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Team Recompile IRC Logs 20103 - OOP344

131,535 bytes removed, 16:37, 25 April 2018
{{delete| old logs should be deleted to prevent stalkers from data mining }}  '''Team Recompile IRC Logs:''' = Meeting with Fardad Nov 18 , 2010 =<pre>[19:30] <_Rainulf> fardad_: we're ready [19:30] <fardad_> ok [19:30] <fardad_> give me sec [19:30] <_Rainulf> oki [19:31] <fardad_> coffee problem on keyboard\ [19:31] <_Rainulf> that sucks.. lol [19:31] <danielSays> :/ [19:32] <jrobinson7> o dear lol [19:33] <daleee> hm i have the borders drawing but they arent moving [19:33] <_Rainulf> right and down keys? [19:33] <daleee> nothing [19:33] <daleee> my absRow must be broken [19:33] <_Rainulf> yeh [19:33] <danielSays> ? [19:33] <daleee> cuz i re-wrote it [19:33] <daleee> a little [19:33] <danielSays> ooo [19:34] <fardad_> recompile, I am back [19:34] <danielSays> the way i wrote it is sorta recursive [19:34] <danielSays> if u noticed [19:34] <_Rainulf> fardad_: cools [19:34] <daleee> danielSays: i wrote it the same way [19:34] <daleee> ill bbl though [19:34] <danielSays> ok [19:34] <daleee> gonna hower [19:34] <danielSays> same [19:34] <_Rainulf> tjcatibog, YDean1: pingy [19:34] <danielSays> afk 10 min [19:34] <YDean1> here [19:34] <tjcatibog> fardad: here [19:34] <tjcatibog> err _Rainulf : here [19:35] <fardad_> goody [19:35] <tjcatibog> lol [19:35] <fardad_> _Rainulf: you are still working on border then ha? [19:35] <_Rainulf> im done [19:35] <fardad_> oh ok [19:35] <pbrown9> daleee: I have a game for you to play. [19:36] <fardad_> tjcatibog: you gotta start Dialog ok? [19:36] <tjcatibog> sure [19:36] <the_wonderer> fardad : how is it going ? [19:36] <fardad_> the_wonderer: sorry in a meeting [19:36] <YDean1> i've already started dialog [19:36] <the_wonderer> np [19:36] <YDean1> and field [19:36] <fardad_> ok cool [19:37] <YDean1> need some help though [19:37] <fardad_> how about Field? any started that? [19:37] <fardad_> YDean1: can't do both [19:37] <YDean1> ok [19:37] <_Rainulf> fardad_: yeh, i did a bit of field too lol [19:37] <YDean1> lol [19:38] <fardad_> guys, don't do slopy work [19:38] <fardad_> be organized [19:38] <_Rainulf> alirety [19:38] <fardad_> listen [19:39] <fardad_> merge the work you have already done [19:39] <fardad_> and pick a class and start doing it [19:39] <fardad_> but [19:39] <fardad_> the sequence of things being done are as follows [19:40] <fardad_> 1- Border [19:40] <fardad_> 2-Dialog [19:40] <fardad_> 2-Field [19:41] <fardad_> 3- Lable, Button,lineedit text [19:41] <fardad_> 4-check , valedit [19:43] <fardad_> tjcatibog: could you start Field [19:43] <tjcatibog> sure [19:43] <fardad_> and be fast cause everything depends on that [19:43] <fardad_> if any help needed let me know [19:44] <tjcatibog> going through the spec now. if I have any questions I'll be sure to ask [19:44] <fardad_> ok you guys have any questions for now? [19:44] <YDean1> can i use fwfield without creating a derived class for it? [19:44] <fardad_> YDean1: what do you mean by that? [19:44] <fardad_> implementing Dialog? [19:45] <YDean1> ya [19:45] <fardad_> Dialog only deals with Field and nothing but that [19:46] <fardad_> you can't test dialog though untile at least label is done [19:46] <YDean1> ok [19:46] <fardad_> label is pretty easy, as soon as tjcatibog is done with field, you can do it in 3 mins [19:46] <fardad_> sorry 30 mins I meant [19:46] <_Rainulf> lol [19:48] <fardad_> ok any thing else? [19:48] <_Rainulf> fardad_: theres just one thing i want to clarify about absRow and absCol [19:48] <fardad_> _Rainulf: gp ajead [19:48] <fardad_> he he ahead [19:49] <_Rainulf> i got everything and working properly with the tester.. but the way i did it was probably different than required.. i basically added the values of this object and _container [19:49] <_Rainulf> but if the _container contains another container [19:49] <_Rainulf> then im guessing i should also the values of that [19:50] == danielSays [~chatzilla@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] [19:50] <_Rainulf> s/than/from [19:50] <_Rainulf> grammar [19:50] <fardad_> ok, let me write a little pseudo for you [19:51] <_Rainulf> alrite [19:54] <fardad_> this is what you need to do to find the right value for absrow or abscol [19:54] <fardad_> [19:54] <_Rainulf> got it [19:55] <fardad_> ok anything else? [19:55] <_Rainulf> none from me [19:55] <YDean1> no [19:56] <tjcatibog> one [19:56] <tjcatibog> when does field need to be done by? [19:57] <fardad_> well, asap [19:58] <fardad_> do the best you can cause everthing is based on field [19:58] <fardad_> it is pretty simple actually [19:58] <fardad_> let me see [19:58] <tjcatibog> yeah it seems simple enough, I was just curious [19:59] <fardad_> tjcatibog: Field is about 20 lines of code.... [19:59] <fardad_> just go throught the desc, and if any problem let me know</pre> = Meeting with Fardad Nov 15, 2010 =<pre>[21:01] == YDean1 [ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #seneca-oop344 [21:01] <_Rainulf> hey ya go [21:02] <_Rainulf> so.. [21:02] <@fardad> hi YDean1 [21:02] <YDean1> what up [21:02] <@fardad> Ok, first, where are you in the project? [21:03] <@fardad> what stage? (biefly) [21:03] <_Rainulf> well, we finished the blank cpps [21:03] <_Rainulf> and i've started a bit of easy funcs [21:03] <@fardad> that is good [21:04] <@fardad> lets talk about who is going to do what ok? [21:04] <_Rainulf> sure [21:04] <@fardad> first, do you have a separate project page on wiki or youare going to use your teampage for it? [21:05] <_Rainulf> i think we're good with team page.. YDean1, tjcatibog what do u guys think? [21:05] * fardad is ok with it too [21:05] <@fardad> keeping it simple [21:05] <YDean1> teampage is fine [21:05] <_Rainulf> it depends in the complexity tho [21:05] <@fardad> tjcatibog: there? [21:06] <tjcatibog> yes [21:06] <@fardad> _Rainulf: well you can always move it to anew page if you find it too complicated [21:06] <_Rainulf> i guess [21:06] <@fardad> so, lets talk about tasks for the first stage ok? [21:06] <_Rainulf> ok [21:07] <@fardad> _Rainulf: you started Border? [21:08] <_Rainulf> not really much [21:08] <_Rainulf> i mean [21:08] <@fardad> ok, we need two of you to start this [21:08] <@fardad> the third person will do other school work to free his time for the task to come [21:09] <YDean1> im in [21:09] <_Rainulf> oki [21:09] <@fardad> ok [21:09] <YDean1> okay [21:09] <@fardad> tjcatibog: you are off for the first 36 hours [21:10] <tjcatibog> ok [21:10] <@fardad> _Rainulf: you gotta be done with border in 3 hours [21:10] <@fardad> ha ha [21:10] <@fardad> 36 hours [21:10] <_Rainulf> u scared me for a sec there fardad [21:10] <_Rainulf> lol [21:10] <YDean1> lol [21:10] <pbrown9> I liked the first one better, it's good for a heart attack [21:10] <@fardad> ok, YDean1 [21:11] <YDean1> yes sir [21:11] <@fardad> you gotta have the team page fixed and reorganized to accomodate: [21:11] <@fardad> Trunk status, [21:11] <@fardad> Each team members current work [21:12] <@fardad> Log of what is done and finished [21:12] <@fardad> Tasks for each team member to do in future [21:13] <@fardad> are you guys clear about these or need more explaning? [21:13] <_Rainulf> hmm [21:13] <@fardad> Ok, let go one by one: [21:13] <@fardad> Trunk Status: any question? [21:13] <_Rainulf> nope [21:14] <YDean1> nope [21:14] <tjcatibog> nay [21:14] <@fardad> Ok , two possible things, either "last commited by teammember" or "being commited by team member" [21:15] <@fardad> Other NEVER commit while status is (being commieted) [21:15] <@fardad> s/Other/Others [21:16] <@fardad> before you commit change the status to being commited by "your name" and when done you will change it to "last commited by"..... [21:16] <_Rainulf> hold on [21:16] <_Rainulf> so we put it on comments when we commit? [21:16] <_Rainulf> eg. "committed by: rainulf" [21:17] <@fardad> _Rainulf: clarify, are you talking about svn or wiki? [21:17] <_Rainulf> sry, i thought svn [21:17] <_Rainulf> ok wiki [21:17] <@fardad> ok, to make sure confilicts are minimized when commiting to trunk [21:18] <@fardad> you should always have the status of trunk updated on wiki [21:18] <@fardad> and check it before you do an actual commit on trunk [21:18] <@fardad> if you see the status is "last commited..." it means it is safe to commit [21:19] <@fardad> so you change it to "being commited by...." and then start commiting and so on.... [21:19] <@fardad> when you are done, i.e. conflicts are resolved and and trunk is compiled and probably ready to be tagged.... [21:19] <@fardad> you change the status to "last commited by ...." [21:19] <@fardad> this means you are done. [21:20] <@fardad> doing this it is impissible for two team members to commit at the same time [21:20] <@fardad> capishe? [21:20] * _Rainulf understood [21:20] <YDean1> yep [21:20] <@fardad> YDean1: tjcatibog; ? [21:20] <tjcatibog> ok [21:21] <@fardad> YDean1: so this is a section that you should have in your team page [21:21] <YDean1> ok [21:21] <@fardad> and the moste important one [21:21] <@fardad> next you sould have three sections for three team members where they will have the task they are currently doing [21:21] <@fardad> each team member can log problems here and note what is needed to be noted [21:22] <@fardad> when the task is done it is moved to the list of the tasks that are done [21:23] <@fardad> if you like you can move the logs too, but you can really delete them since the task is already done [21:23] <@fardad> so in completed tasks section you will have something like [21:24] <@fardad> FWBorder implimentaion: _Rainulf [21:24] <_Rainulf> got it [21:24] <@fardad> (when he is done) [21:25] <@fardad> the final section is task assignments that are to be done later by each person, it is like completed tasks section but for the tasks to be done [21:25] <@fardad> so [21:25] <@fardad> Trunk status [21:25] <@fardad> Tasks [21:25] <@fardad> member A [21:25] <@fardad> member B [21:25] <@fardad> member C [21:25] <@fardad> completed tasks [21:26] <@fardad> (replace memeber X) with team members of course :) [21:26] <@fardad> YDean1: also [21:26] <YDean1> yes sir [21:26] <@fardad> use your own taste and immagination to make it better please [21:27] <_Rainulf> lol [21:27] <YDean1> do i get bonus marks? [21:27] <@fardad> YDean1: yes by not losing marks [21:27] <YDean1> lol [21:27] <_Rainulf> lol [21:27] <@fardad> tjcatibog: your task is to schedule the next meeting in 36 hours [21:28] <tjcatibog> ok [21:28] <@fardad> 30 mins is more than enough [21:28] <@fardad> everyone is ok with this? [21:28] <_Rainulf> yupertz [21:28] <YDean1> yep [21:29] <@fardad> so in 36 hours, I will have the border working and tested, wiki page ready to be edited and appointement schedueled right? [21:29] <_Rainulf> got it [21:29] <@fardad> any questions? [21:29] <YDean1> yep [21:29] <tjcatibog> ok [21:29] <_Rainulf> none from me [21:29] <tjcatibog> yeah, I got one [21:30] <tjcatibog> we want the next meeting in exactly 36 hours? or at least 36 [21:30] <@fardad> :) [21:30] * tjcatibog thinks it's a decent question [21:30] <@fardad> no after 36 hours the very first possible time... [21:30] <@fardad> remember, the later your meeting the less time you have for work [21:30] <tjcatibog> ok [21:31] <@fardad> tjcatibog: it was decent... [21:31] <@fardad> YDean1: please have a page with the log of our irc meetings [21:32] <YDean1> sure thing [21:32] <@fardad> YDean1: just copy the above is in a wiki page called say recompile team IRC logs oop344 20103 [21:32] <@fardad> and keep adding thelogs in <pre> tags [21:32] <@fardad> ok? [21:33] <_Rainulf> YDean1: check this out [21:33] <_Rainulf> thats the log since the very first creation of #seneca-recompile [21:33] <@fardad> beautifule [21:34] <@fardad> *beautiful :) [21:34] <@fardad> just make sure each have its own section with date like: [21:34] <@fardad> ==Nov 15 - meeting with Fardad== [21:35] <@fardad> ok?