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OPS235 Lab 1 - Fedora17

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= Using Linux to Access Block Devices and Filesystems =
[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]
== Objectives ==* Format, mount, {{Admon/caution|THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE LAB|'''This is an archived version. Do not use, and unmount ext3, ext4, and vfat filesystems on USB flash drivesthis in your OPS235 course.* Create filesystems on various storage devices* Create hard disk partitions* Backup filesystems and images* Mount a filesystem stored within a a regular file'''}}
=Fedora 17 Installation (on Main Host - f17host)= Reference ==* [ man pages] for cp, mount, umount, fdisk, mkdir, file, mkfs, dumpe2fs, grep, dd* Online reading material for weeks 1 and 2.
== Required materials ==
* [ Fedora 12] Live CD
* USB flash drive, 64 MB or more in size (Warning: the contents of this drive will be erased)
* One SATA hard disk in a removable drive tray (minimum 80GB)
== Instructions Introduction==# Set your computer's drive selector switch to external, then power up the computer.# Insert the Fedora Live CD into the CD/DVD drive.# Reboot the system.# The boot process is completed when you see the GDM Login Screen. Click on "Automatic Login" to login as the "Live System User".# We are going to start by opening a terminal window to access our shell environment. Click on Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal to start the terminal.# At the top of the terminal window, you should see the command prompt similar to [liveuser@localhost ~]$ This prompt indicates that it is ready to take your command. The program that is running is called a shell.# At the command prompt, enter the command whoami (all in one word) and press return. This command shows the so-called User Name. Make notes of this user name.# At the command prompt, enter the command pwd and press return. This command shows the so-called present working directory or current working directory. Record the present working directory of the shell running on the terminal window. As we have not yet changed directories this should also be your users home directory. (Also indicated by the ~ character in the prompt)
{{Admon/important|Using Superuser Privilege|Throughout :* In this courselab, you may need are going to execute commands using install the privileges of the the administrative user Fedora (username "root", also called the "superuser"GNU/Linux Distribution). To switch to your removable hard disk from your account to the root account, type the command: <code>su -</code>burned DVD.
After switching user notice and make note of the change :* Although this will be a simple install, this Fedora Operating System will be a platform for other Virtual Machine Fedora installations (in your shell promptfuture labs). Also note Therefore, it is very important that you take the difference in output for the <code>whoami</code> time to carefully read and perform ALL steps, and <code>pwd</code> commandstake time to check your work.
Whenever this is required:* After performing the Fedora17 DVD installation, make a note of ityou will collect baseline information about your Fedora GNU/Linux system, and determine why superuser privilege is requiredperform some post installation configuration to prepare your system for the remainder of the labs.
==Objectives== # Perform a GNU/Linux installation using the Fedora 17 distribution# Investigate information during and after the Fedora 17 installation# Perform an update after a recent installation ==Required Materials (Bring to All Labs)== * Fedora 17 LIVE CD* Fedora 17 x86_64 Installation DVD* SATA Hard Disk (in removable disk tray)* USB Memory Stick* Lab Logbook ==Prerequisites== * None (First Lab) ==Linux Command Online Reference== Each Link below displays online manpages for each command (via []): {|width="100%" cellpadding="5" width="50%"|'''Utilities:'''|- valign="top"|:* [ rpm]:* [ hostname]:* [ uname]:* [ ps]:* [ ifconfig]:* [ netstat]:* [ route]:* [ nslookup]:* [ wc]|} Normally you would read man pages on the machine you're working on using the man command, for example '''man rpm''' will show you the manual page for the rpm command. ==Resources on the web==Additional links to tutorials and HOWTOs::* [ Fedora 17 Installation Guide] =Performing Lab 1= ==Investigation 1: How to Perform a Fedora DVD Install on Your Removable Hard Drive == === Part 1: Simple Things === # Insert your '''removable SATA hard disk''' into the drive tray.# Set your computer's drive selector switch to '''external''' (a.k.a ''position #4'').# Power up the computer and insert the '''Fedora 17 Installation DVD''' into the CD/DVD drive.# Wait until the Fedora DVD boots (could take a few moments). {{Admon/important|Boot-up Issues (Fedora17) in Seneca's Computer labs|If for some reason, the Fedora17 Installation DVD does not boot: :* Restart the computer, and '''press the function key F10 to specify the device to boot''' (eg. DVD drive). :* If the user is prompted for a password, '''simply press ENTER''' (without typing any password) at the password prompt.:* Choose the DVD drive from the list of devices avalable for boot.:* You will need to perform this technique to ensure that Fedora boots from the hard drive (in future labs).:* If you have tried this technique, and the Fedora Installation DVD does not boot, you may have to burn a new Fedora Installation DVD.