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OPS235 Assignment 1 Fall 2013

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{{Admon/notecaution|Assignment Material May Appear on Tests and ExamTHIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE ASSIGNMENT|Doing your assignment '''This is part of your ongoing learning processan archived version. As such you will be tested on Do not use this material in future tests and exams. If you have any questions or need help, please consult your instructor in a timely manner. The due date for this assignment will not be extended. As it must be marked in class.This assignment will be marked partially through demonstration and partially through the submission of filesOPS235 course.'''}}= OPS235 Assignment 1 =
'''Weight''': 5% of the overall grade
=OPS235 Assignment #1 '''Due Date''': Week 7 (ASSIGNMENT TOTAL: 85 Marksin class)=
== Create a new virtual machine ==# It doesn'''Weight:''' 5% t matter whether you use the Fedora Live CD or Installation DVD for this.# The virtual machine name and the hostname for the machine must be your learn user ID.# The regular user you create during installation must also be your learn user ID.# Make sure that LVM is used for your new system, "Use all space" should take care of the overall gradethat.
'''Due Date:''' Week The rest of this assignment should be done after study week. (Check with your Professor for exact date). Due at the start of classinstallation is completed successfully.
{{Admon== LVM/important|Use the ''Fedora2'' Virtual Machine|Complete all parts of this assignment on fstab ==# Add two more drives to your <code>fedora2</code> virtual machine '''except''' for , 1GB each.# Add your new drives to the installation of Linux on existing volume group.# Create a new VMlogical volume using all available space in the volume group, call it lv_extra# Create a directory named "extra" in your home directory. Before starting your assignment make # Make a backup of change to your virtual machine following fstab so that lv_extra can be mounted on that new directory when the command "mount /home/youruser/extra" is issued.# Make sure that the instructions in lab 3mount command can be issued successfully by your regular user.# Aso make sure lv_extra is not mounted automatically at boot.}}
{{Admon/important|Backup Your Configuration Files|Before making any changes to your system configuration, backup the original configuration files into the <code>/backups</code> directory. The contents of that directory will be considered during marking.}}== Package Management ==
==Basic Chores (Section TotalResearch the <code>rpm</code> and <code>yum</code> commands to: 20 Marks)==
'''Complete # Verify the following tasks on your system (4 points for each completed task).'''{{Admon/tip|Adding integrity of a Virtual Disk|To complete the first task you may need to create an additional virtual disk image for the package using <code>fedora2rpm</code> virtual machineto see if any of its files have been altered since installation.}}(you will be asked to demonstrate this when your assignment is marked)# Add the [] repository to the yum configuration. (you will be asked to demonstrate installing a package from the rpmfusion repository when your assignment is marked)
#Setup your system so that the command <code>mount /a1</code> -- executed by any user -- will attach the logical volume <code>lv_a1</code> from the volume group called <code>ops235</code> (minimum 100 MB) to the mountpoint <code>/a1</code> (The volume should NOT be automatically mounted at boot time) #Setup your system login banner to say '''Free software: Free as in Freedom.''' (the user should see this on text-based virtual consoles before login to the system)#Setup your system login message to say '''Open Source is Changing The Computing World''' (to be displayed on all text-based virtual consoles after a successful login prompt)#Setup your system so that every user has a command alias called <code>deltemp</code> which will delete the contents of a directory called <code>~/tmp</code> ('''NOT''' the main <code>/tmp</code> directory!)#Setup the bash environment for the user '''root''' (and only '''root''') so that the prompt includes the current date.== Alternate Software Installation ==
Review the <!-- ==Finding your way==code>yum group*</code> commands and use them to:
'''Research on your Fedora system to come up with sets of commands to accomplish # Find and install the XFCE dektop environment discussed in the following tasks article: [ XFCE Review]# Do the rest of the assignment (5 points for each completed taskincluding the assignment submission)'''while running XFCE.
#Display a list of all Review the files under the <procedures for compiling and installing software from source code>/boot</code> directory and its sub-directories that have been created or modified within use them to:# Download and extract the last 4 hourssource code for ISO Master.#Display a list of all the files under the <code>/etc</code> directory Compile and all its sub-directories that have been created or modified today install it (since midyou will need gtk2-nightdevel installed).#Display Now run it and have a list look at the Help/About dialog box. You will have to change the contents of all that box.# Edit the file about.c in the files under source you use earlier, and change "An application for editing ISO9660 images based on the bkisofs access library and the <code>/var</code> directory GTK2 GUI toolkit." to "An application used by YOURNAME for OPS235 Assignment 1".# Compile and all its sub-directories install the application again, exactly the same way you did the first time. Your change should be simple enough that were last accessed more than 4 days agocomplicated bugs are unlikely.
Put each set of commands in == Install a separate file. Name the file for task (1) second Linux distribution as ass1-1, task (2) as ass1-2, etc. It must be possible to run these script files simply by typing their name (set the permissions appropriately). -->a Virtual Machine ==
==To sudo or not to sudo (Section Total: 12 Marks)==* Create another virtual machine.* The virtual machine name and the hostname for the machine must be your learn user ID followed by -mint. For example asmith15-mint* Install Linux Mint in the new virtual machine.
