→create a private repository on github
* Complete the testing and debugging by Dec 4 on the vm in myvmlab, and also submit the detail algorithm file (algorithm.txt), test results and the python script (a1_[seneca_id].py)to blackboard.
'''Due Date:''' Please follow the three stages of submission schedule:* Check point 1: complete the detail algorithm for this assignment by November 25, 2020. Name it as a2r_algorithm.txt and upload it to your github repository* Check point 2: complete the coding of the python script from the algorithm by Dec 2, 2020. Name it as a2r_[Seneca_name].py (replace [Seneca_name] with your Seneca email user name) and upload it to your github repo by Dec 2, 2020.* Check point 3: complete the testing and debugging of your script Dec 4, and also submit your algorithm file (a2r_algorithm.txt), test results and the python script (a2r_[Seneca_name].py) to Blackboard. '''Late Penalty:''' 20% per school day, and note that this assignment must be completed satisfactorily in order to pass the this course even if you get zero mark for , this assignmentmust be completed satisfactorily, i.e. a grade of 50% or more.
* Use the same github account you used for your assignment 1 repository.
* Create a private repository named "ops435-a2r" for this assignment.
* Populate your private repository with appropriate files. Please check out the sample repository <b><font color='blue'>[https://github.com/rayfreeping/ops435-a2 a2r here]</font></b>
=== Add collaborator to your ops435-a2r private repository ===