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OPS235 Lab 2 - Fedora17

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[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
{{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use this in your OPS235 course.'''}} =OPS235 Lab 2: Fedora 16 17 Installation Methods (on Virtual Machines: fedora1, fedora2, fedora3)=
== Introduction ==
* '''Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type of installation, and be able to select the best installation method for a particular situation.'''
==Required Materials (Bring to All Labs)==
== Required Materials (Bring to All Labs) == * '''Fedora 16 17 LIVE CD''' * '''Fedora 16 x_64 17 x86_64 Installation DVD'''* '''SATA Hard Disk''' (in removable disk tray)* '''USB Memory Stick''' (minimum 64M)* '''Lab Logbook (Lab2 Reference Sheet)''' (to make notes and observations).
[ Fedora Virtualization Guide]
* [ Fedora 16 17 Live Image Guide]* [ Fedora 16 17 Installation Quick Start Guide]
[ Fedora 16 17 Installation Guide]* [ Preparing for a Network Installation]* [ Performing a Network Installation]
[ Fedora 16 17 Installation Guide]* [ Automating the Installation with Kickstart]* [ Kickstart Installations]* [ Kickstart Configurator]
=Performing Lab 2=
== Preparation ==
{{Admon/tip|Update your Fedora Installation|It's a good idea to ensure that your Fedora installation is fully updated before proceeding. You can update your system with the graphical tool located on the menu at '''Activities'''>'''Applications'''>'''System Tools'''>'''Software Update''' (or by typing either of these commands: <code>pkcon update</code> or <code>yum update</code>)}}
{{Admon/tip|Performing this Lab off the Seneca network (eg. at home)|'''It is recommended to perform this lab in one of Seneca College's labs'''. This lab uses servers which are on the Seneca network and which are not available from other locations (such as your home). If you attempt this lab from another location, adjust the URLs to point to another [ Fedora mirror server] -- note that you may need to change the directory name as well as the server name. The installation of the '''fedora3''' virtual machine <u>must</u> be done at Seneca.}}
# '''Open a web-browser''', and open the '''OPS235 Lab #2 WIKI'''. '''<br /><br />NOTE:''' You need to enter your "MySeneca" username and password to obtain a "wired" Internet connection (otherwise, you will not be able to perform the "groupinstall" command in the next step). Remember to perform a "wired-connection" (logging in with your MySeneca username and password via a web-browser) every time you boot-up your host machine...<br /><br />
# Install the Fedora virtualization software: <code>yum groupinstall "Virtualization"</code> or <code>pkcon install @virtualization</code> The virtualization software installed is in three parts:
:* '''A system service named ''libvirtd''''' that manages the VMs.
:* The actual '''virtual machines''' themselves.
<li value="23">Start the virtualization service: <code>service libvirtd start</code></li>
<li>The firewall configuration is altered by the addition of the virtualization software. Restart the firewall so that these changes become active: <code>service iptables restart</code></li>
 {{Admon/caution|Reboot your fedora hostnow|There appears to be an issue with supplying your VM's with a dynamic IP virt-manager may not work properly unless the host is restarted you reboot after installing "Virtualization". '''Reboot now to avoid this problemthe virtualization software.'''}}
<li value="45">After rebooting your computer system, and logging back into your account, start the graphical tool by selecting the menu options '''Activities'''>'''Applications'''>'''System Tools'''>'''Virtual Machine Manager''' or by typing the command <code>virt-manager</code></li>
{{Admon/important|Run virt-manager as a regular user|Running virt-manager as root may not work due to configuration issues.}}
== Investigation 1: Installing from a Live Disc ==
{{Admon/tip|Using an Image instead of a Live Disc|It is recommended that you perform this installation from your Fedora LIVE CD. As a matter of interest (for future reference), it is possible to download the .iso image file from and install directly from that the ISO fileyou used to burn your Live CD. There are many Internet tutorials that show the individual how to perform that task.}}
==== Introduction ====
# A window will appear with the title ''New VM''. There are five steps to be completed; click Forward after each step:
# '''Step 1 of 5:''' Enter the virtual machine (called '''fedora1''') name and select '''Local install media''' (refer to ''Step 1 of 5'' thumbnail above).
# '''Step 2 of 5:''' '''Insert the CDROM or DVD containing the Fedora Live Disc image. Wait a moment for the disc to be recognized''', then select '''Use CDROM or DVD''' as the install media. Set the ''OS type'' to '''Linux''' and the ''Version'' to '''Fedora 1617''' (refer to ''Step 2 of 5'' thumbnail above).
