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DPS909/OSD600 Winter 2019 Lab 3

4,893 bytes added, 20:57, 15 February 2019
no edit summary
|Xiaowei Huang|OpenRefine[], DBeaver[], FESCAR[]|
|Jacob Adach|GATSBY[], MAILPIPE[], VSCODE[]|
|Yuansheng Lu|best-resume-ever[], bootstrap-slider[], handsontable[]|
|Al Vincent Valdez|OpenTTD[], godot-engine[], Jarvis-on-Messenger[]|
|jiajie feng|Brave-browser[],openRefine[], Hyper[]|
|Oleksandr Tkach|Golang [], Playcanvas [], Angular []|
|Colin Chumak|Apache Superset[], Chart.js[], Atom[]|
|Arash Negari|Syncfusion[], Adguard[], Brave[]|
|Oleksii Polovyi|Brave[], Pandas[], TensorFlow[]|
|Anh Hoai Ung|Untrusted[], Command & Conquer [], BananaBread[] |
|Sahib Arora|Sinatra[], NodeJS[], VSCODE[]||
|Dillon Coull|TensorFlow[], Concept to Clinic [], eapopt []|
|David Li|pdf.js[], nodejs[], react[]|
|Ahmed Deeb|Flutter[], VsCode[],GatsbyJS[]|
|Priyam Brahmbhatt|NativeScript[], React Native[], TEAMMATES[]|
|Jatin Kumar|VS Code[], Brave[], Duck Duck Go[], Teammates[]|
|Abdirahman Guled|React native, React, Angular|
|Vincent Logozzo|Weakauras, VScode, Node.js|
|Kevin Chan|iD, Teammates, React|
|QingLian Liu|AWS, Chrome and Ubuntu Linux|
|Harsh Patel|Spring Boot, NativeScript, Core|
|Andrew Koung|Moment, React, React Native|
|Aqeel Parpia|Futurice[],Planetoftheweb[],Brave/Browser-android-tabs[]|
|Adel El Masery|OBS, RCT2, GitHub Desktop|||||d343d7f7a5a7