</pre><pre>21:00] == YDean1 [ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #seneca-recompile [21:01] <_Rainulf> hey [21:01] <_Rainulf> hold on [21:01] <YDean1> yo [21:01] <_Rainulf> fardad will come in a sec [21:01] <_Rainulf> join #seneca-oop344 [21:01] <_Rainulf> YDean1: /join #seneca-oop344 [21:31] <tjcatibog> what's the earliest both of you are free on wednesday evening? [21:31] <_Rainulf> anytime's good on evening [21:37] <tjcatibog> I don't know how, but fardad always manages to direct a conversation to me exactly when I switch windows [21:37] <_Rainulf> lol [21:37] <_Rainulf> u're using chatzilla? [21:37] <tjcatibog> yeah [21:38] <_Rainulf> hmm.. must be a feature.. i havent really tried it [21:38] <tjcatibog> that, and firefox froze for a few seconds [21:38] <tjcatibog> so I was unable to respond [21:39] <_Rainulf> lol so thats why [21:40] <tjcatibog> are you both ok with our next meeting on wednesday evening at 7 pm? [21:40] <_Rainulf> hmm [21:40] <_Rainulf> yeh, im good [21:40] <tjcatibog> YDean1: ? [21:40] <YDean1> what up [21:41] <YDean1> just updating the log [21:41] <tjcatibog> are you ok with having a meeting on wednesday evening at 7 pm? [21:41] <YDean1> this wednesday im not going to be available [21:42] <YDean1> but every other wednesday should be fine though [21:43] <tjcatibog> should we have it on thursday instead? [21:43] <_Rainulf> im good [21:43] <YDean1> yah thats good [21:44] <YDean1> thursday 7? [21:45] <tjcatibog> yeah [21:45] <_Rainulf> ok im good with that</pre> = Unsorted logs =<pre> **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 14 17:55:15 2010 Sep 14 17:55:15 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:55:16 * sets mode +n #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:55:16 * sets mode +s #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:56:22 * ChanServ sets mode -s #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:56:22 * ChanServ sets mode +t #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:56:22 * ChanServ sets mode +c #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:57:02 * ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #seneca-recompileSep 14 17:57:02 * services. gives channel operator status to ChanServSep 14 17:57:02 -ChanServ- The GUARD flag has been set for channel #seneca-recompile.Sep 14 17:57:42 * _Rainulf has changed the topic to: Homepage: 14 18:26:19 * _Rainulf has changed the topic to: Development page: 14 18:26:25 * _Rainulf has changed the topic to: Homepage: 14 18:30:10 * fjigruehgre (45a589ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileSep 14 18:30:24 * fjigruehgre has quit (Client Quit)Sep 14 18:50:49 * _Rainulf has changed the topic to: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage (**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Sep 15 16:56:02 2010 Sep 15 16:56:02 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 15 16:56:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 15 16:56:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 15 18:45:54 * daleee[afk] ( has joined #seneca-recompileSep 15 18:45:58 <daleee[afk]> lolSep 15 18:46:04 * daleee[afk] ( has left #seneca-recompile**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 16 01:18:46 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 16 15:49:54 2010 Sep 16 15:49:54 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 16 15:49:54 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 16 15:49:54 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 16 16:34:57 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 16 16:34:57 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 16 16:35:32 2010 Sep 16 16:35:32 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 16 16:35:32 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 16 16:35:32 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 16 16:35:32 * [freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots -- please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: 16 16:37:55 * _Rainulf has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 16 20:02:09 * You are now known as _Rainulf**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 16 20:03:35 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 16 20:07:38 2010 Sep 16 20:07:38 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 16 20:07:38 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 16 20:07:38 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 17 01:01:41 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Sep 17 07:44:01 2010 Sep 17 07:44:01 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 17 07:44:01 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 17 07:44:01 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 17 07:44:11 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 17 07:49:18 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Sep 17 15:00:16 2010 Sep 17 15:00:16 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 17 15:00:16 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 17 15:00:16 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 17 15:00:16 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Sep 18 12:40:36 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 18 12:42:38 2010 Sep 18 12:42:38 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 18 12:42:38 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 18 12:42:38 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 18 12:42:38 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Sep 18 17:46:38 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileSep 18 17:46:43 <_Rainulf> heySep 18 17:46:46 <_Rainulf> hahaSep 18 17:47:07 <_Rainulf> just type at the bottomSep 18 17:47:11 <YDean1> hiSep 18 17:47:13 <YDean1> okSep 18 17:47:17 <_Rainulf> haha yupSep 18 17:47:19 <_Rainulf> so this is ircSep 18 17:47:26 <_Rainulf> this is where we'll discuss our stuffSep 18 17:47:34 <YDean1> coolSep 18 17:47:36 <_Rainulf> together with that other guySep 18 17:47:44 <_Rainulf> timothySep 18 17:47:56 <YDean1> what about all that /ping stuff fardad was talking about earilerSep 18 17:48:03 <_Rainulf> ahhSep 18 17:48:26 <_Rainulf> in irc, u do ping: YDean1 for example if u wanna know if the person's thereSep 18 17:48:38 <_Rainulf> if the person's there, he should reply pingSep 18 17:48:39 <_Rainulf> pong*Sep 18 17:48:51 <_Rainulf> it's like a tradition in irc, it doesnt really do anythingSep 18 17:48:52 <_Rainulf> lolSep 18 17:48:56 <YDean1> lolSep 18 17:48:56 <_Rainulf> so if i saySep 18 17:49:01 <_Rainulf> ping: YDean1Sep 18 17:49:04 <_Rainulf> u replySep 18 17:49:05 <_Rainulf> pongSep 18 17:49:12 <YDean1> pong:_RainulfSep 18 17:49:14 <_Rainulf> pongSep 18 17:49:21 <_Rainulf> lolSep 18 17:49:27 <_Rainulf> there are diff irc channelsSep 18 17:49:27 <YDean1> coolSep 18 17:49:39 <_Rainulf> our channel is called #seneca-recompileSep 18 17:49:52 <_Rainulf> seneca's main channel is called #senecaSep 18 17:49:55 <_Rainulf> if u wanna join itSep 18 17:50:00 <_Rainulf> just type /join #senecaSep 18 17:50:46 <_Rainulf> or join #watever-channelSep 18 17:50:53 <_Rainulf> i mean, /joinSep 18 17:51:42 <YDean1> hey i download a program called visual irc does this mean i don't need itSep 18 17:52:00 <_Rainulf> well, there are many irc clients out thereSep 18 17:52:09 <_Rainulf> that one u're using is a web irc clientSep 18 17:52:13 <_Rainulf> it just runs in a browser lolSep 18 17:52:30 <YDean1> okSep 18 17:52:38 <_Rainulf> but if u wanna try othersSep 18 17:52:51 <_Rainulf> u can try firefox's chatzillaSep 18 17:53:09 <_Rainulf> it also works the same way, but u'll have to do all the reconfiguration which is a hassleSep 18 17:53:21 <_Rainulf> so just use web irc client for easeSep 18 17:53:30 <YDean1> okSep 18 17:53:58 <YDean1> hey has the other member come on irc haven't met him yetSep 18 17:54:17 <_Rainulf> nope, i dont think so, but ive chatted with him on msnSep 18 17:54:28 <_Rainulf> i sent everyone's emailSep 18 17:54:33 <_Rainulf> so just add him if u wantSep 18 17:54:38 <_Rainulf> he's usually online around 10-11pmSep 18 17:54:44 <_Rainulf> his name's timothySep 18 17:55:06 <YDean1> okSep 18 17:55:31 <_Rainulf> if u want more info about irc, just go to 18 17:55:40 <_Rainulf> and scroll down to the Basics of IRCSep 18 17:56:09 <YDean1> thanks for the tutorial and walkthoughSep 18 17:56:14 <_Rainulf> npSep 18 17:56:18 <_Rainulf> oh yeh, svnSep 18 17:56:30 <_Rainulf> hmm, i think i'll show it to u at schoolSep 18 17:56:38 <_Rainulf> but if u can, u should also experiment with itSep 18 17:56:57 <YDean1> already have i download a couple of class notesSep 18 17:57:04 <_Rainulf> oh yeh? awesome!Sep 18 17:57:33 <_Rainulf> this is google code hosting, 18 17:57:37 <_Rainulf> thats also svnSep 18 17:57:45 <_Rainulf> but in webSep 18 17:58:04 <_Rainulf> as u can see, u can click on r10 at the top rightSep 18 17:58:12 <_Rainulf> and u should see the changes i makeSep 18 17:59:49 <_Rainulf> fardad should give us our svn account (username/password), but he still never emailed usSep 18 18:00:04 <_Rainulf> but if u wanna try svn, u can register for google code hosting, 18 18:00:37 <_Rainulf> and they should provide u login and stuffSep 18 18:01:40 <_Rainulf> just put some random names and u can delete that account after u're done with itSep 18 18:02:27 <_Rainulf> anyway, i'll always be here at the irc and msn, so if u need help of something, just ask =DSep 18 18:02:42 <_Rainulf> i'll afkSep 18 18:04:19 <YDean1> okSep 18 18:15:08 * YDean1 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Sep 19 04:09:11 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 19 08:30:53 2010 Sep 19 08:30:53 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 19 08:30:53 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 19 08:30:53 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 19 08:30:53 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Sep 20 02:08:20 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Sep 20 07:03:14 2010 Sep 20 07:03:14 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 20 07:03:14 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 20 07:03:14 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 20 07:03:14 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Sep 20 14:59:06 2010 Sep 20 14:59:06 