<!-- {{Admon/tip|Using an ISO image|Instead of using a physical CD or DVD, you can use an ISO image of a CD or DVD. The virtualization software will make this ISO image appear like an actual CD within the virtual machine. Because hard disks are faster then optical discs, this will work faster than an actual CD/DVD.}}{{Admon/note|Choosing the operating system type and version|The purpose of the ''OS type'' and ''Version'' fields is to fine-tune some of the virtual machine settings for best performance. The VM will work even if these are set incorrectly.}} -->
# '''Step 3 of 5:''' Set the memory to '''768 MB''' and the number of CPUs to '''1''' (refer to ''Step 3 of 5'' thumbnail above).
# '''Step 5 of 5:''' Review the options that you have selected. '''Make a note of the storage location.''' If anything needs to be changed, use the ''Back'' button to go back and edit it; otherwise, click '''Finish''' (refer to ''Step 5 of 5'' thumbnail above).
{{Admon/cautionimportant|Removing and Recreating VMs|If for some reason the user wants to remove a Virtual Machine, they can right-click the VM, and select delete in the Virtual Machine Manager. It is recommended to '''"delete the image file" in the remove VM dialog box when removing and then recreating a VM'''. Note: If you fail to properly remove the VM image file, it may affect the hard disk size for the new VM (i.e. use the old smaller size. Make certain to remove that VM image file prior to recreating the VM.|'''}}
{{Admon/note|Fedora LIVE CD Install Screen Shots Thumbnails|While performing the Fedora 16 17 LIVE CD install, click on the thumbnails below to provide a '''"visual reference"''' while performing this particular Fedora installation.
<li value="8">'''The virtual machine will now start'''. Select the default menu item labelled: '''Start Fedora 1617'''. The virtual machine is running from the live disc at this point, and no software has been installed on the ''hard drive'' of the virtual machine.</li>
{{Admon/note|Gnome3: failed to Load Message|A dialog box will indicate that '''Gnome3 Failed to Load'''. This indicates that a "fall-back" or "generic" graphics driver will be used for the session. Just ignore this warning, close the dialog box and proceed with the session.
<li>When the installation is complete, click on the '''reboot''' button at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.</li>
{{Admon/note|Error Message|If you experience an error message, exit the VM window, close the Virtual Machine Manager program, reboot your host (main) computer, login and restart the Virtual Machine Manager program. Failure to follow this instructions can lead students to think that the virtual machine was not installed (when it was indeed installed).
* '''Name:''' fedora2
* '''Boot media:''' Network installation
* '''Installation source:'''* '''Memory:''' 768MB1024MB* '''Disk space:''' 15GB20GB
* '''CPUs:''' 1
# Create the VM (called '''fedora2''') as you did with the ''fedora1'' virtual machine, except:
#* In '''step 1 of 5''', set the installation type to '''Network Install (HTTP, FTP, or NFS)'''.
#* In '''step 2 of 5''', provide the location of the software source by providing the URL* In '''step 2 of 5''', set the ''OS Type'' to '''Linux''' and ''Version'' to '''Fedora 1617'''.
# Observe the boot process. How is it different from booting from an optical disc (CD/DVD)?
# Start the installation process (make certain to use information in the ''VM Details'' section above). # When you get to the disk partitioning step, select '''Use All Space''' and enable the checkbox labelled '''Review and modify partition layout'''.If an dialog box displays a permissions problem, then click yes to proceed. On the next screen, change the logical volumes as follows:
#* Reduce the size of the root LV to '''8000 MB'''.
#* '''Add a logical volume with a size of 2000 MB and a mountpoint of /home''' (you can name it whatever you want, and use '''ext4''' as the file-system type).
# On the software selection screen, select '''Graphical Desktop'''.
# '''On the same screen, select the "Fedora 16 17 - x86_64" and the "Fedora 16 17 - x86_64 - Updates". Leave "Installation Repo" selected. ''DO NOT'' enable the "Test Updates" repository'''.
# Complete the installation. Record the time taken to install, and compare this to the time taken by the previous installations.Record this information in the '''table contained in Investigation 4'''.
* '''Name:''' fedora3
* '''Boot media:''' Network installation
* '''Installation source:'''* '''Kickstart location:''' http://zenitwww.senecacdrivehq.oncom/file/df.caaspx/~chris.tylershareID10606286/fileID1269952040/fedora16-vdaFedora17-kskickstart.cfg* '''Memory:''' 768MB1024MB* '''Disk space:''' 10GB15GB
* '''CPUs:''' 1
# Create the VM as you did with the ''fedora2'' virtual machine, specifying a network install as before, except:
#* In step 2 of 5, after entering the URL for the installation source, click on the '''URL Options''' control.
