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DPS921/Intel Parallel Studio Inspector

1,174 bytes added, 20:37, 29 November 2020
Thread Race Conditions
== Thread Race Conditions ==
The below code does three things. The fisrt is to define a class counter. This class has three functions and one member variable. the Variable is the counter which is meant to be iterated. The three functions are the constructor, which sets the counter to 0. The getter which returns the value of the counter and lastly the increment function add(), which when called increments the counter by the specified amount. Secondly the code defines the function runCounter() which is responsible for creating a counter type object, creating ten threads and assigning them all to increment the counter by 1,000 simultaneously. This creates the optimal conditions for a race condition to occur within the add() member function of the counter object. And lastly the main() function is responsible for running the runcounterFunction 10,000 times.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp" line='line'>
As the image below shows, the Intel Parallel Inspector manages to accurately detect the race condition, and properly highlight it in the showcase window. It should be noted that this view creates the perfect perspective to guide a programmer to implement either a lock or a mutex on this particular segment of code.
== OMP Race Conditions ==

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