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==Basic ChoresLVM/fstab ==# Add two more drives to your virtual machine, 1GB each.# Add your new drives to the existing volume group.# Create a new logical volume using all available space in the volume group, call it lv_extra# Create a directory named "extra" in your home directory.# Make a change to your fstab so that lv_extra can be mounted on that new directory when the command "mount /home/youruser/extra" is issued.# Make sure that the mount command can be issued successfully by your regular user.# Aso make sure lv_extra is not mounted automatically at boot.
# Verify the integrity of a package using <!-- ==Finding code>rpm</code> to see if any of its files have been altered since installation. (you will be asked to demonstrate this when your assignment is marked)# Add the [http://rpmfusion.org/ rpmfusion.org] repository to the yum configuration. (you will be asked to demonstrate installing a package from the rpmfusion repository when your way==assignment is marked)
If you have questions about the assignment - please wait until everyone'''Research the <code>rpm</code> s assignment is submitted and <code>yum</code> commands to:'''ask your question after that.
{| class="wikitable" border=Alternate Software Installation=="1"! Task !! Maximum mark !! Actual mark'''Review the <code>yum group*</code> commands and use them to: (5 points)|-| New Fedora VM installed || 1 |||-#Find and install the XFCE dektop environment discussed in the following article: [http:| Correct VM name /hostname /www.osnews.com/story.php/5478/XFceusername || 2 |||-4| Two 1GB virtual drives added || 2 |||-| 2GB lv_extra || 2 |||-A| No space left available in the VG || 2 |||-Refreshingly| Correct fstab entry || 2 |||-Solid-Desktop XFCE Review]#*You will be asked to demonstrate how to switch to this desktop environment and back again without restarting the X server.| RPM integrity verification command || 2 |||-'''Review the procedures for compiling and installing software from source code and use them to: (8 points)'''#Find and install the E3 text editor | Installing package from source coderpmfusion. The project page for it can be found here: [http://freshmeat.net/projects/e3 E3 Project]org || 2 ||#*You will be asked to demonstrate how to create a file using this editor.|-| Using XFCE || 2 || ==SysAdmin Portion==|-| Modified ISO Master about dialog box || 2 || '''Create a bash script called <code>/bin/snapshot</code> to record the following information: (6 points)'''|-*A list of all recent bad login attempts.*A list of Logical Volumes| Other linux installed and running, Physical Volumes, and Volume Groups.one terminal window open || 2 || *A report of all mounted filesystems, the amount of space used and the amount of space available.|-*The information should be appended | Everything ready to the file <code>/var/log/snapshot.txt</code> '''Research the <code>at</code> command and and schedule your script show when professor comes by to execute at look || 2:00am on Christmas day (Dec 25). (2 points)''' ==Exploring Your Options==|| |-| '''Research, install, and test one software application for each of the following tasks: (4 points)Total'''|| 23 ||
* [[OPS235_Assignment_1/W12]]