#* Enter the Kickstart URL: http://zenitwww.senecacdrivehq.oncom/file/df.caaspx/~chris.tylershareID10606286/fileID1269952040/fedora16-vdaFedora17-kskickstart.cfg
# Observe the installation. How is it different from booting from an optical disc (CD/DVD)?
# Complete the installation. Record the time taken to install, and compare this to the time taken by the previous installations.
{|border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="5"
! ||f16hostf17host||fedora1||fedora2||fedora3
|'''Installation Method'''||Installation Disc||Live Disc||Network Installation||Network Installation + Kickstart
# Start the ''fedora1'' virtual machine, and stop the ''fedora2'' and ''fedora3'' virtual machines.
# Switch to the f19host machine, and open a shell terminal.# Enter these commands into your f19host machine and note the result:#* <code>'''virsh list'''</code>#* <code>'''virsh list --all'''</code>#* <code>'''virsh list --inactive'''</code># Start Now, shut-down your fedora1 VM normally, and close the ''fedora3'' virtual machine from fedora1 VM window. Make certain NOT to close the Virtual Machine Manager main window.# Switch to your terminal and issue the command line: <code>'''virsh start fedora3fedora1'''</code># Repeat the commands from step 2 and notice any changesCheck to see if your fedora1 VM is now running.# Stop Switch to the terminal and issue<code>''fedora3'virsh list --all''' virtual machine: </code>virsh and confirm the status of the fedora1 VM.# There are other commands that can be used (such as suspend, or shutdown). The "shutdown" command may not always work since it sends a request to "shutdown fedora3</code>virtual machine gracefully", but may not always work. Why do you think it is useful to have commands to manipulate VMs?
{{Admon/note|Virtual Machine Does not Shutdown from Command|If the Virtual machine fails to shutdown from the <code>virsh shutdown</code> command, then you can go to the '''Virtual Machine manager''' and '''halt''' or '''shutdown''' within the VM itself, then you can click the '''PowerOff''' button in the VM window. You'll want to avoid a forced shutdown since those are equivalent to yanking the cord out of the wall on a physical machine!|}}
{{Admon/note|Virtual Machine Does not Shutdown from Command|If the Virtual machine fails to shutdown from the <code>virsh shutdown</code> command, then you can go to the '''Virtual Machine manager''' and '''halt''' or '''shutdown''' within the VM itself, then you can click the '''PowerOff''' button in the VM window. You'll want to avoid a forced shutdown since those are equivalent to yanking the cord out of the wall on a physical machine!|}}
<li value="6">Confirm that ''fedora3'' has been shut down.</li>
<li>Execute this command: <code>virsh dumpxml fedora3 >fedora3.xml</code></li>
<li>Examine the file <code>fedora3.xml</code>. What does it contain? What format is it in?</li>
<li>Make a copy of <code>fedora3.xml</code> called <code>fedora3a.xml</code>.</li>
<li>Edit the file <code>fedora3a.xml</code>, making the following changes:</li>
::* Change the name to <code>fedora3a</code>
::* Change at least one of the hexadecimal characters in the UUID. Do not change the length of the UUID. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9 and a-f.
<li value="10">Issue this command: <code>virsh define fedora3a.xml</code>
<li>Issue the command <code>virsh list --all</code> and record any changes.
<li>Issue the command: <code>virsh undefine fedora3a</code>
<li>List all of the virtual machines again, and note any changes.
'''Answer the Investigation 5 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''
== Investigation 6: How do I backup a virtual machine? ==
{{Admon/important|Backing up VMs|There are two general processes in order to back up your images:<ol><li>'''Compressing your images''' (also recommended to backup up to external storage USB Key) using the '''gzip''' command.</li><li>'''Backup the VM xlm configuration file''' (preferably to USB key) using '''virsh''' shell command to add VM to virtual machine manager list (in the event that the HOST machine is "wiped" and re-installed, but VM images and xml configuration files have been backed up external storage).</li></ol><br />Taking the time to backup the image of the Operating System's file system allows the user to return to a '''"restoration point"''' using the '''gunzip''' command in case something bad occurs to the OS during a lab. <br />Failure to take the time to make and confirm backups can result in loss of lab work for the student!|}}
# Shut down all of the virtual machines.
# Change to the directory <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code>. Note the size of the files in this directory. What do these files contain?
