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GPU621/Intel Advisor

1,258 bytes added, 15:02, 23 November 2018
add magnitude of a vector example and diagram
=== Magnitude of a Vector ===
To demonstrate a more familiar example of a loop-carried dependency that would block the auto-vectorization of a loop, I'm going to include a code snippet that calculates the magnitude of a vector.
To calculate the magnitude of a vector: <code>length = sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^)</code>
<source lang="cpp">
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += x[i] * x[i];
length = sqrt(sum);
As you can see, there is a loop-carried dependency with the variable <code>sum</code>. The diagram below illustrates why the loop cannot be vectorized (nor can it be threaded). The dashed rectangle represents a single iteration in the loop, and the arrows represents dependencies between nodes. If an arrow crosses the iteration rectangle, then those iterations cannot be executed in parallel.
To resolve the loop-carried dependency, use <code>simd</code> and the <code>reduction</code> clause to tell the compiler to auto-vectorize the loop and to reduce the array of elements to a single value. Each SIMD lane will compute its own sum and then
<source lang="cpp">
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:sum)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += x[i] * x[i];
length = sqrt(sum);
== Memory Alignment ==

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