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{{Admon/caution|Winter 2011 Version!THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE ASSIGNMENT|'''This is the Winter 2011 an archived version of the assignment. Do not use the information on this page until the assignment has been updated for Fall 2011 and this banner has been removed.}}{{Admon/note|Assignment Material May Appear on Tests and Exam|Doing your assignment is part of your ongoing learning process. As such you will be tested on this material in future tests and exams. If you have any questions or need help, please consult your instructor in a timely manner. The due date for this assignment will not be extended. As it must be marked in classOPS235 course.This assignment will be marked partially through demonstration and partially through the submission of files.}}{{Admon/important|Use the ''Fedora2'' Virtual Machine|Complete all parts of this assignment on your <code>fedora2</code> virtual machine '''except''' for the installation of Linux on a new VM. Before starting your assignment make a backup of your virtual machine following the instructions in lab 3.}}= OPS235 Assignment 1 =
==Basic ChoresLVM/fstab ==# Add two more drives to your virtual machine, 1GB each.# Add your new drives to the existing volume group.# Create a new logical volume using all available space in the volume group, call it lv_extra# Create a directory named "extra" in your home directory.# Make a change to your fstab so that lv_extra can be mounted on that new directory when the command "mount /home/youruser/extra" is issued.# Make sure that the mount command can be issued successfully by your regular user.# Aso make sure lv_extra is not mounted automatically at boot.
# Verify the integrity of a package using <!-- ==Finding code>rpm</code> to see if any of its files have been altered since installation. (you will be asked to demonstrate this when your assignment is marked)# Add the [http://rpmfusion.org/ rpmfusion.org] repository to the yum configuration. (you will be asked to demonstrate installing a package from the rpmfusion repository when your way==assignment is marked)
If you have questions about the assignment - please wait until everyone'''Research the <code>rpm</code> s assignment is submitted and <code>yum</code> commands to:'''ask your question after that.
{| class="wikitable" border=Alternate Software Installation=="1"! Task !! Maximum mark !! Actual mark'''Review the <code>yum group*</code> commands and use them to: (5 points)|-| New Fedora VM installed || 1 |||-#Find and install the XFCE dektop environment discussed in the following article: [http:| Correct VM name /hostname /www.osnews.com/story.php/5478/XFceusername || 2 |||-4| Two 1GB virtual drives added || 2 |||-| 2GB lv_extra || 2 |||-A| No space left available in the VG || 2 |||-Refreshingly| Correct fstab entry || 2 |||-Solid-Desktop XFCE Review]#*You will be asked to demonstrate how to switch to this desktop environment and back again without restarting the X server.| RPM integrity verification command || 2 |||-'''Review the procedures for compiling and installing software from source code and use them to: (8 points)'''#Find and install the E3 text editor | Installing package from source coderpmfusion. The project page for it can be found here: [http://freshmeat.net/projects/e3 E3 Project]org || 2 ||#*You will be asked to demonstrate how to create a file using this editor.|-| Using XFCE || 2 || ==SysAdmin Portion==|-| Modified ISO Master about dialog box || 2 || '''Create a bash script called <code>/bin/snapshot</code> to record the following information: (6 points)'''|-*A list of all recent bad login attempts.*A list of Logical Volumes| Other linux installed and running, Physical Volumes, and Volume Groups.one terminal window open || 2 || *A report of all mounted filesystems, the amount of space used and the amount of space available.|-*The information should be appended | Everything ready to the file <code>/var/log/snapshot.txt</code> '''Research the <code>at</code> command and and schedule your script show when professor comes by to execute at look || 2:00am on Christmas day (Dec 25). (2 points)''' ==Exploring Your Options==|| |-| '''Research, install, and test one software application for each of the following tasks: (4 points)Total'''|| 23 ||
* [[OPS235_Assignment_1/W12]]