in myvmlab and perform the final test.
| First Milestone || 10 ||
| Check Script Results Second Milestone || 30 10 ||
| Additional Check: 'online' || 5 ||
| GitHub Use || 15 10 ||
| List Functions || 5 10 ||
| Daily/Weekly Functions || 10 ||
| Date Functions || 5 10 ||
| Output/other Functions Error checking and exception handline || 5 10 ||
| Overall Design/Coherence || 10 ||
| Documentation || 5 15 ||
| '''Total''' || 100 ||
== Submission ==
* Stage 1: Complete the first milestone on GitHub by April 4November 25, 20212022.* Stage 2: Complete the second milestone on GitHub by December 2, 2022.* Stage 3: Use commits to push your python script for this assignment to The final state of your repository will be looked at on April 18December 9, 2021 2022 at 11:59 PM.* Stage 3Additionally: Copy your python script into a Word document and submit to Blackboard by April 18December 9, 2021 2022 at 11:59 PM.