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 20 14:59:06 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 20 14:59:06 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 20 14:59:12 -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.Sep 20 14:59:12 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 21 02:43:23 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 21 07:40:19 2010 Sep 21 07:40:19 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 21 07:40:19 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 21 07:40:19 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 21 07:40:19 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 21 07:49:27 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 21 07:53:17 2010 Sep 21 07:53:17 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 21 07:53:17 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 21 07:53:17 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 21 07:53:17 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Sep 21 11:40:17 * YDean1_ (8ecc100a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileSep 21 11:42:13 <YDean1_> #seneca-oop344 channelSep 21 11:46:33 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileSep 21 11:48:31 * YDean1_ (8ecc100a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #seneca-recompileSep 21 11:49:36 <tjcatibog> hey raySep 21 11:57:26 * YDean1__ (8ecc100a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileSep 21 12:13:43 <YDean1__> /join #seneca-oop344Sep 21 12:13:49 <YDean1__> /join #seneca-oop344Sep 21 12:14:00 <YDean1__> /join seneca-oop344Sep 21 12:14:41 <YDean1__> having problems joining the oop344 channel helpSep 21 12:30:13 * YDean1__ is now known as YDean1Sep 21 12:51:48 * YDean1 has quit (Quit: Page closed)Sep 21 13:02:06 * tjcatibog has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 21 13:02:37 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileSep 21 13:31:25 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])Sep 21 21:12:00 * Disconnected (Connection timed out).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 21 21:12:00 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 21 21:12:50 2010 Sep 21 21:12:50 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 21 21:12:50 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 21 21:12:50 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Sep 22 02:38:29 2010 Sep 22 02:38:29 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 22 02:38:29 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 22 02:38:29 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 22 02:38:29 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Sep 22 09:59:42 2010 Sep 22 09:59:42 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 22 09:59:42 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 22 09:59:42 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 22 09:59:42 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Sep 22 12:39:26 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Sep 22 20:13:46 2010 Sep 22 20:13:46 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 22 20:13:46 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 22 20:13:46 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 22 20:13:46 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 23 08:04:49 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 23 15:35:25 2010 Sep 23 15:35:25 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 23 15:35:25 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 23 15:35:25 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:50 2010Sep 23 15:35:25 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Sep 24 03:34:17 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 24 03:34:17 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Sep 24 03:34:45 2010 Sep 24 03:34:45 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 24 03:34:45 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 24 03:34:45 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 24 08:04:11 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Sep 24 15:22:11 2010 Sep 24 15:22:11 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 24 15:22:11 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 24 15:22:11 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 24 15:22:11 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Sep 25 09:30:18 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 25 09:44:35 2010 Sep 25 09:44:35 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 25 09:44:35 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 25 09:44:35 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 25 09:44:35 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Sep 25 23:22:03 * Disconnected (Network is unreachable).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Sep 25 23:22:03 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Sep 25 23:22:34 2010 Sep 25 23:22:34 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 25 23:22:34 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 25 23:22:34 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:50 2010Sep 26 12:31:47 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileSep 26 12:31:51 <_Rainulf> supsupSep 26 12:31:54 <YDean1> yoSep 26 12:32:21 <_Rainulf> so it prints 270^n with F1 and alt huhSep 26 12:32:34 <YDean1> capital NSep 26 12:32:36 <YDean1> but yaSep 26 12:32:47 <_Rainulf> but how about other keys?Sep 26 12:32:50 <_Rainulf> F2Sep 26 12:32:52 <_Rainulf> etcSep 26 12:33:10 <YDean1> F2 = 271 ^OSep 26 12:33:22 <_Rainulf> hmmSep 26 12:33:28 <YDean1> pretty much in sequenceSep 26 12:33:34 <_Rainulf> but it's ^0 nowSep 26 12:33:54 <_Rainulf> i thought it'll be ^N for the restSep 26 12:33:54 <YDean1> the f3 is 272 ^PSep 26 12:33:58 <_Rainulf> haha icSep 26 12:34:09 <_Rainulf> im assuming it's counting by alphabetSep 26 12:34:16 <_Rainulf> N, O, P, Q, etc, etcSep 26 12:34:27 <YDean1> ya just like that and the numbers increase by oneSep 26 12:34:55 <_Rainulf> can i see ur source code?, paste it here 26 12:35:03 <_Rainulf> u have three C files right?Sep 26 12:35:34 <YDean1> ya i have them im just doing my own little testing first thougSep 26 12:35:52 <_Rainulf> okaySep 26 12:36:17 <YDean1> after i paste it there what do i doSep 26 12:36:30 <_Rainulf> submit it and give me the link to itSep 26 12:36:56 <YDean1> 26 12:38:38 <YDean1> sorry wait a second something's wrongSep 26 12:38:49 <_Rainulf> okSep 26 12:42:01 <YDean1> sorry the comments are wrong in the code it should be sequentialSep 26 12:42:27 <YDean1> 26 12:45:17 <_Rainulf> so those are the results for each keys?Sep 26 12:45:27 <YDean1> yaSep 26 12:45:28 <_Rainulf> 32 for space, 10 for enter, etcSep 26 12:45:31 <_Rainulf> icSep 26 12:45:36 <YDean1> yepSep 26 12:46:57 <_Rainulf> wat happens if u add value to it?Sep 26 12:48:47 <YDean1> that what i tried first its at the while its the combinations of N ^ space and 270Sep 26 12:49:21 <YDean1> nvm i think i got it i just typed 270 in and it workedSep 26 12:49:41 <_Rainulf> ??Sep 26 12:50:09 <_Rainulf> so it doesnt matter whether there's ^N in it? lolSep 26 12:50:21 <YDean1> lolSep 26 12:51:01 <_Rainulf> hmmSep 26 12:51:57 <_Rainulf> okSep 26 12:52:00 <_Rainulf> just to make sureSep 26 12:52:04 <_Rainulf> try to put an if statementSep 26 12:52:36 <_Rainulf> if value is 270.. give a message that F1 is pressedSep 26 12:52:49 <YDean1> okSep 26 12:53:33 <YDean1> ya it workedSep 26 12:54:20 <_Rainulf> awesomeeSep 26 12:54:22 <YDean1> also i can't get it to compile in xcode i have to run it through the terminal? do you know anything about it?Sep 26 12:54:37 <_Rainulf> how are u compiling it?Sep 26 12:54:54 <YDean1> gcc main -lcursesSep 26 12:55:01 <YDean1> in the mac terminalSep 26 12:55:21 <YDean1> no GUI the old school way i want to do it the new school way lolSep 26 12:55:37 <_Rainulf> im not very familiar xcodeSep 26 12:55:47 <_Rainulf> so xcode is what u used to compile c programs?Sep 26 12:55:55 <YDean1> yaSep 26 12:56:00 <_Rainulf> it's like a GUI program basically? like visual basicSep 26 12:56:02 <_Rainulf> oh icSep 26 12:56:26 <_Rainulf> lol, just use terminal.. and a C++ editor.. to compile it.. XDSep 26 12:56:43 <YDean1> ya i use xcode for the editor lolSep 26 12:57:44 <_Rainulf> what error do u get wen u compile with xcode?Sep 26 12:58:57 <YDean1> Error from Debugger program not running but it doesn't give an error when i open the debug window it successfully complies and everythingSep 26 12:59:11 <YDean1> it just doesn't runSep 26 13:00:43 <_Rainulf> lol icSep 26 13:00:48 <_Rainulf> i'll take a look at itSep 26 13:00:56 <_Rainulf> i installed mac on my virtualSep 26 13:01:07 <_Rainulf> i mean, XOS.. XDSep 26 13:01:22 <YDean1> lol coolSep 26 13:01:59 <_Rainulf> but anywaySep 26 13:02:02 <_Rainulf> back to that programSep 26 13:02:22 <_Rainulf> wen u add say.. 1000 to 270^NSep 26 13:02:25 <_Rainulf> wat happens?Sep 26 13:02:36 <_Rainulf> wat does it return?Sep 26 13:04:08 <YDean1> add 1000 to 270?Sep 26 13:04:16 <_Rainulf> yehSep 26 13:06:14 <YDean1> it doesn't recognize it as the f1 keySep 26 13:07:02 <_Rainulf> send me the sourceSep 26 13:08:19 <YDean1> 26 13:08:42 <YDean1> f2 quits the programSep 26 13:09:34 <_Rainulf> try this, 26 13:12:31 <YDean1> doesn't do anythingSep 26 13:13:26 <_Rainulf> change value += 1000;Sep 26 13:13:32 <_Rainulf> to value = value + 1;Sep 26 13:13:38 <_Rainulf> i mean 1000Sep 26 13:13:47 <_Rainulf> value = value + 1000;Sep 26 13:14:43 <YDean1> ya it worksSep 26 13:14:55 <_Rainulf> lol thats weird..Sep 26 13:14:59 <YDean1> but i get a question mark at the endSep 26 13:15:10 <_Rainulf> question mark?Sep 26 13:15:51 <YDean1> yaSep 26 13:16:18 <YDean1> oh nvm its from the %cSep 26 13:16:30 <_Rainulf> lol alriteSep 26 13:16:48 <_Rainulf> anyways man, try to get all the value for all keysSep 26 13:16:56 <_Rainulf> and commit it to ur branchSep 26 13:17:30 <YDean1> cool i have no insert or home keys on my macbook ill get them on mondaySep 26 13:17:32 <YDean1> alsoSep 26 13:17:45 <_Rainulf> okSep 26 13:18:00 <YDean1> not sure if your interested but has alot of ncurses stuffSep 26 13:18:23 <_Rainulf> awesome cool! i'll take a look at it// =DSep 26 13:18:59 <YDean1> take it ezSep 26 13:19:19 <_Rainulf> alriteySep 26 13:19:23 <_Rainulf> u tooSep 26 13:19:47 * YDean1 has quit ()**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Sep 27 01:44:07 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Sep 27 14:32:21 2010 Sep 27 14:32:21 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 27 14:32:21 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 27 14:32:21 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 27 14:32:21 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Sep 27 23:46:21 2010 Sep 27 23:46:21 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 27 23:46:21 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 27 23:46:21 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 27 23:46:21 * [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support: 27 23:46:21 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Sep 28 01:20:23 