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OPS435 Assignment 1 A

3,485 bytes added, 07:46, 7 June 2018
<font color='red'>'''DRAFT - Under Construction'''</font>=Assignment 1 - Users' Usage Report='''Weight:''' 2015% of the overall grade
'''Due Date:''' Ask your professor for exact date
Most system administrators would like to know the utilization of their systems by their users. On a Linux system, the userseach user' s login records are normally stored in the binary file /var/log/wtmp. The login records record in this binary file can not be viewed or edited directly using normal Linux text commands like 'less', 'cat', etc. The 'last' command is often used to display the login records stored in this file in a human readable form. Please check the man page of the 'last' command for available options. The following listing is a sample output of running the 'last' commandwith the '-F' flag on:
$ last -F
In this assignment, your task is to create a python program with well designed functions to produce daily, weekly, and monthly usage report reports by user (and/or by other criteria) remote host based on the information obtained from the 'last' command or given files which contain similar information as the 'last' command.
== Resource for useful modules ==
* the <b>argparse</b> module
** [ Argparse Tutorial] - should read this first.
** [ Argparse API reference information page]
* the <b>time</b> module
** [ Time module Tutorial]
** [ Time module API reference page]
== Instructions ==
=== Program Name and valid command line arguments ===
Name your Python3 program as <code></code>. The program should accept the following one or more "file name" as its command line parametersand other optional parameters as shown below. Your script should produce the following usage when run with the --help option:* <b><codepre>[rchan@centos7 a1]$ python3 ./ -husage: [-h] [-l {user</code></b> or <b><code>,host}] [-r RHOST] [-u</code></b> as an optional first argumentt {daily,weekly, followed by:monthly}]* <b><code>filename</code></b>, or [-u USER] [-v]* <b><code>filename1 filename2 </code></b> etc . F [F .. - any number of filenames from 1 to as many as the command-line supports.]
If the first argument is <b><code>--user</code></b> or <b><code>-u</code></b>, then all the usage report to be generated should be Usage Report based on user only. Only regular users should be included in the user based usage report (excluding super user).last command
If there is no filename provided at the command line, gets the login records from the 'last' command with the appropriate flags.positional arguments: F list of files to be processed
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l {user,host}, --list {user,host} generate user name or remote host IP from the given files -r RHOST, --rhost RHOST usage report for the given remote host IP -t {daily,weekly,monthly}, --type {daily,weekly,monthly} type of report: daily, weekly, and monthly -u USER, --user USER usage report for the given user name -v, --verbose tune on output verbosity Copyright 2018 - Raymond Chan </pre>Replace the last line with your own full name   If one of the file name given is "last", your python program should get the login records from the 'last' command with the appropriate flags. If there is one file name provided at the command line, read the login records from the contents of the given file. The format of each line in the file should be the same as the output of 'last -Fiw'. If there is more than one filename file name provided, merges all the files together with the first one at the top and the last one at the bottom. Read and process the file contents in that order in your program.
=== Header ===
All your Python codes for this program must be placed in a <font color='red'><b><u>single source file</u></b></font>. Please include the following declaration by <b><u>you </u></b> as comment in your Python source code file (replace "Student Name" with your own name):
<source>OPS435 Assignment 1 - Winter Summer 2018Program:
Author: "Student Name"
The python code in this file ( is original work written by
"Student Name". No code in this file is copied from any other source
including any person, textbook, or on-line resource. I have not shared
=== Main Menu ===
When your Python program is running, it should present the user with the following menu based on the given command line arguments:
==== Daily Usage Report by User ====The following is a sample Daily Usage Report for user1 on<pre>Daily Usage Report for user1============================Date Usage in seconds2018 02 14 602018 02 07 452018 02 01 5 Total 110<source/pre>Reading login records ==== Daily Usage Report by Remote Host====The following is a sample Daily Usage Report from Remote Host on host. <pre>Daily Usage Report from ===================================Date Usage in seconds2018 02 14 302018 02 07 412018 02 01 9 Total 80</pre> ==== Weekly Usage Report by User ====The following is a sample Weekly Usage Report for user1 on <pre>Weekly Usage Report for user1=============================Week # Usage in Seconds2017 01 1602017 02 452017 03 52017 04 20
Total 220</pre> ==== Weekly Usage Report by Remote Host ====The following is a sample Weekly Usage Report from the remote host on <pre>Weekly Usage Report - Main Menufrom Daily Week # Usage Reportin Secondsw) Weekly Usage Report2017 01 30m) Monthly Usage Report2017 03 41q) Quit2017 05 9</source>2017 06 11
Option <b>d</b>, <b>w</b>, and <b>mTotal 91</bpre> when selected will display a new sub-menu.
When option <b>q==== Monthly Usage Report by User ====The following is a sample Monthly Usage Report for user1 on</bpre> is selected, you program should terminate.Monthly Usage Report for user1==============================Month Usage in Seconds2017 01 1602017 02 45
=== Daily Usage Menu ===Total 205* If the command line option <b><code>--user</code></b> or <b><code>-u</code></bpre> is set, and the Daily Usage Report option is selected from the Main Menu, the following sub-menu should be presented on the screen:
<source>Daily Usage Report - by User========================Monthly Usage Report by Remote Host ====1) user12) user23) user3The following is a sample Monthly Usage Report for on host.cty.senecacollege.r) Return to Main Menu</source>ca:
Daily <pre>Monthly Usage Report for the user selected should be displayed on the screen when selectedfrom Usage in Seconds2017 01 302017 02 41
When option <b>rTotal 71</bpre> is selected, your program should return and display the main menu.
== Program Development and Testing ==You should create python functions to handle the following sub-tasks:* If gets login records from the output of "last" command line option <b><code>--and filters out unwanted records* reads login records from files and filters out unwanted records* generate daily usage reports by user or by remote host* generate weekly usage reports by user or by remote host* generate monthly usage reports by user</code></b> or <b><code>-u</code></b> is not setby remote hostTo help you with this assignment, and the Daily [[OPS435 A1 Usage Report option Template|here is selected from the Main Menu, the following sub-menu should be presented on the screen:a template]] you can use as a starting point in developing your Python Usage Report program.
<source>Daily Usage Report - by Remote Host===================================1) remote host 12) remote host 23) remote host 3..Once you have finished coding a function, you should start a Python3 interactive shell, import your functions and manually call the function you want to test.r) Return to Main Menu</source>
Daily Usage Report via Once you have all the remote host selected should be displayed individual function tested and that each is working properly, perform the final test with test data provided by your professor and verify that your program produces the correct results before submitting your python program on the screen when selectedBlackboard.
When option <b>r<== Sample login records file and sample run ==* [> is selected, your program should return ~raymond.chan/ops435/a1/ Sample test date files and display the main menu.sample runs]
=== Weekly Usage Menu =Rubric ==
{| class="wikitable" border== "1"! Task !! Maximum mark !! Actual mark|-| Program Authorship Declaration ||1 |||-| Program usage || 2 |||-| Program Options || 2 |||-| Daily Usage Report by User || 2 |||-| Daily Usage Report by Remote Host || 2 |||-| Weekly Usage Report by User || 2 |||-| Weekly Usage Report by Remote Host || 2 |||-| Monthly Usage Report by User || 2 |||-| Monthly Usage Menu ===Report by Remote Host || 2 |||-| Get Login Records from 'last' || 2 |||-| Get Login Records from files || 2 |||-| Generate user name list || 2 |||-| Generate remote host IP list|| 2 || |-| '''Total''' || 25 ||
== Sample login records file ==|}
== Submission ==
After fully testing your program, submit the your file on Blackboard