* [[Domainreg | OPS535 Domain Registration Page]]
Added test #2 back in
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|+ OPS535 Weekly Index
! week
! Topics
! Tasks/Labs
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"
| 1:Sept 414 - 20 Sep
| <ul><li> Course Overview
</li><li>[https://scsict.senecac.onsenecacollege.ca/course/OPS535 ops535 OPS535 Course Outline]
</li><li>[[OPS535 Required Material|Required Material List]]
</li><li> [[OPS535 Due Date| Assignments, Lab due dates]]
| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Prerequisite Review|Single Host Administration Review]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535-prelab| Pre-Lab]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"
| 2: 21 - 27 Sep
| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Linux Firewall Review| Firewalls Review and configuration]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535 TCP/IP Network Review2|TCP/IP Network Review]]</li>
<li>[[OPS535 Local and Network Security|Local and Network Security]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L1| Lab 1]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"
| 23:Sept 11| <ul><li>[[OPS535 DNS Review|DNS Review]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 TCP/IP Network Review2|TCP/IP Network Review]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L2| Lab 2]]</li></ul>|- style="vertical28 Sep -align: top; background: none"| 3:Sept 18 04 Oct
| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Network Storage and Access|Network Storage and Access]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535 NFS|Network File System]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L3| Lab 3]]</li></ul>|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"| 4:Sept 25| <ul><li>[[OPS535 NIS and LDAP| NIS and LDAP]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Directory Service|Network Directory Services]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535lab-L4nfs| Lab 42]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"
| 54:05 - 11 Oct 2| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Linux Firewall ReviewOpenLDAP Server| Firewalls Review and configurationOpenLDAP Server Administration]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Local and Network Security|Local and Network Security]http://www.openldap.org/doc/ OpenLDAP Documentation]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L5lab-ldap| Lab 53]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"
| 65:12 - 18 Oct 9| <ul><li>Thanksgiving Holiday - No lecture[[OPS535 DNS Review|DNS Review]]</li> <li>Dynamic DNS and TSIG</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Advanced DNS Topics|Adcanced DNS Topics]https://www.dns-school.org/Documentation/dnssec_howto.pdf#part.4 TSIG Tutorial]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 A1-lab-dynamicdns | Assignment 1Lab 4]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"
| 76:(19 - 25 Oct 16)<font color='red'>Nov 21-24</font>| <ul><li>Return to Class[[OPS535 eMail Protocols|SMTP, POP, and IMAP]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Network Virtualization|Netwok Virtualization]]Review for midterm</li></ul>|| <ul><li>[[OPS535 A1| Assignment 1]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"
| BreakStudy Week: 26 Oct 23-2701 Nov
| Study/Reading Week
| All of the above.
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"
| 87:(Oct 30)<font color='red'>02 - 08 Nov 27 - Dec 1</font>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Mid-Term Test|Mid-Term Test]]</li><li>[[OPS535 Advanced DNS|DNS Logging, Dynamic DNS and DNSSEC]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 eMail Protocols|SMTP, POP, and IMAP]]Test #1</li></ul>|| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L6L5| Lab 65]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"
| 8: 09 - 15 Nov| <ul><li>[https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/postfix_restrictions Postfix Restrictions]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[http://www.postfix.org/SMTPD_ACCESS_README.html Postfix Access Control]</li><li>[http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html Postfix Configuration Parameters]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535-lab-dnssec| Lab 6]]</li></ul>|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"| 9:16 - 22 Nov 6| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Email ProtocolsPostfix SPF|eMail Protocol suiteInternet mail system]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Internet mail system|DNS and eMail]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L7lab-spf| Lab 7]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"
| 10:23 - 29 Nov 13| <ul><li>[[OPS535 email system|Internet mail system]]Linux Clusters and Docker</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 LDAP|Lightweight Directory Access Protocol]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535-L8| Lab 8]]</li></ul>
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"
| 11:30 Nov 20- 06 Dec| <ul><li>[[OPS535 OpenLDAP ServerLinux Clusters|OpenLDAP Server AdministrationLinux Clusters and OpenShift]]</li></ul>| <ul><li>[http://www.openldap.org/doc/ OpenLDAP Documentation]Test #2</li></ul>| <ul><li>[[OPS535 A2| Assignment 2]]Exam Review</li></ul>|
|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"
| 12:Nov 27| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Linux Clusters| Linux Clusters and OpenShift]]</li><li>[[OPS535 A2| Assignment 2]]</li></ul>| | <ul><li>[[OPS535 A2| Assignment 2]]</li></ul>|07 - style="vertical-align: top; background: #f9f9f9"| 13:11 Dec 4| <ul><li>[[OPS535 Exam Review| Final Exam Review]]</li></ul>
| <ul><li>[[OPS535 A2| Assignment 2]]</li></ul>|- style="vertical-align: top; background: none"| Exam:Dec 11-15| Exam: Bring your log book| Please check your exam time table.| <ul><li>Do the exam.</li></ul>
* Additional reading/reference list for [[OPS535 Extra |OPS535]]