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Sep 28 17:13:33 2010 Sep 28 17:13:33 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 28 17:13:33 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 28 17:13:33 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 28 17:13:33 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Sep 29 19:50:36 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileSep 29 21:16:57 * YDean1 has quit ()**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Sep 30 07:58:57 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 30 14:52:33 2010 Sep 30 14:52:33 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileSep 30 14:52:33 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 30 14:52:33 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Sep 30 14:52:33 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Oct 1 02:08:06 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Oct 1 07:08:11 2010 Oct 01 07:08:11 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 01 07:08:11 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 01 07:08:11 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 01 07:08:11 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Oct 1 15:46:39 2010 Oct 01 15:46:39 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 01 15:46:39 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 01 15:46:39 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 01 15:46:39 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 01 16:10:20 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Oct 1 16:10:20 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Oct 1 16:15:17 2010 Oct 01 16:15:17 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 01 16:15:17 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 01 16:15:17 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 01 16:15:17 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Oct 2 18:19:45 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Oct 2 18:19:45 2010 Oct 02 22:25:23 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Oct 2 22:25:23 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Oct 2 23:00:27 2010 Oct 02 23:00:27 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 02 23:00:27 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 02 23:00:27 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 02 23:00:27 * [freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! 02 23:00:27 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 3 10:33:49 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 3 10:34:36 2010 Oct 03 10:34:36 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 03 10:34:36 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. 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Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 08 12:50:38 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 08 12:50:38 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 08 22:39:11 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileOct 09 00:13:45 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])Oct 10 15:40:46 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 10 15:40:46 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 10 15:41:33 2010 Oct 10 15:41:33 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 10 15:41:33 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 10 15:41:33 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 10 15:44:17 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 10 15:44:17 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 10 17:44:53 2010 Oct 10 17:44:53 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 10 17:44:53 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 10 17:44:53 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 10 18:53:18 <YDean1> heyOct 10 18:54:11 <_Rainulf> hey man, how u doing?Oct 10 18:54:17 <YDean1> not badOct 10 18:54:29 <YDean1> uOct 10 18:54:43 <_Rainulf> nm.. just taking a break from dbs and int.. lol.. im watching anime right nowOct 10 18:55:10 <YDean1> coolOct 10 18:55:41 <_Rainulf> oh yeh, i updated my copyOct 10 18:56:15 <YDean1> i just finished doing some more work on itOct 10 18:56:19 <_Rainulf> oh yehOct 10 18:56:36 <YDean1> that's all im gonna do for tonight my head is pounding lolOct 10 18:56:44 <_Rainulf> hahaOct 10 18:57:29 <_Rainulf> have u worked on iol_edit yet?Oct 10 18:57:43 <_Rainulf> oh seems like itOct 10 18:57:51 <YDean1> yaOct 10 18:58:17 <_Rainulf> did fardad mentioned anything about it during class?Oct 10 18:58:17 <YDean1> backspace leaves a trail of Zss at the end thoughOct 10 18:58:34 <YDean1> no he talked about iol_flagOct 10 18:58:39 <YDean1> and iol_displayFlagOct 10 18:58:44 <YDean1> and menu itemOct 10 18:58:50 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 10 18:59:16 <_Rainulf> how are they?Oct 10 18:59:31 <_Rainulf> i dled the notes from last week, but i havent look at em yetOct 10 19:00:29 <_Rainulf> lol wow, i missed alot in just a day.. >.<Oct 10 19:00:39 <YDean1> lolOct 10 19:01:03 <YDean1> he also talked about bitwise operatorsOct 10 19:01:08 <YDean1> lolOct 10 19:01:21 <_Rainulf> yeh, how far have u guys gone on it?Oct 10 19:01:59 <YDean1> not far he mentioned it at the end of class spoke 20 mins or so on themOct 10 19:02:03 <_Rainulf> ahhOct 10 19:02:12 <_Rainulf> i read a bit about it actuallyOct 10 19:02:18 <_Rainulf> it looks pretty easy, just confusingOct 10 19:02:27 <_Rainulf> 34 & 66Oct 10 19:02:32 <YDean1> yaOct 10 19:02:34 <_Rainulf> basically.. convert to binaryOct 10 19:02:39 <_Rainulf> and solve it from thereOct 10 19:02:45 <_Rainulf> and convert it back to base 10 lolOct 10 19:02:51 <YDean1> lolOct 10 19:03:01 <_Rainulf> but im not sure what other use of itOct 10 19:03:50 <YDean1> he mentioned it was useful for hacking but he just talked about theoryOct 10 19:04:06 <YDean1> im guessing he'll speak about more on tuesdayOct 10 19:04:28 <_Rainulf> yeh, make sense.. because it's more useful in messing with the memoryOct 10 19:04:38 <_Rainulf> in a bit-levelOct 10 19:04:41 <_Rainulf> kind ofOct 10 19:05:13 <_Rainulf> how about the complex funcs?Oct 10 19:05:35 <YDean1> due dates? or difficulty?Oct 10 19:05:46 <_Rainulf> he mentioned that once we finish iol_edit, the rest should be easyOct 10 19:06:00 <_Rainulf> u mentioned that he might extend the due date, but we might as well finish it as soon as we canOct 10 19:06:58 <_Rainulf> but yeh, in terms of difficulty.. wat do u think?Oct 10 19:06:58 <YDean1> ya the code seems repetitious the hard part is finding what does what shouldn't be that hard thoughOct 10 19:07:17 <_Rainulf> lol icOct 10 19:07:28 <_Rainulf> he posted some code about itOct 10 19:07:37 <YDean1> did he?Oct 10 19:08:09 <YDean1> on svn?Oct 10 19:08:11 <_Rainulf> i guess, he posted complsfuncs directory under oct 8Oct 10 19:08:36 <_Rainulf> but i still havent check it outOct 10 19:08:59 <YDean1> lolOct 10 19:09:41 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 10 19:12:19 <_Rainulf> ugh.. i might be late on tues classOct 10 19:12:21 <_Rainulf> oh yehOct 10 19:12:27 <_Rainulf> did fardad mentioned anything about the quiz?Oct 10 19:12:59 <YDean1> no only what he mentioned last tuesdayOct 10 19:13:11 <YDean1> he did say function pointers would be on it thoughOct 10 19:13:24 <_Rainulf> ah icOct 10 19:15:47 <YDean1> in class do u remember why fardad set str[20] = 0;Oct 10 19:16:17 <_Rainulf> yeh?Oct 10 19:16:38 <_Rainulf> to make it a string right?Oct 10 19:17:00 <YDean1> ?Oct 10 19:17:40 <YDean1> the line before had str[81]='abcd..'Oct 10 19:18:10 <YDean1> I'll ask him about on tuesdayOct 10 19:18:14 <_Rainulf> waitOct 10 19:18:15 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 10 19:18:28 <_Rainulf> char str[81] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; ?Oct 10 19:18:37 <_Rainulf> ohhhhhOct 10 19:18:37 <YDean1> yaOct 10 19:18:47 <_Rainulf> and u want to know why str[20] = 0?Oct 10 19:19:11 <YDean1> ya i was think it was for demostration purpose or somethingOct 10 19:19:59 <_Rainulf> 0 means null, and wen u add a null to a char array, it becomes a string.. str[20] technically is the end of the string.. and the rest shouldnt be visibleOct 10 19:20:17 <_Rainulf> so the rest shouldnt be visible*Oct 10 19:20:24 <_Rainulf> i cant explain it clearly, but it's something like thatOct 10 19:20:49 <_Rainulf> fardad's not on right now, but he's usually at the #seneca-oop344.. u can ask him thereOct 10 19:22:35 <_Rainulf> YDean1, basically.. if u wanna see the next character, u move the null (or 0) one advanceOct 10 19:22:59 <_Rainulf> lets say char str[81] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";Oct 10 19:23:14 <_Rainulf> str[20] = 0 cause it to view only 20 charactersOct 10 19:23:58 <_Rainulf> so it shold only view abcdefghijklmnopqrstOct 10 19:24:14 <_Rainulf> if u wanna view the next character, u move the 0 one advanceOct 10 19:24:19 <YDean1> how would i move it str[21] = str[20]Oct 10 19:24:27 <_Rainulf> so str++Oct 10 19:24:51 <_Rainulf> and it should add view abcdefghijklmnopqrstu nowOct 10 19:24:59 <_Rainulf> with 'u'Oct 10 19:25:31 <_Rainulf> i think it's possible with str++Oct 10 19:25:39 <_Rainulf> if u want, u can also do str[21]Oct 10 19:25:53 <_Rainulf> and str-- if u wanna move backOct 10 19:26:24 <_Rainulf> because remember, str is a pointerOct 10 19:26:43 <_Rainulf> *(str+20) and str[20] are the sameOct 10 19:28:03 <_Rainulf> lol i cant really explain it well, but it shold be something like that.. XDOct 10 19:28:18 <YDean1> that was goodOct 10 19:29:25 <YDean1> it helped alotOct 10 19:31:07 <_Rainulf> oh yehOct 10 19:31:12 <_Rainulf> i forgot to mentionOct 10 19:32:13 <_Rainulf> wen u're moving 0, u're not really moving it but copying.. so if u do str[20] = 0, and str[21] = 0, technically, theres two null values now.. lol so it will cause errorsOct 10 19:34:49 <_Rainulf> str++Oct 10 19:34:58 <_Rainulf> str = 0;Oct 10 19:36:51 <_Rainulf> lol ignore thatOct 10 19:37:20 <YDean1> lol okOct 10 20:11:41 <YDean1> yo man im out talk to u tomorrowOct 10 20:11:55 <_Rainulf> alrite, we have no class tmr lolOct 10 20:12:04 <_Rainulf> and school lolOct 10 20:12:12 <_Rainulf> see yaOct 10 20:12:44 * YDean1 has quit (Quit: Page closed)**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Oct 12 01:49:41 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 12 17:45:02 2010 Oct 12 17:45:02 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 12 17:45:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 12 17:45:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 12 17:45:02 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Oct 14 01:57:24 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Oct 14 17:40:36 2010 Oct 14 17:40:36 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 14 17:40:36 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: familiarize the SVN, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 14 17:40:36 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Tue Sep 14 18:50:49 2010Oct 14 17:40:36 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 14 19:17:09 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileOct 