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My Favicons extension

1,607 bytes added, 22:31, 15 February 2008
Project News
- Allow the user to load favicon's for specific web paths, through the use of Open/Load/Save dialog boxes.
-> current almost-working version (Installs automatically): [ Custicon@andrew.raynier.xpi]
== Project News ==
-extension Extension skeleton completed
i.e.:(makes a pop-up alert box. Rest of code commented out to stop crashing)
<strike>[[Image:Custicon.xpi|v0.2 Favicon Extension xpi files]]</strike>  -This version (v.02.9) installs correctly, and has the first part of the UI working. (just the backkground doesn't) [ Custicon@andrew.raynier.xpi]  '''Working Releases:''' -Finally, I have here my v0.3.5 release that actually lets you load up your own favicons!(and save them in history for the most part).Jut unzip this .zip file directly into your extension folder (make sure it's file folders are in a folder named "Custicon@andrew.raynier"), and it will automatically be installed and ready to use for that Firefox profile. <strike>[]</strike>  - v0.3.?+ This latest release doesn't add much to the front end, since content preference saving is still being coded in, but there is a a nice chunk of comments added for development-friendliness, as well as a few reworked functions, which are being tweaked to improve performance and readability when I implement the preference saving and editing. (this still needs to be manually pasted into the extension folder. If someone would tell me what I'm doing wrong, I'll be happy to learn.) [] -release as of Feb. 15, 2008 
[[User:Simon|Simon Jung (simonJ)]] : Contributed a zip batch of Icons (.ico files).