|}} <ol> <li value="5">Note the time at the beginning of your installation.</li> <li>When the Fedora17 Installation DVD boots, it will prompt the user to test the media (i.e. DVD) for integrity. Since time is limited for installation in the lab, select '''SKIP'''. On the other hand, if the install did not work, then you can test out the integrity of the DVD in the computer lab during your spare time.</li> <li>Select the default language ('''English''') in the next install screen, and click '''Next'''.</li> <li>Select the default '''keyboard layout''' and '''Basic Storage Devices''' in the following installation screens.</li> <li>Set your hostname (name of the computer) to <big>'''f17host'''</big> (one word, no space, all lowercase).</li> <li>Set your time zone to '''Toronto'''. Note that the system (BIOS) clock is set to local time, not UTC.</li> <li>Root Password: enter a password of your own choosing. Pick one that is hard to guess to protect your system. (Recommendation: use the first letter and all the punctuation from a favorite phrase or song verse. For example, "To be or not to be, that is the question!" could become the password "Tbontb,titq!").</li> </ol> === Part 2: Partitioning === {{Admon/tip |You're supposed to use this hard drive only for this course| But if you really need to use it for two courses, and the professor for the other (probably windows) course will allow it - ask your professor for help with partitioning.}} <ol> <li>If you get a warning with something like "This device may contain data" - it's probably your new hard drive and you can safely use it.</li> <li>Select '''Create Custom Layout''', we don't want to use the Fedora default setup now.</li> <li>On your drive you will need at least the following partitions. These may be primary partitions or logical drives. If you have more space than 250GB available - you can add the extra space in equal parts to /home and /var/lib/libvirt/images</li> <ul><li>'''20GB''' for '''/''' (i.e. "root")</li> <li>'''30GB''' for /home</li> <li>'''8GB''' for '''swap''' (Note: "swap" must be selected from the drop down menu)</li> <li>'''100GB''' for '''/var/lib/libvirt/images'''</li></ul> <li>Record briefly in your lab logbook what partitions you created of what size and what device names were assigned to them (/dev/sda1, etc.).</li></ol> === Part 3: Completing Installation === <ol> <li>Select in the next screen the '''Graphical Desktop''' applications, and in the additional repositories section (at the bottom) accept the default settings, then proceed. You may look at what's available if you choose "Customize now" but you don't need to customize the software installed at this point.</li> <li>Add in your lab logbook a brief description of the term "software repository" and what its major purpose serves (what you think it does). We will not add any existing repositories since we are not currently connected to the Internet. Therefore, we will customize the repositories later.</li> <li>'''Proceed with the installation. This may take some time'''. Record in your lab log-book the <u>general</u> steps in the installation process (displayed in the dialog box).</li> <li>When installation is complete, a screen will confirm completion, and ask the user to remove the DVD, and reboot the computer. Write in your lab log-book the time it took to perform this DVD Fedora install.</li> <li>Remove the Fedora Installation DVD, and click '''Reboot'''.</li>  <li>When the system starts, set or accept the time and date default.</li> <li>Create a user account for yourself using the same user ID as your learn account, and create a suitable password.</li> <li>Normally, you would want to enable '''Network Time Protocol''', but since we will be experimenting with the networking turned off in later labs, '''leave it disabled'''.</li> <li> Click on '''Do Not Send Hardware Profile'''.</li> <li>Finish the post-installation customization, wait for the login screen to appear, and then login to your computer account and your created (i.e. your name).</li> <li>Proceed to Investigation 2</li> </ol> '''Answer the Investigation 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.''' ==Investigation 2: How many file packages and files are installed on the system?== '''For the rest of the tasks in this lab, you must login to your installed Fedora system using your Learn account, open a terminal and execute the following listed Linux commands to obtain information for your lab-logbook''' (lab1). If you get a Permission Denied message when trying to execute a command, then switch to the '''superuser''' account by running the command '''su -''' and type in your password for "root" (since you are the main administrator for your Fedora system). Once the intended command is executed, type "exit" to exit from the superuser account and return to your regular Learn account.  {{Admon/important|Using Superuser Privilege|Throughout this course, you may need to execute commands using the privileges of the the administrative user (username "root", also called the "superuser"). To switch from your account to the root account, type the command: <code>su</code> After switching user notice and make note of the change in your shell prompt. Also note the difference in output for the <code>whoami</code> and<code>pwd</code> commands. '''Whenever this is required, make a note of it, and determine why superuser privilege is required.''' When you are finished using the root account type exit to return to your previous account. '''Avoid using the superuser account unless absolutely necessary, because the superuser account has unlimited privilege and a typo can destroy your system.''' In some documentation, you may see the command <code>su -</code> used in place of <code>su</code>. The dash argument causes <code>su</code> to go through the steps that would normally be performed when the root user logs in, including (1) running the startup scripts (such as<code>/etc/profile</code> and <code>/root/.bash_profile</code> and (2) changing to the root user's home directory (<code>/root</code>). Note that the root user's home directory (<code>/root</code>) is ''not'' the same as the root directory of the system (<code>/</code>). It is also in a different directory than the rest of the home directories, which are typically in <code>/home</code> -- the reason for this is that <code>/home</code> is sometimes on a network filesystem shared by another server (as is the case on Matrix), and it's important that the system administrator be able to log in to the system even if the network is not operating normally.
{{Admon/note|Disabling the Auto-mounting of Devices|At this point we need to disable the ability for our linux system to automatically detect and mount removeable media. This would interfere with the learning objectives of the rest of the lab. To do this enter the command: <code>pkill hald</code>. '''You will need to do this again if you reboot during this lab.'''}}
=== Investigation 1: How does Navigate through your Graphical Fedora system, '''locate and run a terminal program (in order to issue Linux enable you to access two different drives without using a drive designator? ===# Type commands). Issue and record the command mount. Describe commands used and the output generated in each of the following steps:''' # The name of the command in your lab installation logfile is <code>'''/root/install. What do the fields of data representlog'''</code> -- It is an ASCII file (how can you be sure? Use ) which can be viewed with the man page for the mount <code>'''less'''</code> command and google searches to find this information# Insert your USB flash drive into a USB port on the computer.# Because we You can make use of this file to determine how many packages have turned off been installed: complete the automatic mounting feature nothing will happen. In order following command to access count the number of packages that are labelled "Installing" in the installation log file system on this storage device we must mount it on to our existing file/directory structure.:# To mount a device we must first create a mount point to mount it on. Create a new directory called :: <code>'''grep ________________ /mediaroot/usbinstall.log | wc -l'''</code> (These steps should be done as <ol> <li value="root3")# Next we need to >Using the <code>rpm</code> command: you can also use the mount command following commands to mount list all the device. Try typing installed packages, and the following commandtotal number of packages installed:</li></ol>:: <code>mount '''rpm -t vfat q -a'''</devcode>:: <code>'''rpm -q -a | wc -l'''</sdb1 /media/usbcode>:: <code>'''rpm -qa | wc -l'''</code>. This command contains 3 important pieces of information (command arguments):#* <ol> <li value="4">The <code>'''-t vfatq'''</code> tells option means query, and the mount command to mount it as <code>'''-a FAT filesystem'''</code> option means all (in other words, query all installed software packages). Did you get the same number of packages from the above two methods?</li> <li>Some of the files on your system were installed with the software packages, and some were created by system activity (Most likely choice for a USB flash driveexample, by creating your Learn account and by logging in)#* . If you know the package name (from the <code>install.log</code>), you can list all the files that were installed from the package by using the following command:</devli></sdb1ol>:: <code>'''rpm -q -l package_name'''</code> tells <br />(where '''package_name''' represents the mount command which device to mount. (If this didnname of the ''application'' or ''package''t work try )<ol> <li value="6">This combines the <code>/dev/sdc1'''-q'''</code> or (query) option with the <code>/dev/sda1'''-l'''</code>(list filenames)option</li>#* <li>You can pipe the outupt through <code>'''wc -l'''</code>to count the number of lines:</mediali></usbol>:: <code>'''rpm -ql package_name| wc -l'''</code> tells the mount command where to mount the device (the <ol> <li value="mount point8")# Type the command mount >Using what you learned in steps 3, 4, and compare 7, get a count of the output with total number of files installed by all of the output from step 9. Record what has changedsoftware packages on your system.</li># What file <li>To find out the name that you have assigned to your Linux system type is , enter the command: <code>'''hostname'''</code></li><li>To find out the kernel version of your GNU/Linux workstation and the USB device mounted as? Where date it was it mounted? What is created, enter the device name?command: <code>'''uname -rv'''</code></li># Create a file in <li>To find out all the directory system processes running on your GNU/mediaLinux workstation, enter the command: <code>'''ps -ef'''</usbcode></ by redirecing li><li>To capture the output list of all the system processes to a file called <code>'''ps.lst'''</code>, enter the cal command: cal <code>'''ps -ef > ps.lst'''''</mediacode></usbli></monthol># Display a detailed listing of {{Admon/important|Pathname for USB Stick|The procedure has changed to refer to the directory where usb device for distributions prior to Fedora17 (eg. /media/usb-device-name). For Fedora17, the new device pathname is mounted and record the output: ls -l <br /media><b>/usb# Type the command umount run/media/userloginid/usb -device- What happened name</b> .