14 19:17:29 <tjcatibog> hey rayOct 14 19:17:34 <tjcatibog> are you working on the project right now?Oct 14 19:17:59 <_Rainulf> hey man, noOct 14 19:18:02 <_Rainulf> wats up?Oct 14 19:18:20 <_Rainulf> i'll finish iol_edit tonight thoOct 14 19:18:24 <tjcatibog> just curious because I'm going to do some work on itOct 14 19:18:32 <_Rainulf> wen's it due?Oct 14 19:18:36 <tjcatibog> sundayOct 14 19:18:41 <tjcatibog> at midnight I thinkOct 14 19:18:56 <_Rainulf> oh okOct 14 19:19:26 <_Rainulf> are u familiar with displayflagOct 14 19:19:29 <_Rainulf> iol_flagOct 14 19:19:30 <tjcatibog> which of the complex functions do we have to do?Oct 14 19:19:35 <_Rainulf> displaymenuitemOct 14 19:19:42 <_Rainulf> and menuitem?Oct 14 19:19:47 <_Rainulf> all complex funcsOct 14 19:19:52 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 19:20:00 <_Rainulf> ive started iol_edit alreadyOct 14 19:20:04 <_Rainulf> so u can start on the othersOct 14 19:21:29 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 19:22:00 <_Rainulf> get my branch for the latest sourceOct 14 19:22:13 <tjcatibog> have you talked to jeshu about which functions he's writing?Oct 14 19:23:03 <_Rainulf> he's doing a bit of iol_edit and a bit of everything.. since i told him to play around with it for now lolOct 14 19:23:13 <_Rainulf> u should check his branch tooOct 14 19:23:51 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 19:23:58 <_Rainulf> but yeh, im not really familiar with displaymenuitem, displayflag, menuitemOct 14 19:24:07 <_Rainulf> i only skimmed through the descriptionOct 14 19:24:14 <tjcatibog> let's try to get together here tomorrow and/or saturday to finish this upOct 14 19:24:24 <_Rainulf> but fardad said once we finish iol_edit, the rest should be a breezeOct 14 19:24:27 <_Rainulf> yeh, sureOct 14 19:24:34 <_Rainulf> i'll tell jenshuOct 14 19:26:39 <_Rainulf> lol oh yeh, dont forget the commentsOct 14 19:26:52 <_Rainulf> wen u're commiting lolOct 14 19:27:17 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 22:22:36 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 14 22:57:41 <_Rainulf> lol wats up!Oct 14 22:57:51 <_Rainulf> oh yeh, i started iol_edit a bitOct 14 22:59:25 <YDean1> coolOct 14 22:59:34 <YDean1> i started iol_displayflagOct 14 23:00:13 <_Rainulf> lol do u know how displaymenuitem, displayflag, menuitem works?Oct 14 23:00:59 <YDean1> displayflay if status is 1 [X] showsOct 14 23:01:10 <YDean1> else [ ] showsOct 14 23:01:58 <YDean1> everything else i didn't read yet lolOct 14 23:03:18 <_Rainulf> fardad never told how it works?Oct 14 23:04:14 <YDean1> he did but i forgotOct 14 23:04:56 <_Rainulf> lol alrite, lets ask him tmr thenOct 14 23:05:22 <_Rainulf> i seriously have no idea how these funcs work.. but fardad said these are easy funcs.. we just need to finish iol_edit and the rest should be breezeOct 14 23:05:34 <_Rainulf> i mean, those functions are only for displaying menu, etcOct 14 23:16:57 <tjcatibog> hey guysOct 14 23:17:16 <tjcatibog> I finished iol_displayMenuItem and iol_menuItemOct 14 23:17:23 <_Rainulf> woaOct 14 23:17:27 <tjcatibog> not quite sure how to test them though lolOct 14 23:17:28 <_Rainulf> how does it even work? o.oOct 14 23:17:41 <_Rainulf> is it on ur branch right now?Oct 14 23:17:42 <tjcatibog> the instructions are really preciseOct 14 23:17:46 <tjcatibog> so I took the instructions literallyOct 14 23:17:52 <_Rainulf> oh really.. lol ok, i should read it i guess..Oct 14 23:17:52 <tjcatibog> yeah let me commit it...Oct 14 23:18:01 <tjcatibog> one secOct 14 23:18:04 <_Rainulf> oki dokiOct 14 23:18:08 <_Rainulf> oh yehOct 14 23:18:19 <_Rainulf> commit it along with ur test mainOct 14 23:18:22 <_Rainulf> i wanna see how it worksOct 14 23:18:52 <tjcatibog> ok I committed it. haven't written a test main yetOct 14 23:19:11 <_Rainulf> okOct 14 23:20:20 <tjcatibog> ... the code is uncommented alsoOct 14 23:20:24 <tjcatibog> lolOct 14 23:20:30 <tjcatibog> let me write comments and recommitOct 14 23:21:02 <_Rainulf> lol u should man.. XD i think u can edit comments from ur previous commitOct 14 23:26:22 <YDean1> iol_displayflag is doneOct 14 23:27:02 * _Rainulf bowsOct 14 23:27:16 <YDean1> did you guys already do it?Oct 14 23:27:35 <_Rainulf> nah, we've only done iol_editOct 14 23:27:47 <_Rainulf> i'll finish it by tmr prollyOct 14 23:27:56 <tjcatibog> I commented on the commit, but not on the code itself ... is what I was trying to explain earlierOct 14 23:28:02 <tjcatibog> iol_edit ... is toughOct 14 23:28:10 <tjcatibog> there's a lot of stuff to itOct 14 23:28:25 <_Rainulf> which makes it fun.. =D dont worry, i understand 90% of it.. just a few i need to ask fardadOct 14 23:29:29 <_Rainulf> so how's life? lolOct 14 23:29:47 <YDean1> life is there taking it one day at a timeOct 14 23:30:08 <tjcatibog> _Rainulf: which keys are you having trouble with?Oct 14 23:30:21 <_Rainulf> YDean1, my head exploded trying to find meaning behind it =POct 14 23:30:28 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog, hold onOct 14 23:30:55 <_Rainulf> END_KEY so farOct 14 23:31:03 <_Rainulf> there's a bug in itOct 14 23:31:21 <_Rainulf> compile my branchOct 14 23:31:25 <_Rainulf> 0.1Oct 14 23:32:09 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 23:32:43 <_Rainulf> YDean1: sry, i misread wen u asked "did you guys already do it?".. i thought t was tjcatibog .. yeh, tjcatibog finished a few funcsOct 14 23:33:00 <YDean1> okOct 14 23:33:13 <tjcatibog> a.k.a the easy ones lolOct 14 23:33:18 <_Rainulf> i'll finish iol_edit tmr if everything goes smoothlyOct 14 23:33:28 <_Rainulf> but work on iol_edit too, just in caseOct 14 23:33:47 <_Rainulf> and check tjcatibog's work if there's any bug or w.e.. fardad posted the tester btwOct 14 23:34:30 <_Rainulf> we need to add IOL_TAB_SIZEOct 14 23:34:48 <_Rainulf> i'll do it, since it's for iol_editOct 14 23:34:56 <tjcatibog> I put that in the headerOct 14 23:34:59 <_Rainulf> oh coolOct 14 23:35:08 <tjcatibog> yeah ... I think I set it to 4Oct 14 23:35:27 <_Rainulf> it says 2 in the wikiOct 14 23:36:04 <tjcatibog> ohsnapOct 14 23:36:08 <tjcatibog> lol ok it's an easy fix anywayOct 14 23:36:16 <_Rainulf> yehOct 14 23:36:24 <_Rainulf> waitOct 14 23:36:47 <_Rainulf> actually, no.. i misread it.. by 2, i meant two spaces for our sourceOct 14 23:37:03 <_Rainulf> i saw tab character on our sourceOct 14 23:37:05 <_Rainulf> we cant use itOct 14 23:38:11 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 23:38:17 <_Rainulf> u know wen u're coding, and u press tab for a block of code? it shouldnt put a tab character (\t) in the source, it should be two spacesOct 14 23:38:30 <tjcatibog> yeahOct 14 23:38:34 <tjcatibog> I set mine up to be spacesOct 14 23:38:40 <tjcatibog> on vsOct 14 23:38:45 <_Rainulf> coolOct 14 23:39:01 <_Rainulf> i think YDean1's setup to tab, make sure u set it up to spacesOct 14 23:39:12 <_Rainulf> tab character*Oct 14 23:39:33 <YDean1> okOct 14 23:39:44 <_Rainulf> 14 23:40:21 <YDean1> in my editor? or terminal?Oct 14 23:40:38 <tjcatibog> _Rainulf: I'm going to rewrite your END_KEYOct 14 23:40:43 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog: okOct 14 23:40:51 <_Rainulf> YDean1: in whatever editor u're usingOct 14 23:41:13 <_Rainulf> i use gedit, i should get used to visual studio as wellOct 14 23:49:35 <YDean1> who has the most updated version? tjcatibog?Oct 14 23:49:52 <tjcatibog> probably. but I'm still working on itOct 14 23:50:00 <tjcatibog> so it's going to be constantly updatedOct 14 23:50:07 <tjcatibog> fixing the END_KEYOct 14 23:50:12 <tjcatibog> well, finished it for the most partOct 14 23:53:16 <tjcatibog> btw, who wrote BACKSPACE_KEY?Oct 14 23:53:29 <YDean1> i have a backspaceOct 14 23:53:30 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog, i didOct 14 23:53:39 <YDean1> complete for the most partOct 14 23:53:40 <_Rainulf> YDean1 has diff versionOct 14 23:54:05 <tjcatibog> why did you put int x = *offset + *curpos ?Oct 14 23:54:16 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog: my backspace is different, check my branchOct 14 23:54:40 <tjcatibog> 0.2?Oct 14 23:54:43 <_Rainulf> 0.1Oct 14 23:55:13 <_Rainulf> see if it works properlyOct 14 23:55:27 <tjcatibog> ours are the sameOct 14 23:55:42 <tjcatibog> and it's crashingOct 14 23:55:46 <_Rainulf> hmm really?Oct 14 23:55:54 <_Rainulf> it's not crashing on mine.. what's the error?Oct 14 23:56:04 <YDean1> try mine let me commit it firstOct 14 23:57:14 <tjcatibog> okOct 14 23:57:29 <YDean1> should be upOct 14 23:57:35 <_Rainulf> YDean1: urs is a little buggy lol backspace is pretty simple because the answer is already there.. fardad's a tease. just copy END_KEY and RIGHT_KEY's sourceOct 14 23:57:52 <_Rainulf> and put it together, and that makes it BACK_SPACEOct 14 23:57:53 <_Rainulf> lolOct 14 23:58:00 <_Rainulf> BACKSPACE_KEY*Oct 14 23:58:19 <_Rainulf> DELETE_KEY i meant not END_KEYOct 14 23:58:34 <YDean1> what?Oct 14 23:58:53 <_Rainulf> see.. DELETE_KEY deletes one character and shifts it to leftOct 14 23:59:07 <YDean1> ohOct 14 23:59:27 <_Rainulf> if u add RIGHT_KEY's source, cursor will move one characterOct 14 23:59:58 <_Rainulf> gahhh sry i meant LEFT_KEYOct 15 00:00:02 <tjcatibog> lolOct 15 00:00:03 <_Rainulf> ugh.. i need some coffeeOct 15 00:00:18 <tjcatibog> it's midnight, you don't need coffeeOct 15 00:00:26 <tjcatibog> unless you're a strong believer that sleep is for the weakOct 15 00:00:33 <_Rainulf> DELETE_KEY+LEFT_KEY = BACKSPACE_KEYOct 15 00:00:40 <YDean1> coolOct 15 00:00:42 <_Rainulf> coffee doesnt really do anything lolOct 15 00:00:45 <_Rainulf> to me atleastOct 15 00:03:56 <tjcatibog> you're a big coffee drinker?Oct 15 00:04:50 <_Rainulf> yeh, lately.. i usually drink coffee before i go to sleep lolOct 15 00:05:02 <tjcatibog> wtf!Oct 15 00:05:04 <tjcatibog> lolOct 15 00:05:08 <tjcatibog> thats messed upOct 15 00:05:11 <_Rainulf> LOL it doesnt do anything.. lolOct 15 00:05:15 <YDean1> lolOct 15 00:05:49 <_Rainulf> i think coffee is a more psychological thing to most pplOct 15 00:06:00 <_Rainulf> or my body's just messed up lolOct 15 00:06:01 <tjcatibog> if I were to drink coffee right now ... I wouldn't be able to fall asleepOct 15 00:06:08 <tjcatibog> not until probably 5am anywayOct 15 00:06:27 <_Rainulf> yeh, i know a lot of ppl thats like thatOct 15 00:06:29 <tjcatibog> my bet is your body is messed upOct 15 00:06:36 <tjcatibog> hahaOct 15 00:06:39 <_Rainulf> lolol XDOct 15 00:06:40 <YDean1> lolOct 15 00:06:55 <_Rainulf> useless if it doesnt work wen i need itOct 15 00:06:56 <_Rainulf> lolOct 15 00:10:26 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to _RainulfOct 15 00:10:28 * _Rainulf has changed the topic to: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 15 00:10:42 <_Rainulf> i sholdve done that already.. lolOct 15 00:11:07 * ChanServ removes channel operator status from _RainulfOct 15 00:12:23 <tjcatibog> I'm rewriting backspace_keyOct 15 00:12:35 <tjcatibog> it's working weirdlyOct 15 00:12:38 <_Rainulf> okOct 15 00:12:46 <_Rainulf> what do u mean?Oct 15 00:13:03 <_Rainulf> ahh i saw it nowOct 15 00:13:10 <tjcatibog> ok well ... when I press END, it keeps putting ZOct 15 00:13:16 