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Winter 2008 DPS911-OSD700 Weekly Schedule

2,685 bytes added, 12:30, 15 April 2008
Exam Week (April 14)
** Add your '''name and project links''' to the student pages for [[Winter 2008 DPS911 Students|DPS911]] or [[Winter 2008 OSD700 Students|OSD700]]
** Write a '''1 Page Project Description and Plan''' and submit via [ email] by Friday Jan 11th
** [ Register your IRC nick] if you haven't already. The #seneca channel was being spammed by bots, so the mode was changed to +R, meaning you have to be a registered user.
* Room Bookings
== Week 2 (Jan 14) ==
* Release 0.4 due
* Student Demos
1. [[User:Awdelyea/EC2 Demo 0.4|Buildbot and EC2 v0.4 {Demo} - Tues. 11:40am]]<br />
2. <br />
3. <br />
* Student Demos
1. <br /># [[Tinderbox front page improvements]]2. <br />3. <br /># &nbsp;
* Room Bookings
== Week 4 (Jan 28) ==
* Release 0.5 due
* Student Demos
1. Source Server demo (lsblakk) Thursday 1:40<br />2. [ l10n Auto Fork - Tuesday. 3:30pm (Demo1 T1030)] <br />
3. <br />
== Week 6 (Feb 11) ==
* Release 0.6 due
* Student Demos
1. [[Tinderbox front page improvements]]<br />2. [[Add to Try Server Automated Testing Support]] - 1st presentation - 11:40am THURSDAY <br />3. [[Places API Bugfixing]] (multi-edit) - 3:30 Thurs in the ORI<br />
* Room Bookings
* Student Demos
1. Active Directory Integration - Tuesday (3:40)<br />2. <br />3'''NOTE:''' no more demos this week--Dave is away Thursday. <br />
* Room Bookings
== Week 8 (Mar 3) ==
* Release 0.7 due
* Student Demos
1. [[User:Awdelyea/EC2 Demo 0.7|Buildbot and EC2 v0.7 {Demo} - Tues. 11:40am]]<br />2. Places BugFixing Demo 1 - Thursday in the ORI, at 11:40 (after auto fork project) <br />3. [ l10n Auto Fork - Thurs. 11:40am (Demo2 T1030)] <br />
* Room Bookings
* Student Demos
1. [[Active Directory Integration]] - 2nd presentation - 15:40 Tuesday<br />2. empty<br />3. Source Server Demo - Thursday @ 1:30<br />-- cancelled due to lack of "live" status
* Room Bookings
== Week 10 (Mar 17) ==
* Release 0.8 due
* Student Demos
1. Places BugFixing Demo 2 - Tuesday in the ORI, at 4:30 pm<br />2. [[Localized Search in Firefox Search Box]] - Demo 1: Tues. 3:30 pm<br />3. [[Plugin-watcher | Plugin Watcher]] - Demo 1: Thursday 12:30 pm<br />4. [[Add to Try Server Automated Testing Support]] - 2nd presentation - time and location TBA (Dave I will contact you) <br />
* Room Bookings
* Student Demos
1. <del>Places BugFixing Demo 3 - Tuesday in the ORI, at 4:30 pm</del> Rescheduled to be included with the Final Presentation on the 18th of April<br />2. [ l10n Auto Fork - Thurs. 11:40am (Demo3 T1030)] <br />3. [[Plugin-watcher | Plugin Watcher]] - Demo 2: Thursday 12:30 pm<br />
* Room Bookings
== Week 12 (Mar 31) ==
* Release 0.9 due
* Student Demos
1. [[Plugin-watcher | Plugin Watcher]] - Demo 3: Thursday 12:30 pm<br />2. Active Directory Integration - Thursday @ 3:30<br />3. Source Server Demo - Thursday @ 1:30 (lsblakk)<br />
* Room Bookings
* Student Demos
1. [[User:Awdelyea/EC2 Demo 1.0|Buildbot and EC2 v1.0 {Demo} - Tues. 11:40am]]<br />2. [[Localized Search in Firefox Search Box]] - Demo 2: Tues. 3:30 pm <br />3. [[Add to Try Server Automated Testing Support]] (Final release presentation) - After Buildbot EC2 presentation<br />4. [[Mozilla Source and Symbol Server]] Thursday @ 1:30<br />
* Room Bookings
== Exam Week (April 14) ==
* '''Release 1.0 dueon Friday April 18th by 12:00 midnight''' * April 18th Presentation Schedule (ORI T1015): '''Time Slot, Name, Presentation Title'''
* Room Bookings1:00 - Lukas Blakk, Microsoft Source Server Integration*1:15 - Timothy Duavis, Places Bug fixing project* "THE FISHBOWL" (T1030) - Tuesday: 31:30 - 5Dominic Baranski, Tinderbox UI Improvements* 1:0545 - Cesar Oliveira, Active Directory Integration*2:00 - Fima Kachinski, Firefox Plugin Watcher* "THE FISHBOWL" (T1030) 2:15 - ThursdayAdam Delyea, Seneca Try Server* 2: 1130 - Armen Zambrano Gasparnian, Unit Tests on Seneca's Try Server* 2:40 45 - 1:30Rueen Fiez, Firefox Localization Automation

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