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GPU621/The Chapel Programming Language

77 bytes added, 18:22, 4 December 2020
Library Utilities
# [ Xi Weng]
# [ Ivan Huang]
# [ Yu (Jackie) Li]
# [;; eMail All]
=== Locality ===
The built-in type locale is used to represent locales in Chapel. When a task is trying to access a variable within the same locale, the cost is less compared to accessing a variable from another locale.
'''numLocales:''' a built-in variable which returns the number of locales for the current program as an integer.
use Time;
config const quiet: bool = false;
/* Create a Timer t */
If !quiet then { /* return time in milliseconds that was recorded by the timer */ writeln(t.elapsed(TimeUnits.milliseconds)); }
'''List:''' the list type can be imported using the following statement:
private use List; config const quiet: bool = false;
var new_list: list(int) = 1..5;
'''insert(index, value):''' used to insert the value at the specified index.
== Comparison to MPI & OpenMP ==
// Chapel is short and concise.

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