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 15 00:13:25 <tjcatibog> everytime I press backspaceOct 15 00:13:43 <YDean1> im tell ya'll use mineOct 15 00:13:50 <_Rainulf> XDOct 15 00:13:55 <YDean1> it works like a dreamOct 15 00:14:02 <_Rainulf> lmaoOct 15 00:16:31 <YDean1> doesn't it work differently depending on the os?Oct 15 00:16:44 <_Rainulf> oh yeh!Oct 15 00:16:56 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog: u need to change platformOct 15 00:17:03 <_Rainulf> and programmer.. lolOct 15 00:17:13 <_Rainulf> .. if u havent done so wen compilingOct 15 00:17:30 <tjcatibog> lol I doOct 15 00:17:40 <tjcatibog> it won't let me compile unless it's my platformOct 15 00:18:06 <tjcatibog> as for the test main ... I use the ALL_PLATFORMS mainOct 15 00:18:13 <_Rainulf> oh ok.. cuz i had that mistake before.. i kept compiling and the bug wont disappear no matter how much i edit, turns out i didnt change platform lolOct 15 00:18:16 <_Rainulf> oh okOct 15 00:18:41 <YDean1> do still have that trailing ZZZ issueOct 15 00:22:55 <tjcatibog> working on it...Oct 15 00:25:12 <YDean1> x = *offset + *curpos -1Oct 15 00:35:07 <tjcatibog> okOct 15 00:35:19 <tjcatibog> checkout my backspace_keyOct 15 00:38:17 <tjcatibog> check it out now, I commented my codeOct 15 00:42:12 <tjcatibog> btw ... don't we have a test tomorrow?Oct 15 00:42:20 <YDean1> yaOct 15 00:42:26 <_Rainulf> no we dontOct 15 00:42:28 <_Rainulf> i just asked fardadOct 15 00:42:45 <_Rainulf> and he replied no with ;( lolOct 15 00:42:46 <YDean1> what? i thought it was the midterm or something?Oct 15 00:42:51 <_Rainulf> nonoOct 15 00:43:09 <_Rainulf> wait, midterm? o.OOct 15 00:43:22 <_Rainulf> isnt it next week?Oct 15 00:44:00 <tjcatibog> no it's next fridayOct 15 00:44:04 <tjcatibog> just checked the wikiOct 15 00:44:09 <tjcatibog> midterm is week 7Oct 15 00:44:13 <tjcatibog> on the fridayOct 15 00:44:21 <_Rainulf> lol ok goodOct 15 00:44:42 <YDean1> so nothing inportant tomorrow?Oct 15 00:44:48 <tjcatibog> we are doing more of the real syntax of main, variable arguments, and starting c++ tomorrowOct 15 00:44:58 <tjcatibog> according to the wikiOct 15 00:45:01 <_Rainulf> w00tOct 15 00:45:36 <tjcatibog> I need to start blogging ... haven't written one yet lolOct 15 00:45:52 <YDean1> lolOct 15 00:46:03 <_Rainulf> haha yehOct 15 00:46:06 <YDean1> it seems like a waste of timeOct 15 00:46:17 <tjcatibog> and I have nothing to write usuallyOct 15 00:46:28 <YDean1> i hear u manOct 15 00:46:34 <_Rainulf> does fardad actually even give marks to our blogs? lolOct 15 00:46:41 <tjcatibog> yeah every week apparentlyOct 15 00:46:58 <_Rainulf> gek.. atleast i got a few postsOct 15 00:47:26 <YDean1> i have 3 at most and only the last one says something lolOct 15 00:48:10 <YDean1> hey im getting errors trying to compile your codeOct 15 00:48:25 <tjcatibog> mine?Oct 15 00:48:31 <YDean1> yaOct 15 00:49:45 <tjcatibog> update it and try againOct 15 00:50:35 <tjcatibog> ooh I just found a bugOct 15 00:55:00 <tjcatibog> YDean1: were you able to compile it?Oct 15 00:55:17 <YDean1> hold on a sec i have to add the home key and endOct 15 00:56:33 <YDean1> no still can't compileOct 15 00:57:55 <tjcatibog> that's odd.Oct 15 00:57:58 <tjcatibog> mine compiles fine...Oct 15 00:58:50 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 15 00:59:14 <_Rainulf> what's the error msg YDean1?Oct 15 01:00:17 <YDean1> iol_menuItem has different typeOct 15 01:00:49 <tjcatibog> I think I changed that just nowOct 15 01:01:08 <tjcatibog> the declaration for "int status" in the header wasn't a pointer to statusOct 15 01:01:21 <tjcatibog> typo on my partOct 15 01:01:31 <tjcatibog> update againOct 15 01:04:37 <YDean1> one secondOct 15 01:05:52 <YDean1> whoever said development on mac is fun is LYINGOct 15 01:06:05 <_Rainulf> lmaoOct 15 01:06:17 <tjcatibog> lolOct 15 01:07:14 <tjcatibog> "development on any one platform is only as fun as the project you're developing"Oct 15 01:07:53 <YDean1> did you commit the changes?Oct 15 01:08:06 * YDean1 tjcatibogOct 15 01:08:32 <tjcatibog> I believe I did...Oct 15 01:08:47 <tjcatibog> guess notOct 15 01:08:48 <tjcatibog> lolOct 15 01:08:50 <tjcatibog> I did nowOct 15 01:15:24 <YDean1> still no error in function iol_menuitemOct 15 01:15:58 <YDean1> did u write the INSERT_KEYOct 15 01:16:15 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog: prj0.1 contains files for visual studio right?Oct 15 01:16:24 <_Rainulf> im gonna check it outOct 15 01:16:34 <YDean1> im running in mac osOct 15 01:16:46 <YDean1> i changed PLT_VCC to PLT_MACOct 15 01:17:19 <_Rainulf> lol how do i compile in visual studio again? lolOct 15 01:18:15 <tjcatibog> right-click the solution and click buildOct 15 01:18:34 <tjcatibog> or rebuild if you had compiled it previouslyOct 15 01:18:44 <_Rainulf> ok god itOct 15 01:18:46 <_Rainulf> got*Oct 15 01:19:10 <tjcatibog> I didn't write the INSERT_KEYOct 15 01:19:27 <tjcatibog> I can write it now ... seems easy enoughOct 15 01:19:51 <_Rainulf> visual studio's weird.. u have no closing braces on line 346 but it still compiles.. o.oOct 15 01:20:10 <YDean1> i thinking that was the problem cause i don't have an insert_key definedOct 15 01:20:11 <tjcatibog> lol do I?Oct 15 01:20:23 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog: lol u dont.. check itOct 15 01:20:37 <_Rainulf> for if(!ReadOnly)Oct 15 01:21:44 <_Rainulf> hmmmmmmOct 15 01:21:55 <tjcatibog> oh lol I guess I didn'tOct 15 01:22:21 <_Rainulf> yeh, but this is so weirdOct 15 01:22:33 <_Rainulf> i tried to compile it with the braces and now it wont compileOct 15 01:22:49 <_Rainulf> i tried to take off the whole if(!ReadOnly) and it still wont compileOct 15 01:24:27 <tjcatibog> wait...Oct 15 01:24:31 <tjcatibog> I'm checking what's wrongOct 15 01:24:38 <_Rainulf> yeh okOct 15 01:25:40 <tjcatibog> ok try againOct 15 01:26:52 <_Rainulf> ok compiled it.. niceOct 15 01:26:55 <_Rainulf> what was wrong?Oct 15 01:27:08 <tjcatibog> fixed bracket issuesOct 15 01:27:18 <tjcatibog> there were a coupleOct 15 01:27:20 <_Rainulf> oh icOct 15 01:29:48 <YDean1> damn finally got it to work in mac looks good manOct 15 01:30:50 <_Rainulf> i think i found a bug in ur backspace lolOct 15 01:30:54 <tjcatibog> lol niceOct 15 01:31:07 <_Rainulf> try to move the cursor to the end of stringOct 15 01:31:19 <_Rainulf> and backspace til it crashOct 15 01:31:27 <tjcatibog> yeah I found that bug tooOct 15 01:31:33 <tjcatibog> haven't gotten around to fixing it yet...Oct 15 01:31:42 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 15 01:34:57 <_Rainulf> hmm i wonder what's wrong with my version of backspace.. it's working on linux but not on windowsOct 15 01:37:26 <_Rainulf> lol nvmOct 15 01:37:52 <_Rainulf> ur backspace doesnt crash on linux lolOct 15 01:39:37 <tjcatibog> lol damn windows!Oct 15 01:40:47 <_Rainulf> lol ok, i fixed ur bugOct 15 01:41:00 <_Rainulf> lemme commitOct 15 01:41:42 <_Rainulf> thereOct 15 01:43:41 <tjcatibog> ah that makes senseOct 15 01:43:46 <tjcatibog> let me see if it works on windows...Oct 15 01:44:14 <YDean1> are you guys getting warnings?Oct 15 01:44:26 <_Rainulf> yehOct 15 01:52:01 <YDean1> you guys take it ez i'm out see ya'll tomorrowOct 15 01:52:09 <_Rainulf> ok, goodnighteOct 15 01:52:12 <_Rainulf> cyaOct 15 01:52:35 * YDean1 has quit (Quit: Page closed)Oct 15 02:08:33 <tjcatibog> I should sleep now too ... or else I'm gonna be late for class again tomorrowOct 15 02:08:34 <tjcatibog> lolOct 15 02:08:41 <_Rainulf> lol ok, goodnight manOct 15 02:08:42 <_Rainulf> cyaOct 15 02:08:46 <tjcatibog> laterOct 15 02:08:48 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Oct 15 07:49:26 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Oct 15 16:57:59 2010 Oct 15 16:57:59 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 15 16:57:59 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 15 16:57:59 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 15 16:57:59 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 15 22:50:59 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileOct 15 22:58:54 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])Oct 15 23:36:08 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 15 23:36:18 <YDean1> what up one what up allOct 15 23:36:22 <_Rainulf> supsupOct 15 23:36:34 <_Rainulf> oh yeh, i tried to compile it.. it compilesOct 15 23:36:50 <_Rainulf> theres just a few problems with menuitem, etcOct 15 23:37:00 <YDean1> ran the tester program test 6 and 7 i got segmentation errorOct 15 23:37:04 <_Rainulf> yeh thatOct 15 23:37:09 <_Rainulf> i got segmentation error tooOct 15 23:37:21 <_Rainulf> can u work on those funcs and i'll work on iol_edit?Oct 15 23:38:30 <YDean1> where function are they the display?Oct 15 23:38:46 <_Rainulf> it should say in the tester programOct 15 23:38:56 <_Rainulf> which func's having problemsOct 15 23:39:31 <YDean1> i don't know? when test 6 doesn't show up just segmentation error nothing's displayedOct 15 23:39:51 <_Rainulf> hmm hold onOct 15 23:41:11 <_Rainulf> it stops at displaymenuitem func, so we can assume the bug's right on that functionOct 15 23:41:31 <YDean1> okOct 15 23:41:44 <YDean1> did u speak with tjcatibog?Oct 15 23:42:02 <_Rainulf> since it's a segmentation error, check if it properly puts null byte at the end of stringOct 15 23:42:05 <_Rainulf> no, not yetOct 15 23:42:28 <_Rainulf> oh yehOct 15 23:42:32 <_Rainulf> work on ur branch.. lolOct 15 23:43:01 <YDean1> did i accidently change something?Oct 15 23:43:07 <YDean1> whoopsOct 15 23:43:16 <_Rainulf> nono, just in caseOct 15 23:43:23 <YDean1> okOct 15 23:43:40 <_Rainulf> just work on our own branchesOct 15 23:43:48 <YDean1> okOct 15 23:43:50 <_Rainulf> copy and paste parts of our working codes, etcOct 15 23:44:03 <YDean1> coolOct 15 23:44:59 <YDean1> if you ask something and i don't answer right away i have to do alot of running back and forthOct 15 23:45:14 <_Rainulf> yeh, no problem manOct 16 00:10:55 <YDean1> fixed test 6 now it freezesOct 16 00:11:23 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 16 00:11:42 <_Rainulf> oh yeh, i fixed backspace now, it should be working on back linux and windows nowOct 16 00:11:47 <_Rainulf> without crashignOct 16 00:11:50 <_Rainulf> crashing*Oct 16 00:12:35 <_Rainulf> try to run it againOct 16 00:12:54 <YDean1> one secOct 16 00:13:50 <YDean1> did you commitOct 16 00:14:00 <_Rainulf> nonoOct 16 00:14:21 <_Rainulf> close the window and run it again.. see if it freezesOct 16 00:14:31 <_Rainulf> just to make sure it's not ur computer thats freezing lolOct 16 00:15:23 <YDean1> no my mac isn't freezing only test 6 and it says my space key is insertOct 16 00:15:50 <_Rainulf> hmm icOct 16 00:17:12 <YDean1> im running test 5 b4 i run 6 5 runs then 6 is freezing and wrong inputOct 16 00:17:40 <_Rainulf> hmm what funcs are those?Oct 16 00:18:02 <YDean1> iol_displayflagOct 16 00:18:26 <_Rainulf> what's test 5 and test 6?Oct 16 00:19:10 <YDean1> test 5 checks iol_menuItem test 6 tests displayflagOct 16 00:19:19 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 16 00:21:49 <_Rainulf> hold on, lemme read descriptionOct 16 00:22:13 <YDean1> sorry iol_flagOct 