Sudo is a tool which enables specific users to run specific commands as another user (such as "root").== Submission ==
'''Study the man page for the <code>sudo</code> command andDue date:'''When you are ready for your assignment #1 to be marked, call over your instructor. Students that do not have ALL required information for instructor to mark their assignment #1 will automatically lose 20% of their assignment mark (deducted from total assignment mark calculation). In that case you may show me your submission in the second lab that week instead. Assignments submitted after that will receive a grade of 0, but must still be completed satisfactorily in order to pass the course.
#Update sudo's configuration file (using the proper program) to allow only your Learn account ''Ready to show:''' open terminal windows having run <code>sudo</code> for the following commands as <code>root</code>: (8 points)#*<code>mount</code>#*<code>fdisk</code>#*<code>passwd</code>#*<code>lsusb</code>#Create a new user called <code>helper</code> necessary to show all the required items in the rubric below. It is ok to switch windows and allow only this user virtual machines while submitting your assignment, but you should not need to run <code>sudo</code> for the following any commands as ''your'' learn account: (4 points)#*<code>vi</code>#*<code>tail</code>.
{{Admon/note|Bonus Option|Explain If you have questions about the hidden danger of including "vi" in the sudo command list (above). Submit this at the time of inassignment -class marking as a well-written, typed, one-page paper with please wait until everyone's assignment is submitted and ask your name and LearnID at the top of the pagequestion after that.}}
==Package Management(Section Total: 8 Marks)Rubric ==
'''Research the <code>rpm<{| class="wikitable" border="1"! Task !! Maximum mark !! Actual mark|-| New Fedora VM installed || 1 |||-| Correct VM name /code> and <code>yum<hostname /code> commands to:'''username || 2 |||-| Two 1GB virtual drives added || 2 |||-| 2GB lv_extra || 2 |||-#Verify | No space left available in the VG || 2 |||-| Correct fstab entry || 2 |||-| RPM integrity of a verification command || 2 |||-| Installing package using <code>rpm</code> to see if any of its files have been altered since installation. (you will be asked to demonstrate this when your assignment is marked)(4 points)#Add the [http://from] repository || 2 |||-| Using XFCE || 2 || |-| Modified ISO Master about dialog box || 2 || |-| Other linux installed and running, one terminal window open || 2 || |-| Everything ready to the yum configuration. (you will be asked show when professor comes by to demonstrate installing a package from the rpmfusion repository when your assignment is marked) (4 points)look || 2 || |-==Alternate Software Installation(Section | '''Total: 13 Marks)==''' || 23 ||
'''Review the <code>yum group*</code> commands and use them to: (5 points)
#Find and install the XFCE dektop environment discussed in the following article: [ XFCE Review]
#*You will be asked to demonstrate how to switch to this desktop environment and back again without restarting the X server.
'''Review the procedures for compiling and installing software from source code and use them to: (8 points)'''
#Find and install the E3 text editor from source code. The project page for it can be found here: [ E3 Project]
#*You will be asked to demonstrate how to create a file using this editor.
==SysAdmin Portion(Section Total: 8 Marks)==
'''Create a bash script called <code>/bin/snapshot</code> to record the following information: (6 points)'''
*A list of all recent bad login attempts.
*A list of Logical Volumes, Physical Volumes, and Volume Groups.
*A report of all mounted filesystems, the amount of space used and the amount of space available.
*The information should be appended to the file <code>/var/log/snapshot.txt</code>
'''Research the <code>at</code> command and and schedule your script to execute at 2:00am on Christmas day (Dec 25). (2 points)'''
==Exploring Your Options(Section Total: 4 Marks)==
'''Research, install, and test one software application for each of the following tasks: (4 points)'''
{| style="float: right; margin: 0 0 3em 2em; border: 1px solid black;"
!style="background: #cccccc" colspan="2"|Assigned 2nd Distros for Winter 2012
|<u>Last Student# digit</u><br/>
0 or 1<br/>
4 or 5<br/>
*Desktop Publishing*Video Editing*Accounting/Bookkeeping*Real Time Strategy Game =Old Assignments =Install a second Linux distribution as a Virtual Machine(Section Total: 13 Marks)== You will be asked to demonstrate booting the 2nd distro in class. To determine which Linux distribution to install, find your student ID number and then use the last digit in your student number to find your matched distribution due for this assignment using the table to the right.   {{Admon/important|Install the second Linux distribution in a new VM on your disk pack|Do NOT install the second Linux distro on <code>fedora2</code> -- create a new VM on your disk pack and install it there.}} ==Submitting your assignment (Section Total: 10 Marks)== Please refer to your OPS235 instructor for submitting assignment #1
Still here for historical purposes. Obviously you don't need to do them.
* [[OPS235_Assignment_1/W12]]