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= Profile =
[[Image:Lukas.jpg|250px]]<br />
'''Name:''' Lukas Blakk <br/>
'''IRC:''' lsblakk<br/>
'''Email:''' lsblakk [at] learn [dot] senecac [dot] ca<br/>
'''Web:''' [ Crash Open Source class blog], [ backinblakk(videoblog)Backinblakk Videoblog], [ Hire Me]
Fifth Seventh semester BSD student. Currently on a steep learning curve. I am a returning student and thus, hadn't been in school for 11 yearsbefore doing this program. Prior to this I have worked many jobs including (but not limited to) 7-11 clerk, Subway sandwich artist, nanny, cook, brunch chef, LCBO temp, delivering NOW Magazine, and many other odd jobs.
Even though my name is Lukas, I am in fact <em>female</em>. It is important that I tell you that because otherwise you might not know and so now you do - let's move on.
Outside of the Seneca @ York universe I am teaching computer essentials to folks who are deaf-blind through the [ Canadian Helen Keller Center]. Interesting fact: you can be 'deaf-blind' without being completely deaf or completely blind. I am enjoying this experience and I hope to continue during the school year.
Inside the S@Y universe I am trying to take more steps to be involvedget the most out of this unique program, which includes taking advantage of Seneca's partnership with [http://mozilla. This is what brought me to herecom Mozilla] and any other courses that offer a good deal of "real world" experience.
=Current Project(s)=
* [[Mozilla Source and Symbol Server]] - Project Leader
* [[CSS guide]] - porting to MDC CSS Reference
* [[Mmullin_%26_Lsblakk_running_Shark_on_SunSpider]]
* Transcoding Mozilla 24 videos
* Bug Days (learning to triage)
* Test Days (over 100 tests and counting)
=Class Labs =
* Incremental Build Lab- [ Patch for making tabs open on the right of the tab that creates it]* Extension Creation Lab - [ AddTabBeside]* Thunderbird bug fix lab - [[LukasBlakkTBBugFixLab]]* XPcom lab I - [ Firstxpcom.xpi] =My Bugs =As a result of running tests on [ Litmus] I have been starting to write bug reports. Next week on Bug Day, I hope to learn how to triage bugs and go even deeper into the matrix. Filed on Friday Nov 2, 2007*'''[ bug #402219]'''*'''[ bug #402228]'''*'''[ bug #402238]''' Filed on Friday Nov 9, 2007*'''[ bug #403212]''' =FSOSS Report =[[LukasBlakkFSOSSReport]]
=Building Firefox=
[ See my blog for complete run through]
==On the MacBook (Intel) 2007==Too simple to even discuss here - the MDC docs are clear enough that you don't need more from me. The only issue that came up was, using Fink on Leopard requires that you build it yourself at the momment. Fink's homepage has a good doc on how to do this and I didn't have any trouble installing it. However, the MDC build docs say that once fink is installed you call <code> sudo apt-get install orbit orbit-dev and glib </code> - I could not get the packages that way even though apt-get was installed and working and I was able to list the packages in fink. In the end I called <code>sudo fink install orbit orbit-dev glib</code> and that worked just fine, all systems go to do mozilla building on the new toy. ==On the Mac(last year)==
Okay, so I'm on a Power PC Mac G5 Dual 2 GHz running OS X 10.4.7 (I can't update to 10.4.8 because it messes up the networked printer).