16 00:22:39 <_Rainulf> did u commit it on ur branch?Oct 16 00:24:44 <YDean1> noOct 16 00:27:18 <YDean1> i think i found the problem the function keys need a function fardad spoke aboutOct 16 00:27:51 <_Rainulf> hmm okOct 16 00:28:18 <_Rainulf> did u fixed displaymenuitem yet?Oct 16 00:29:14 <YDean1> my bad it was iol_flag that was the problem no *status just statusOct 16 00:29:37 <_Rainulf> lol ohOct 16 00:34:36 <YDean1> do you have a #define Space_barOct 16 00:35:55 <_Rainulf> lol no.. o.oOct 16 00:36:10 <_Rainulf> it didnt even mentionOct 16 00:38:17 <YDean1> i'll try it both waysOct 16 00:38:43 <_Rainulf> wats the diff between *status and status?Oct 16 00:39:52 <_Rainulf> ohh nvmOct 16 00:39:55 <_Rainulf> i see nowOct 16 01:19:11 <YDean1> problem now its saying y space is an insert keyOct 16 01:19:29 <_Rainulf> with what?Oct 16 01:19:41 <_Rainulf> ohh lolOct 16 01:19:55 <YDean1> sorry my SPACE key is an INSERT key test 6Oct 16 01:22:57 <_Rainulf> did u fixed those funcs tho?Oct 16 01:28:12 <YDean1> still working on itOct 16 01:31:17 <YDean1> test 6 worksOct 16 01:34:12 <YDean1> test 7 worksOct 16 01:34:27 <_Rainulf> wats test 7?Oct 16 01:34:50 <YDean1> radio buttonsOct 16 01:37:24 <_Rainulf> ok, i will merge my branch with trunk nowOct 16 01:37:35 <YDean1> okOct 16 02:01:52 <YDean1> ok i did the insert_key but it doesn't check the maxdatalen variable but it works in the testerOct 16 02:02:16 <_Rainulf> wait, what test are u now?Oct 16 02:02:21 <_Rainulf> sry i didnt merge it yetOct 16 02:02:27 <_Rainulf> i saw bugsOct 16 02:02:32 <YDean1> one secOct 16 02:04:50 <YDean1> test 9.9 it test the end key it says its one offOct 16 02:05:09 <_Rainulf> u passed all test until 9.9?Oct 16 02:05:17 <YDean1> yaOct 16 02:05:32 <_Rainulf> hold on.. i made a lot of changes in iol_edit.. lolOct 16 02:05:41 <_Rainulf> did u commit ur code?Oct 16 02:05:48 <YDean1> noOct 16 02:05:53 <_Rainulf> lol commit it firstOct 16 02:06:00 <YDean1> okOct 16 02:10:09 <YDean1> everythings commitedOct 16 02:10:27 <_Rainulf> ok hold onOct 16 02:20:33 <_Rainulf> ok there.. merged itOct 16 02:20:37 <_Rainulf> get the latest trunkOct 16 02:26:58 <_Rainulf> lol did u commit urs? i still see that segmentation error bugOct 16 02:27:12 <YDean1> ya i didOct 16 02:27:23 <YDean1> give me a sec im working on mac lolOct 16 02:27:42 <_Rainulf> lol kOct 16 02:31:32 <YDean1> damn doesn't look like it got uploaded and i deleted everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oct 16 02:31:46 <_Rainulf> lolololOct 16 02:36:32 <YDean1> should take two secOct 16 02:36:42 <YDean1> ill finish this them im hitting the sacOct 16 02:37:05 <_Rainulf> lol alrite manOct 16 02:38:57 <_Rainulf> ugh.. im gonna sleep now.. tired.. lets finish this tmrOct 16 02:39:13 <YDean1> ok take it ez manOct 16 02:39:24 * YDean1 has quit ()Oct 16 03:11:24 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 16 03:11:28 <YDean1> still upOct 16 03:12:16 * YDean1 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 16 16:04:15 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileOct 16 16:04:47 <tjcatibog> hey rayOct 16 16:15:25 <tjcatibog> msg me back when you get this, I want to know what's left to do with the projectOct 16 16:15:40 <tjcatibog> if I don't respond here, msg me on msnOct 16 16:35:03 <tjcatibog> I wrote the TAB_KEYOct 16 16:35:11 <tjcatibog> check out my branch when you canOct 16 17:41:41 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 16 17:47:14 <YDean1> has anyone changed trunk iol.c since rainulf's?Oct 16 17:48:57 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog: pretty much two tests leftOct 16 17:49:11 <_Rainulf> yeh, the TAB_KEY.. we need thatOct 16 17:49:31 <YDean1> has trunk been updated?Oct 16 17:49:49 <YDean1> becasuse test 7 doesn't workOct 16 17:49:57 <YDean1> *becauseOct 16 17:49:58 <_Rainulf> update ur trunkOct 16 17:50:17 <_Rainulf> hmm test 7Oct 16 17:50:35 <YDean1> the (0) () () () ()Oct 16 17:50:46 <_Rainulf> lol that should work properly nowOct 16 17:50:48 <_Rainulf> hold onOct 16 17:53:34 <_Rainulf> it's working properly on my side manOct 16 17:53:41 <YDean1> you shouldn't be able to turn off (0)Oct 16 17:53:49 <_Rainulf> ohhhOct 16 17:53:53 <YDean1> once its onOct 16 17:54:07 <_Rainulf> hold onOct 16 17:57:29 <YDean1> did you forget to read the wiki Rainulf lolOct 16 17:57:44 <_Rainulf> i hate reading.. lolOct 16 17:57:45 <_Rainulf> hold onOct 16 17:57:50 <_Rainulf> it should be an easy fixOct 16 17:59:16 <_Rainulf> there fixedOct 16 17:59:21 <_Rainulf> get latest trunkOct 16 18:07:00 <YDean1> got itOct 16 18:09:19 <_Rainulf> hmm so just test 9.23 and 9.24Oct 16 18:15:02 <YDean1> where's the working 9.17 - 9.22?Oct 16 18:15:18 <_Rainulf> trunkOct 16 18:58:40 <tjcatibog> did you guys check out my TAB_KEY?Oct 16 18:58:46 <tjcatibog> oh wait ... didn't commit yetOct 16 18:58:49 <tjcatibog> ok it's committed nowOct 16 19:04:12 <tjcatibog> brbOct 16 19:04:14 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])Oct 16 19:23:27 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileOct 16 20:19:16 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.10/20100914125854])Oct 16 20:20:20 <YDean1> can we use strcpy?Oct 16 20:53:03 <_Rainulf> i tried to use strcpyOct 16 20:53:27 <_Rainulf> but it's giving me unexpected errors when copying stringOct 16 20:53:30 <_Rainulf> so i just did it manuallyOct 16 20:53:41 <_Rainulf> sry i was sleeping.. lolOct 16 20:53:48 <YDean1> its all goodOct 16 21:06:56 * YDean1 has quit ()Oct 17 00:21:50 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 17 00:26:11 <YDean1> ya 9.24 works but i don't know whats wrong with .23?Oct 17 00:27:31 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 17 00:27:42 <_Rainulf> wat was 9.24's test?Oct 17 00:30:26 <YDean1> hit right arrow twice a b c then escapeOct 17 00:32:24 <_Rainulf> lol did u fixed 9.24? it doesnt work on my sideOct 17 00:32:41 <YDean1> no i didn't commit it yetOct 17 00:32:53 <_Rainulf> oh okOct 17 00:33:16 <_Rainulf> 9.23 is pretty trickyOct 17 00:33:36 <YDean1> it looks the same as 9.24 thoughOct 17 00:34:04 <_Rainulf> no, the IsTextEditor is set to 0Oct 17 00:35:21 <YDean1> ohOct 17 00:36:14 <YDean1> i just commit it im also writing to a fild called output.txt to show the values it all looks rightOct 17 00:37:17 <_Rainulf> wen i do the test, curpos and offset are set to 10.. but if we hit home key and enter a,b,c and hit escape.. the curpos and offset changes, it shouldnt changeOct 17 00:37:25 <_Rainulf> okOct 17 00:37:57 <YDean1> i know i created 2 variables oldCurpos and oldOffset to keep the old valuesOct 17 00:38:28 <YDean1> at the beginning of iol_editOct 17 00:39:09 <_Rainulf> hmmOct 17 00:39:54 <_Rainulf> i dont really wanna use memory allocation because it makes our program slow, but if there's really no way, then we'll allocatate memory to keep the original valuesOct 17 00:41:41 <_Rainulf> lol i think mem allocation is the only way cuz we change the value of *curpos and *offset in order for it to moveOct 17 00:43:02 <YDean1> but the values only change in the While loopOct 17 00:43:17 <_Rainulf> while loop of what?Oct 17 00:43:33 <YDean1> while(!done)Oct 17 00:44:03 <YDean1> if i declare oldCurpos before that it should have the old curposOct 17 00:44:26 <_Rainulf> hmm lets seeOct 17 00:44:31 <_Rainulf> i think u're rightOct 17 00:49:55 <_Rainulf> lol ok, i passed all the tests nowOct 17 00:50:12 <YDean1> what was the problemOct 17 00:50:40 <_Rainulf> nah, it was a minor one i misunderstoodOct 17 00:50:47 <_Rainulf> i did what u didOct 17 00:51:02 <_Rainulf> made a temp variables for offset and curposOct 17 00:51:07 <_Rainulf> hold on.. let me comit it to trunkOct 17 00:56:04 <_Rainulf> there.. get the trunkOct 17 00:56:19 <_Rainulf> we just need to fix the warnings and do some clean ups.. then we're doneOct 17 00:57:41 <YDean1> ok the warnings i get though are from strlenOct 17 00:58:06 <_Rainulf> hmm maybe u havent added string.hOct 17 00:58:11 <_Rainulf> or did castOct 17 00:58:24 <YDean1> in iol.hOct 17 01:15:13 <YDean1> im getting no warnings nowOct 17 01:15:52 <_Rainulf> commit it to trunkOct 17 01:17:26 <_Rainulf> damn windows.. giving me billion warnings.. lolOct 17 01:17:35 <YDean1> lolOct 17 01:23:20 <_Rainulf> did u merge it with trunk yet?Oct 17 01:25:50 <YDean1> ya its the the same i just copied trunk's iol.c to my branch and all warnings where goneOct 17 01:26:53 <_Rainulf> okOct 17 01:36:08 <YDean1> are you getting alot of sign/unsiged warningsOct 17 01:36:18 <YDean1> in windowsOct 17 01:36:25 <_Rainulf> no, i fixed it all nowOct 17 01:36:35 <YDean1> coolOct 17 01:36:42 <_Rainulf> im testing it with ur update of trunkOct 17 01:41:19 <YDean1> ok man im turning in take it ezOct 17 01:41:34 <_Rainulf> ok later manOct 17 01:41:42 * YDean1 has quit ()Oct 17 12:41:58 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 17 12:42:07 <YDean1> supOct 17 12:57:30 <YDean1> sorry guys i wouldn't be online tonight ill be at workOct 17 12:57:34 * YDean1 has quit ()**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 17 19:57:51 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 17 20:03:00 2010 Oct 17 20:03:00 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 17 20:03:00 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. 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Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 26 09:43:08 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 26 09:43:08 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 26 10:18:02 * Disconnected (Network is unreachable).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Oct 26 10:18:02 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 26 10:18:32 2010 Oct 26 10:18:32 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 26 10:18:32 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 26 10:18:32 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 26 23:18:09 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 26 23:18:54 <YDean1> u upOct 26 23:23:11 * YDean1 has quit ()**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Oct 27 00:25:17 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Oct 27 05:09:48 2010 Oct 27 05:09:48 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 27 05:09:48 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 27 05:09:48 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 27 05:09:48 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 27 13:24:59 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileOct 27 13:25:06 <YDean1> what's upOct 27 13:25:15 <_Rainulf> heyOct 27 13:25:18 <_Rainulf> supOct 27 13:25:33 <_Rainulf> oh yeh, fardad never posted the proj and source code yet.. -__-Oct 27 13:25:39 <_Rainulf> i even checked the wikiOct 27 13:25:46 <_Rainulf> nothingOct 27 13:25:50 <_Rainulf> so i couldnt work on the assignOct 27 13:26:14 <YDean1> koolOct 27 13:27:29 <YDean1> hey u know that va_list thing fardad said he wanted us to work on what was it suppose to do again ?Oct 27 13:28:20 <_Rainulf> lol yeh, i worked on it, here, 27 13:33:37 <YDean1> thanksOct 27 13:33:54 <_Rainulf> npOct 27 13:54:31 <YDean1> yo man im signing off take it ezOct 27 13:54:37 <_Rainulf> okOct 27 13:54:41 <_Rainulf> latesOct 27 13:54:42 * YDean1 has quit (Quit: Page closed)**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Oct 28 21:29:23 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Oct 29 23:29:04 2010 Oct 29 23:29:04 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 29 23:29:04 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 29 23:29:04 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 29 23:29:08 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Oct 31 07:21:07 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 07:21:07 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 07:21:38 2010 Oct 31 07:21:38 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 31 07:21:38 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. 