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ULI101 Assignment 3

6 bytes added, 09:04, 11 September 2020
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<p><b>Objective:</b> To gain experience with more of the fundamentals of Unix/Linux commands and the file system.</p>
<p><b>Due date</b>: December 11, 2020</p>
<p><b>Value</b>: 610% of final course mark</p>
<p><b>Perform the following steps on Matrix:</b></p>
6 <span style="color:white; background-color:blue">sed And awk</span><br>
Marks earned so far for ULI101 Assignment 31: 0 out of 6<br>10<br>The highlighted lines above indicate the incomplete parts of the Assignment.<br>There is a total possible mark of 610, with 1 mark .5 marks added for each completed<br>part, plus 1 additional mark if all six parts are completed by midnight of thedue date. The Assignment is due by December 6 201911 2020.<br><br><span style="color:white; background-color:blue">Completed sections will count for marks only until December 6 201911 2020, which is<br>the last day of classes.</span><br>
You are currently registered to <span style="color:white; background-color:blue">ULI101 Section A NAA - Brian Gray</span>.<br>
Select 'C' if you need to change your ULI101 Section.<br>

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