→Create a "Cloning-Source" VM (335assign Virtual Network)
== General Requirements ==
'''Weight''': '''32.5%''' of the overall grade
'''Due Date''': During '''Week 5''' (check with your professor)
== Detailed Requirements ==
<ol><li value="5">Make certain your cloning-source can connect to the Internet using the newer static configuration.</li><li>Run a '''yum update''' for this cloning-source.</li><li>Make certain that SELinux is set to '''enforcing'''(unless you're in Andrew or Hans' sections - then have it '''disabled''').</li><li>Set up an SSH server on this "cloning-source".</li><li> Make sure that '''PermitRootLogin''' is set to '''yes''' for this server.</li><li>Make certain that the root account is permitted to login only using key authentication. If other users are required to be created in a later assignment, they should be permitted to log in with their username and password.</li><li>Copy the same public key (already generated for your '''Host Machine''' for your '''root''' account in lab1) to the '''root''' account on your cloning-source.</li><li>Test to make certain that you can login from root on your host machine to your root account on the cloning-course ("pangaea") <u>'''without'''</u> being prompted for a pass-phrase.</li><li>If you have created a '''regular user''' when you installed this machine, '''<u>delete</u> that regular user''' (make certain to '''remove the regular user's home directory!''').</li></ol>
=== Set-up Firewall Rules for your Cloning-Source===
# Issue the command '''su -'''
# Create a Bash shell script called '''/root/bin/assnBackup.bash''' to perform a '''full backup''' using the '''gzip''' command to backup the entire file system of your cloning-source VM to save the compressed copy to the directory path: '''/backup/full/''').
# This shell script should store read each of any number of VM image files in the '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' directory that has the extension ".qcow2". In this way, this shell script will safely backup any new VMs that are created later in this course, yet backup the existing labs and assignment VMs.
# Perform a Net-search to use the '''pv''' (''pipe-viewer'') command to show a text-based indicator of backup for EACH VM image file. You need to add the '''EPEL repository''' to install the pv command.
# Set execute permissions for this script, and '''run this Bash shell script prior to exiting your assignment work session to properly backup your cloning source'''. You should also make a copy of the backup on an external device (such as a USB key).