# Make a compressed backup of the <code>fedora3.img</code> file to your home directory with this command: <code>'''gzip <fedora3.img >~YourUserId/fedora3.img.backup.gz'''</code><br />('''Note: Make certain to use the redirection signs "<" and ">" properly in the command!'''){{Admon/caution|Make sure the backup is successful!|If there are any error messages, '''DO NOT''' proceed past this point. You're going to destroy your fedora3 virtual machine and restore it using the backup you have created -- if there are any problems with the backup, you will not have a working virtual machine, and will have to re-install it.}}
<li value="4">Compare the size of the compressed and original files.</li>
<li>Start the '''''fedora3''''' VM.</li> <li>'''Make certain that you are in your fedora VM, and <u>not</u> in your Fedora main system.!'''</li> <li>Wreck <u>only</u> your fedora 3 system! Try this command inside the fedora3 virtual machine ('''DO NOT''' do this on your main Fedora system, or you will have to repeat your '''lab2''' and portions of your '''lab3'''!): <code>'''rm -rf /*'''</code></li> <li>Shut down the VM.If you tried to start the Fedora3 VM, it would not boot since all system files have been removed!</li> <li>Restore the original image from the backup in your home directory (type by typing this command carefully): <code>'''gunzip <~YourUserId/fedora3.img.backup.gz >fedora3.img'''</code></li>
<li>Restart the VM. Is it working normally?</li>
<li>Create compressed backups of your other virtual machines.</li>
</ol><ol><li value="12">You should make a copy of the xml configuration file in case you "wipe" and re-install the host machine, and want to add a restored VM backups to the virtual machine manager list. We will demonstrate using the fedora 3 xml configuration file, and prove that a "clone" can be added to your list.Please perform the following step:<ol type="a"><li>Verify that you are in the directory: <code>/var/lib/libvirt/images/</code>.</li> <li>Execute the following command: <code>virsh dumpxml fedora3 >fedora3.xml</code></li> <li>Examine the file <code>fedora3.xml</code>. What does it contain? What format is it in?</li> <li>Make a copy of <code>fedora3.xml</code> called <code>fedora3a.xml</code>.</li> <li>Edit the file <code>fedora3a.xml</code>, making the following changes:</li></ol>::* Change the name (in the file, not the file name) to <code>fedora3a</code>::* Change at least one of the hexadecimal characters in the UUID. Do not change the length of the UUID. Valid hexadecimal characters are 0-9 and a-f.<ol type="a" > <li value="6">Issue this command: <code>virsh define fedora3a.xml</code> <li>Issue the command <code>virsh list --all</code> and record any changes. <li>Issue the command: <code>virsh undefine fedora3a</code> <li>List all of the virtual machines again, and note any changes. </li></ol> <li>For the remainder of these labs, it is assumed that you will backup <u>'''both'''</u> the images and xml configuration files for <u>'''all'''</u> Virtual machines, when asked to backup your virtual machines. It is also highly recommended to backup these files to an external storage device (eg. USB key) in case the host machine gets "wiped" and you need to rebuild your HOST machine and then restore your Virtual Machines...</li><li>Answer this question in your log book:</li>
::* In order to fully back up a virtual machine, what information should be saved in addition to the virtual machine image?
== Investigation 7: Kickstart Files ==
{{Admon/tip|SSHD and Firewall|If you have restarted your virtual machine ''fedora1'', the sshd server you started in section investigation 1-16 (step 15) will no longer be running. In addition, the firewall will have reverted to its original state. In order to use '''scp''', below, you will need to restart ssh and adjust the firewall again.<br /><br />If students cannot backup their kickstart files using the '''scp''' command, they can use a web-browser to access their Seneca e-mail with attachment (copy kickstart file to their home directory first!). For the text-based Linux system "fedora3", students can use the '''mail''' command (refer to the man command to learn how to send e-mail attachments).}}
When you perform a non-Kickstart installation, the installation program creates a Kickstart file in the <code>/root</code> directory for reference.
# Obtain the kickstart files for all four of your installations (your disk pack ''f16hostf17host'', plus the ''fedora1'', ''fedora2'', and ''fedora3'' virtual machines). # To prevent confusion, copy your kickstart files to kickstart filenames that describe their purpose (eg. kickstart_host, kickstart_fedora1, kickstart_fedora2, etc...)# Copy them all to your f16host f17host system (tip: use <code>scp</code>), or use the hint in the tip box above to send via e-mail.
# Compare these files. What are the differences? Similarities? (Tip: you may want to use tools such as <code>sdiff</code> to help with the comparison).
# How could you use the kickstart file produced by the installation program to perform additional, identical installations?
# All virtual machines backed up.
# Installation comparison table filled in.
# Lag Lab Logbook (lab2) notes filled-in.
= Preparing for the Quizzes =
# What is the name of the Fedora installation program?