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OPS345 Lab 1

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https[http://awswiki.amazonlittlesvr.comca/educationwiki/awseducate/click "AWS Account", then "AWS Edicate Starter Account", then "AWS Console" = AWS cost monitoring = * Students are responsible for their AWS usage, including paying for it* No AWS alerts on AWS educate account* For those not using AWS educate: Amazon CloudWatch billing alarms* Always keep cost in the back of your mind when doing /anything/ on AWS = Basic security on a public-facing server = * A good AWS password, not used anywhere else* Remove default usernames* Whenever possible: don't use passwords at all, use SSH keys for logging in* root is never allowed to log in remotely* How to use sudo and how to configure it* ssh keys, same as OPS245* How to organise your SSH keys and not lose them = AWS networking = * Default dynamic public IP* Default static private network/IP* Reserving a static public IP under "Elastic IPs", cost of doing that = First AWS VM = * Deploy a pre-built SuSE VM ("Instance") suse-sles-15-sp2-v20201211-hvm-ssd-x86_64** Instance type t2OPS345_Lab_1 This page has moved.micro - sort of almost free* Differences between SuSE and CentOS* Explore the VM:** connect with user ec2-user, ssh key** no yum, use zypper** systemctl** passwd, shadow, group files** netstat -atnup** Create senecaid-admin user, no password, add to wheel group, modify /etc/sudoers** Confirm can log in as senecaid-user and successfully sudo su** Delete ec2-user]

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