<br /><br />Note: You can press the <b>tab</b> key to guess what the contents of the /mediauserloginname/usb directory? Compare results with step 17-device-name is...}} # Type <ol><li value="13">Copy the command mount installation log file <code>'''/root/install.log'''</code> and observe the outputfile '''ps.lst''' to a USB memory key, or '''scp''' to your matrix account as a backup. What </li></ol> {{Admon/tip |Backup up to your USB Key|When your USB key is inserted into your computer, the device is different from step 14? Why?# Make recognised and assigned a new mount point called name. You can view your USB drive by issuing the command <code>ls /run/media/usb2 Mount your usb flash drive on yourusername</code> and view the new mount pointmounted devices.# Display Then you can issue a detailed listing of Linux command as "super-user" to copy the new mount point againfiles to your USB device. Is }}<ol><li value="14">View the section below to learn about and perform an update on your file there?fresh Fedora install (you may have to find spare time to perform this install if you are running short on lab time). '''Do <u>not</u> proceed to Investigation 3 without performing an update'''.</li></ol>
Answer the Investigation 1 question: How does Linux enable you {{Admon/tip |Consider Remaining Lab Time Prior to access two different drives without using a drive designator? (Write Performing Upgrade|'''Carefully check the answer remaining time in your lab log book)prior to performing an upgrade on the operating system'''. It can take 30 - 90 minutes to perform an upgrade...}}
=== Investigation 2: How do you create a vfat or ext3 filesystem? ===
{{Admon/tip | Flash drives with no partition table Updating Fedora| If your device name ends The Fedora software is updated frequently to add features, fix bugs, and upgrade security. '''Perform a system update to get the latest versions of the packages installed in a letter Fedora: Start the Firefox web browser, turn off popup window blocking (for exampleselect ''Edit>Preferences'', it is <code>/dev/sdb</code> instead of <code>/dev/sdb1</code>then select the Content tab and uncheck the box to Block Popups), add then login to SeneNET. Open a terminal and type <code>-Isu</code> to start a shell as root. Enter the command <code>mkfsyum update</code> commands in this section. ''' This is because your USB flash drive does not will download and install all of the packages that have been updated since the installation DVD image was created. If you complete this command at Seneca it should run quite fast as Seneca College hosts a partition tableFedora Repository mirror (a copy of all of the current fedora packages, which normally causes an error; the <code>-I</code> option tells mkfs to proceed anywayson a local web server).}}
# Unmount your USB flash drive.# Enter the command: <code>mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1</code>#* What is the purpose of this command? Use the man page for mkfs to research what you did with this command.#* Did we execute the command on the device name or the mount point?# Attempt to mount the USB flash drive using '''Answer the command you used in Investigation 1. What was the result?# Check the man page for the mount command to see how to change your command to mount the device correctly, and issue that command.# Once the device is mounted do a long directory listing of the mount point. What has changed?# Do an internet search to find out what the <code>lost+found<2 observations /code> directory is for. Record your findings in your notes.# Create a new file on the device using the same technique used in Investigation 1.# Unmount the device and remount it on the original mount point. Is the new file there?# Type the command mount and observe the type value for the USB flash drive filesystem. Compare this value to the type found questions in Investigation 1.# Change your current working directory to where the device is mounted.# Attempt to unmount the USB flash drive. What was the result? Why? Record your findings in your notes.# Solve the error and unmount the device.# Consult the man pages for <code>mkfs</code> and <code>mkfs.ext3</code> to see how to reformat the device to a ext3 file system with a volume label that is the same as your learn ID.# Enter the command to reformat the device.# The <code>dumpe2fs /dev/sdb1</code> command will allow us to see detailed information about ext3 filesystems. Use it to confirm your volume label is correct and record the size of your journal.# Mount the device again as an ext3 filesystem.# While the device is still mounted reformat the device as a vfat filesystem. What error message did you receive? Why? Record your conclusions in your notes.# Unmount the device and format it as vfat.# Now you will investigate what happens when you copy files to the device name rather than the mount point. Issue the command cp /etc/hosts /dev/sdb1# Now mount your device. Was it successful? Try mounting it as ext3. Was it successful? What has happened to the filesystem on the device?# Reformat it as vfat and mount it.# Unmount the devicelab log book.'''
