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OPS435 Assignment 2 Summer

100 bytes added, 12:37, 19 July 2019
'''<font color="red">DRAFT</font>
=Assignment 2 - Usage Report=
'''Weight:''' 15% of the overall grade
$ cat usage_data_file
rchan pts/9 Tue Feb 13 16:53:42 2018 - Tue Feb 13 16:57:02 2018 (00:03)
cwsmith pts/10 Web Wed Feb 14 23:09:12 2018 - Thu Feb 15 02:11:23 2018 (03:02)
rchan pts/2 Tue Feb 13 16:22:00 2018 - Tue Feb 13 16:45:00 2018 (00:23)
rchan pts/5 Tue Feb 15 16:22:00 2018 - Tue Feb 15 16:55:00 2018 (00:33)
Month Usage in Seconds
2018 02 15803560Total 15803560
* Use any of your valid email address (Seneca or non-Seneca) to registered for a github account.
* Create a private repository named "ops435-a2" for this assignment.
* Populate your private repository with appropriate files. Please check out the sample repository [ here]
=== Add collaborator to your ops435-a2 private repository ===
* output the required report based on the processed data
==== identify and select appropriate python objects and functions ====
The following python functions (to be created, you may have more) are useful in handling the following sub-tasks:
* reads login records from files and filters out unwanted records
* convert login records into proper python object type so that it can be processed using as much built-in functions as possible
* create function which generates weekly usage reports by user and/or by remote host
* create function which generates monthly usage reports by user and/or by remote host
To help you with this assignment, [[OPS435 A1 Usage Report Template|here is a template]] you can use the in the sample ops435-a2 repository as a starting point in designing your own Python Usage Report script.
=== Python script coding and debugging ===
== Sample login/logout records file and sample test run results==
* [https://scswill be posted to the sample repository github.senecac.on.cacom/~raymond.chanrayfreeping/ops435/-a2/ Sample test data files and sample test run results]
== Rubric ==