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DPS921/OpenACC vs OpenMP Comparison

320 bytes added, 15:22, 2 December 2020
=== An example ===
If we want to render a 4k image which has 8.2 million pixels (3,840 x 2,160), we have to do the same rendering algorithm on 8.2 million pixels. The GPU can accomplish this task much more efficient since it has a much higher number of processors that can execute the algorithm at the same time.
== What is OpenACC ==
OpenAcc OpenACC (Open Accelerators) is a programming standard for parallel computing on accelerators such as GPUs, which mainly targets Nvidia GPUs. OpenACC is designed to simplify GPU programming, unlike CUDA and OpenCL where you need to write your programs in a different way to achieve GPU acceleration, OpenACC takes a similar approach as OpenMP, which is inserting directives into the code to offload computation onto GPUs and parallelize the code at CUDA core level. It is possible for programmers to create efficient parallel OpenACC code with only minor changes to a serial CPU code.
=== Example ===