===Investigation 3: How do you create an ext3 filesystem on a USB flash drive with a volume labelWhat is the network configuration?===
{{Admon/tip | Tip: | Check the man page for <code>dumpe2fs</code>.}}
# Shutdown your computer. (Under the "System" menu)
# Insert your removable SATA hard disk, remove your USB flash drive and restart the computer. (Leave your "Live CD" in the computer)
# When the computer has restarted and you have logged in. Insert your USB flash drive into the USB port.
# Open a terminal window and run the <code>mount</code> command.
# It is quite possible that the device name for your USB flash drive has changed from what you were using previously. Your hardware configuration is different because now you have a hard drive connected. One way to determine what your USB device name is now is to look at the system log. Use the tail command to view the last 20 lines of the file <code>/var/log/messages</code> There should be kernel entries that were generated when you inserted the device.
# Create a Linux ext3 filesystem on the USB device, giving it a volume label of "Lab1", and record the following in in your logbook:
#* What is the block size for the new format?
#* How many blocks were created?
#* How often will the new filesystem be automatically checked?
#* What volume label was given to the filesystem?
# According to the man page what is the purpose of dumpe2fs?
# If you executed dumpe2fs on an MS-DOS filesystem what do you think would be the result?
# Mount the USB device onto the mount point /media/lab1
# Copy the files <code>/etc/services</code>,<code>/etc/networks</code> to the USB flash drive.
===Investigation {{Admon/tip |Rusty Issuing Linux commands since ULI101?|To be an effective Linux administrator, you need to become comfortable on issuing Linux commands in a shell, and use resources to quickly learn how to properly formulate Linux commands...<br /><br />You can run the following online tutorials to practice (refresh) issuing Linux commands. These tutorials were designed for another course called "OPS435", but you can still use them for practice. Simply open a shell, SSH into the Matrix server (eg. ssh and run the following 4 tutorials (you can copy and paste these separate pathnames and run like a program):<br /><br />'''/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial1<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial2<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/tutorial3<br />/home/ops435/tutorials/vi- How do you create hard disk partitions?===tutorial'''<br /><br />You can also refer to the section above called '''Linux Command Online Reference''' to see how use use the following Linux commands to obtain the required information.}}
# To check the network configuration settings obtained from the DHCP server, run the following commands, describing the output in your log book:#* Enter '''ifconfig'''#* '''route'''#* '''nslookup''' (at the > prompt, enter the word "server" (do not type the command quotes) and record the output. Type exit to leave nslookup).<codebr />fdisk -l /dev/sda<br /code> and describe # Find the output following information in your log book. The the output may be similar to of the followingabove commands:#* '''MAC address''' (physical or hardware address) of the ethernet network interface#* '''Subnet mask'''#* '''The IP address''' (logical address) assigned by the DHCP server#* '''The default route''' (gateway)#* '''The DNS nameserver'''
Disk /dev/sda: 12.0 GB, 12072517632 bytes 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 1467 cylinders Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System ...* Read and study this [http:'''Answer the Investigation 3 observations // reading] about how to use the fdisk command before you go on to the next step.* Review the man page for the fdisk commandquestions in your lab log book.'''
