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Make FUEL work with Firefox 2

3,434 bytes added, 22:43, 23 March 2008
== Introduction ==
Under ConstructionFUEL (Firefox User Extension Library) is a JavaScript Library designed to help developers build extensions using terminology and interfaces that are familiar to them. It will be usable in Firefox 1.5-3.0.FUEL is about making it easier for extension developers to be productive, by minimizing some of the XPCOM formality and adding some "modern" JavaScript ideas. We want to start with areas that will provide the most benefit.[ source]
== The People ==
* [[User:Samer.Ziadeh|Samer Ziadeh]]
== Project LeaderTODO ==* At the moment FUEL is manually added to the build (ssee below). It will be much easier if the build script did it for us :) ==
Name(s) of primary people working == Project Details ==At the moment FUEL only works on Firefox3. This project is dedicated in back porting FUEL to make it work with Firefox2 == fuelApplication.js =='''fuelApplication.js''' is located in '''mozilla/browser/fuel/src''' and will be the main file that will undergo the changes.You can get the projectlatest update of it [ here]. If you want to join It's just a project as leaderplain text file, discuss it doesn't have the fancy change revision. Below are the list of the functions I tested with other leaders firstand what did and didn't work. Include links to personal pages within wiki <b><font style="font-size:120%">Working:</font></b>* Console<b><font style="font-size:120%">Not Working:</font></b>* Bookmarks
== Project Contributor(s) Build Instructions ==We need to create a directory to throw the mozilla source in.<pre>mkdir mozilla-1.8-branchcd mozilla-1.8-branch</pre>
Name(s) of people casually working This will fetch the '''' file from mozilla.'''' contains info on how to configure the build tree to configure any productthe ''-r MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH'' specifies to the server that we want the '''' file from the project, or who have contributed significant help1.8 branch<pre>cvs -d co -r MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH mozilla/client. Include links to personal pages within wikimk</pre>
NOTE: only Project Leader(s) should add names here. You '''can’t''' add your own name to the Contributor list.
Now we need to create the ''.mozconfig'' file.It contains parameters for '''' on how to checkout and build.The last ''ac_add_options'' line is not needed for non Mac machines.<pre>cd mozillacat > .mozconfig << MOZCONFIG# Options for MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browsermk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR= Project Details @TOPSRCDIR@/objdirmk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-s -j4" # Options for 'configure' (same as command-line options).ac_add_options --enable-application=browserac_add_options --enable-debugac_add_options --enable-testsac_add_options --with-macos-sdk=/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdkMOZCONFIG</pre> After creating the MozConfig file we can begin downloading the source. <small>(around 220mb)</small><pre>make -f checkout</pre> Now we can start building firefox.<pre>make -f build</pre>When finished the firefox executable is found in the following directories* xp/*nix: mozilla/dist/bin/firefox* mac: mozilla/dist/bin/ To download FUEL navigate to ''../mozilla''<pre>cd ..cvs -d co mozilla/browser/fuel</pre> Now that we have acquired the fuel source we need to modify the ''browser/'' to let the build know about the addition<pre>cd mozilla/browservi</pre>* Go to the line starting with DIRS* Append fuel to the end of it<pre>DIRS = base components locales extensions themes app fuel</pre> The build script doesn't generate the fuel part automatically, which is why fuel is fetched after the build is done.The following steps will force the generation of the makefiles manually, and then rebuild fuel and app<pre>cd ../objdir../build/autoconf/make-makefiles browser/fuelmake -C browser/fuelmake -C browser/app</pre>
Soon soon :)and there you have it, FUEL is now built into ff2
== Project News Links ==
* [ Samer's Blog]* [ How To Build a Mozilla Tree]* [ FUEL]* [ FUEL docs]* [ bug #390335]* [ FUEL JS Test Files]

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