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GPU621/DPS921 G P Index 20167

5,033 bytes added, 22:10, 9 September 2018
Presentation Schedule
Please add an overview of your group here and create a separate project page for your group!
= Project Rules =
# Use the Group page for a Journal of your activities throughout the course of the project
# Project should cover material that differ from the material on the course web site
# Presentation can be in powerpoint or walkthru the group project page
# Link to the project page should be on the Participants table
# Presentation slots are first come first served
# Attendance at all presentations is mandatory - marks will be deducted for absenteeism
# Marks will be awarded for both Group Wiki page and for the Presentation
= Sample Projects (Former Students) =
#[[GPU621/DPS921_G_P_Index_20161 | Winter 2016 semester]] Suggested Projects (each * denotes one group that has claimed this topic)# Intel Parallel Studio Advisor - [[ Intel Site]] *# Intel Parallel Studio Inspector - [[ Intel Site]] *# Intel Parallel Studio vTune Amplifier - [[ Intel Site]]# Intel Math Kernel Library - [[ Intel Site]] *# Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library - [[ Intel Site]]# Totalview Debugger - [[ Get Student License]]# OpenMP Debugging in Visual Studio - [[ MSDN Notes]] *# Debugging Threads in Intel Parallel Studio - [[ Dr Dobbs Article]] *# Threading Building Blocks - Interesting Case Studies - [[GPU621 Intel Threading Building Blocks]]*# Analyzing False Sharing - [[ Herb Sutter's Article]] *# The Chapel Programming Language - [[ Chapel Site]] *# Apache's Spark - [[ Spark Site]] *# OpenMP Profiler - [[ | Winter 2015 semesterhome.html ompP]]# C++11 Threads Library Comparison to OpenMP - Case Studies# C++11 STL Comparison to TBB - Case Studies
= Group and Project Index =
You can find a sample project page template [[GPU621/DPS921_Sample_Project_Page | here]]
== [[GPU621/DPS921 Sample Project PageFighting_Mongooses| Group NameFighting Mongooses]] =='''Project NameTBB vs STL: Case Study'''# [ Mike Doherty]# [ Kyle Klerks]<!--# [ Chris Szalwinski]-->[,, eMail All] == [[GPU621/Pragmatic| Pragmatic]] =='''OpenMP Debugging in Visual Studio'''# [ Vadym Karpenko]# [ Oleksandr Zhurbenko][, eMail All] == [[GPU621/Striking | Striking]] =='''Debugging Threads in Intel Parallel Studio'''#Eunju Han []#Lei(Eric) Zhang [][, eMail All] == [[GPU621/Spark| Spark]] =='''Apache Spark and Large Scale Data Processing'''# [ Nick Scherman][ eMail All] == [[GPU621_Team_Tsubame | Tsubame]] =='''Intel Advisor'''# [ Yanhao Lei] == [ NoName] =='''C++11 Threads Library Comparison to OpenMP'''# [ Saad Toor]# [ Danylo Medinski== [[DPS921/Halt_and_Catch_Fire| Halt and Catch Fire]] =='''Parallelism with Go'''# [ Colin Paul]<!--# [ Chris Szalwinski]-->[, eMail All] == [[DPS921_Team_1 | 1]] =='''Intel Parallel Studio vTune Amplifier '''# [ Tai Nguyen]# [ Timothy Ngai]# [ Kevin Pham] == [[GPU621_Team_Wired | Wired]] =='''OpenMP Profiler'''# [ Dylan] == [[CDOT_WIKI:ChapelProgramming | Chapel Programming]] =='''The Chapel Programming Language'''# [ Parth Patel]# [ Jenis Patel][, eMail All] == [[DPS921_Team_Optimize | Optimize]] =='''The Game of Life'''# [mailto:lkapur@myseneca.soleimanlooca?subject=dps921_project Luv Kapur] == [[GPU621/Maths| Maths]] =='''Intel Math Kernal Library'''# [ Gregory McMullan] == [[GPU621/DPS921 Could 4U| Parallel Computing and Could]] =='''Practical usage of parallel computing and could'''# [ Hualiang Xu] == [[GPU621/Weekender| Weekender]] =='''Intel parallel studio inspector'''# [ Andy Cooc]# [ Eugueni Antsyferov][, eMail All] == [[GPU621/Tea| Tea]] =='''Analyzing False Sharing'''# [ Tom Ng]
== Presentation Schedule ==
{| border="1"
|Team Name
|Date and Time
|November 21 10:00
|November 21 10:20
|November 21 10:40
|November 21 11:00
|November 21 11:20
|November 24 10:00
|November 24 10:20
|November 24 10:40
|November 24 11:00
|November 24 11:20
|November 28 10:00
|November 28 10:20
|November 28 10:40
|November 28 11:00
|November 28 11:20
|December 1 10:00
|December 1 10:20
|December 1 10:40
|December 1 11:00
|December 1 11:20
<br />== [[J&J]] =='''Threading Building Blocks'''# [ Jonathan Guana]# [ Jessica Araujo]