{{Admon/caution | Important/warning! | The following operation will erase the contents of your hard disk. If you have any useful data stored on your disk, you must back it up first or use another hard disk that does not contain useful data on it.|Do not plan on sharing the hard disk with the Windows course! You will be doing lots of tasks that may cause you to lose your data.}}# Enter the command fdisk /dev/sda to start the hard disk partition program.# At the fdisk command prompt, enter the letter '''p''' to print out the current partition table of the hard disk. If there are any partitions, use the '''d''' option to delete all of them, starting with the highest partition number first.# At the fdisk command prompt, use the '''n''' and '''t''' commands to create these three partitions== Investigation 4: /dev/sda1 - 300MB (primary, Linux Native) /dev/sda2 - the rest of the hard disk (extended) /dev/sda5 - 300MB (logical, Linux Native) * Use the '''p''' option the display the new partition and record it in your log book.* Remember to use the '''w''' option to write the new partitions information instead of the '''q''' option to quit without saving.* Logout and restart Fedora.SELinux ==
Answer the Investigation 4 question in your lab log book.
===Investigation 5 {{Admon/important|SELinux|SELinux stands for '''Security- How do Enhanced Linux'''. It is a component that helps to better secure the system to protect against intrusion (hackers). Usually, SELinux is enabled upon the default install of Fedora. SELinux can be a good thing, if you create take care of it and access a Linux filesystem on a hard disk partition?===are aware that it is enabled or disabled. It is recommended that you '''disable SELinux by default''' for this course, since you will be communicating with other virtual machines and can cause machines NOT to communicate.}}
# After rebooting Disabling SELinux on Fedorais actually quite simple, open up a Terminal Window and enter the command <code>fdisk -l /dev/sda</code> to display the hard disk partition table. Verify that you have partitioned your hard disk correctly.# Create a Linux 3rd extended filesystem (ext3) on the 300MB primary partition /dev/sda1# Create the empty directory <code>/mnt/harddisk</code> to serve as a mount point for the partition.# Use the command <code>mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/harddisk</code> to attach the file system you just created to edit the Fedora Live Linux file system tree.# Copy the files <code>'''/etc/passwd<selinux/code> config''' and <code>/var/log/messages</code> change the following line to the mounted partition. Can you do look like this with a single command?:# Unmount the partition.* SELINUX=disabled
Answer = Completing the Investigation 5 question in your lab log book.Lab =
=== Completing '''Check off the Lab ===following items before asking your instructor to check your lab:'''
Arrange evidence of each of the following items on the screen, and then ask your professor or lab monitor to check them:* '''Task 1''' - Install GNU/Linux Workstation using Fedora * '''Task 2''' - Collect system information after installation.* '''Task 3''' - Fedora Updated* '''Task 4''' - Collect network information
# USB Formatted as ext2 ( ) # Volume Label is "LAB1" ( ) # USB Mounted '''Arrange evidence for each of these items on <code>/media/lab-one</code> ( ) # Following files on USB services, issueyour screen, networks ( ) # Instructor satisfied with complete then ask your instructor to review them and detailed sign off on the lab notes ( )'s completion:'''
== Preparing * Can login with your "learn" account name* Has the package count* Has correct size partitions for ::* '''root /''' (20GB), '''/home''' (30GB), '''swap''' (8GB):* '''/var/lib/libvirt/images''' (100GB):* Hint: Can issue '''lsblk''' (listblock command)* Has the correct IP address and MAC address* Find out the default route (gateway)* IP of the Quizzes ==DNS name server* Name and contact information on your disk pack* Lag Logbook (lab1) notes filled-in.
The online readings linked on the course web page contain some useful information about Free and Open Source Software. Use them and Internet searches to answer the following questions to help you prepare = Preparing for the quizzes:Quizzes =
# Who is Linus TorvaldsHow many packages were installed?# How many files (correct to the nearest hundred) were installed?# How many users were created automatically on your system (do not count your learn account)?# Name 3 open source software projects widely used todayWhat is your learn account's UID and GID?# What license agreement does GNU/Linux useis your learn account's home directory?# What are is the home directory for the 4 basic software freedoms that define user "Free Softwareroot"?# Who makes up How do you determine the Fedora Communityhost name of your GNU/Linux workstation?# Name 4 other significant Linux "Distros"What command can display the NIC's MAC address?

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