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INT322 Assignment 2

914 bytes added, 18:06, 11 July 2020
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| Andriy Granovsky(aagranovsky, 066446089)
| [[Tuesday April 13 After 4:30]]
= Assignment 2 =
== Description Place source info here ==
=== point 1 login.html ===
* first* secondHey guys, after a while of looking for pleasent color balance i found this font with the background. Please place/replace this <body> tag everywhere in all the html/perl/cgi code of the assignment. here it is  <body bgcolor="#778899" style = "font-family: candara; font-size: 16pt"> if someone disagrees please feel free to change it. The login and register pages are complete and uploaded. Now, we need to link the script to the database(the fun part).Jamal I need to know where are you with the assignment, cuz I gotta know which pages to make still., Please post status update.Here is how it looks like:  Thanx andre granovsky
= Discussion =
 Hey, we're going to meet on Saturday morning at 11am to work on it, but if you'll be busy with EJB that's alright. Gamal and I will do what we can on Saturday, then show you what we've done on Tuesday night if we get a chance. Hey guys, I have a huge EJB605 Course project to complete and present for Tuesday. So I'll be working on it on the weekend, but as I said before I'll make a login page(its almost done), and proceed with login code in perl. I'm almost done lab 6, and it helped me understand how to update table through perl. I'll be at school saturday all day and sunday, writing my course project, so we can deffinately talk, but I really gotta finish it. It's a real world Java Enterprise application, which I worked on for 5 weeks, and now gotta create a presentation for. But I'll dedicate my full attention to the assignment on Tuesday after I present in the morning. Hope it doesnt cuz too much inconvinience for you guys. Thank you,andre

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