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Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 31 08:31:23 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 31 11:30:30 * You are now known as _Rainulf**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 14:29:11 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 14:29:11 2010 **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 15:37:12 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 15:53:29 2010 Oct 31 15:53:29 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 31 15:53:29 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 31 15:53:29 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 31 15:53:29 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Oct 31 21:12:02 2010 Oct 31 21:12:02 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileOct 31 21:12:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 31 21:12:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Oct 31 21:12:02 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 1 15:29:20 2010 Nov 01 15:29:20 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 01 15:29:20 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 01 15:29:20 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 01 15:29:20 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 2 16:44:40 2010 Nov 02 16:44:40 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 02 16:44:40 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 02 16:44:40 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 02 16:44:40 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Nov 4 07:53:43 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 4 14:48:08 2010 Nov 04 14:48:08 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 04 14:48:08 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 04 14:48:08 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 04 14:48:08 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 05 06:22:31 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 5 06:22:31 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 5 06:23:00 2010 Nov 05 06:23:00 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 05 06:23:00 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 05 06:23:00 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:29 2010**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 5 13:48:13 2010 Nov 05 13:48:13 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 05 13:48:13 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 05 13:48:13 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 05 13:48:13 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Nov 5 14:11:56 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 5 14:13:13 2010 Nov 05 14:13:13 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 05 14:13:13 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 05 14:13:13 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 05 14:15:50 * _Rainulf has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Nov 05 14:16:12 * You are now known as _RainulfNov 06 09:25:35 * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Nov 6 09:25:35 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Nov 6 09:26:05 2010 Nov 06 09:26:05 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 06 09:26:05 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 06 09:26:05 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 06 09:28:53 * _Rainulf has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Nov 06 11:25:17 * You are now known as _Rainulf**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 7 09:16:32 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 7 09:17:00 2010 Nov 07 09:17:00 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 07 09:17:00 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 07 09:17:00 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 07 09:17:00 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 7 13:38:27 2010 Nov 07 13:38:27 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 07 13:38:27 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 07 13:38:27 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:29 2010Nov 07 13:38:27 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 07 16:33:54 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 07 16:33:59 <YDean1> whats upNov 07 16:58:27 <_Rainulf> heyyNov 07 17:00:49 <YDean1> what happen on friday on irc?Nov 07 17:01:33 <_Rainulf> nothing.. -___- fardad said that he'd post the assignment but he never did yetNov 07 17:01:56 <YDean1> lolNov 07 18:00:23 * YDean1 has quit ()**** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 8 02:05:32 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 8 20:05:55 2010 Nov 08 20:05:55 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 08 20:05:55 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 08 20:05:55 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 08 20:05:55 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 9 07:13:07 2010 Nov 09 07:13:07 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 09 07:13:07 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 09 07:13:07 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 09 07:13:07 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Nov 9 07:57:09 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 9 17:07:53 2010 Nov 09 17:07:53 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 09 17:07:53 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 09 17:07:53 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 09 17:07:53 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 09 22:03:58 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 09 22:52:54 * YDean1 has quit ()**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 11 15:38:42 2010 Nov 11 15:38:42 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 11 15:38:42 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 11 15:38:42 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 11 15:38:42 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 11 21:39:41 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 11 21:39:51 <YDean1> yo whats upNov 11 21:55:35 * YDean1 has quit ()Nov 11 22:34:37 * _Rainulf_ ( has joined #seneca-recompileNov 11 22:41:50 * _Rainulf_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Nov 12 13:34:43 2010 Nov 12 13:34:43 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 12 13:34:43 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 12 13:34:43 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 12 13:34:43 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 14 19:16:19 * _Rainulf_ ( has joined #seneca-recompileNov 14 20:38:58 * _Rainulf_ has quit (Quit: tehee~)Nov 14 20:51:33 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 14 20:51:39 <YDean1> yo whats upNov 14 20:51:47 <_Rainulf> heyaNov 14 20:52:17 <YDean1> hey im having problems getting the code to compileNov 14 20:53:11 <_Rainulf> did u used the one from tag?Nov 14 20:53:19 <YDean1> no?Nov 14 20:53:32 <_Rainulf> prj0.3.2Nov 14 20:54:47 <_Rainulf> wats the error u're getting?Nov 14 20:55:16 <YDean1> undefined symbolsNov 14 20:55:30 <_Rainulf> wth.. lolNov 14 20:55:48 <_Rainulf> more info?Nov 14 20:56:01 <_Rainulf> or does it just say undefined symbolsNov 14 20:56:12 <YDean1> Undefined symbols: "FWBorder::draw(int) const", referenced from: _main in cc1HVUfb.o _main in cc1HVUfb.oNov 14 20:57:07 <_Rainulf> did u compiled it with blankmain?Nov 14 20:57:52 <YDean1> there is a main in the bordertester.cpp the new one in trunkNov 14 20:58:10 <_Rainulf> noo, just use the blankmain.. dont use bordertesterNov 14 21:00:07 <YDean1> do i include it bordertester.cpp in main?Nov 14 21:00:26 <_Rainulf> u dont use bordertest.cpp at allNov 14 21:00:30 <_Rainulf> delete it from trunk if u want toNov 14 21:16:05 <YDean1> does everything compile though in tag?Nov 14 21:29:35 <_Rainulf> yrpNov 14 21:29:38 <_Rainulf> yepNov 14 21:30:50 <YDean1> i guess i have to show u my problem on tuesdayNov 14 21:33:57 <_Rainulf> lol okNov 14 21:34:10 <_Rainulf> is it the same error?Nov 14 21:34:30 <YDean1> yaNov 14 21:34:57 <_Rainulf> how many errors?Nov 14 21:36:04 <YDean1> only the one undefined symbol in every .cpp fileNov 14 21:36:23 <_Rainulf> mkayNov 14 21:36:32 <YDean1> it looks like a problem in the terminal though because i can't run a hello world programNov 14 21:36:59 <_Rainulf> okNov 14 21:43:36 * YDean1 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Nov 14 21:44:14 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 14 21:46:15 <YDean1> are you using cc to compile?Nov 14 21:49:43 <_Rainulf> c++Nov 14 21:49:47 <_Rainulf> cc is for cNov 14 21:49:56 <_Rainulf> u have to compile it as c++ lolNov 14 21:51:08 <YDean1> lolNov 14 21:56:07 <YDean1> okay everythings workingNov 14 21:56:40 <_Rainulf> ok good. u almost gave me a heartattack lolNov 14 21:57:50 <YDean1> lolNov 14 21:59:53 <YDean1> are we suppose to start definitions of the functions or is fardad going to provide us with some?Nov 14 22:00:39 <_Rainulf> i dont know, we'll see on tuesNov 14 22:03:06 <YDean1> so whats up with you man how's coopNov 14 22:03:44 <_Rainulf> lol good.. im doing doubly linked list right now.. and nothing new about coop until janNov 14 22:03:50 <_Rainulf> my workterm starts on janNov 14 22:04:02 <YDean1> okNov 14 22:21:54 <YDean1> ok man take it easy see you tomorrowNov 14 22:21:55 * YDean1 has quit ()**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 15 15:57:25 2010 Nov 15 15:57:25 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 15 15:57:25 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 15 15:57:25 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 15 15:57:25 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 15 20:49:18 * tjcatibog (63ee7290@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 15 20:49:26 <tjcatibog> hey rayNov 15 20:49:34 <_Rainulf> yooNov 15 20:49:40 <_Rainulf> yeh, just few more minutesNov 15 20:50:21 <tjcatibog> okNov 15 20:51:08 <tjcatibog> what's this meeting about anyway?Nov 15 20:51:39 <_Rainulf> about the assignment.. talk about it and who's doing who.. i think fardad will assign us whos gonna do whatNov 15 20:51:50 <_Rainulf> who's doing what* lolNov 15 20:55:36 * tjcatibog has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Nov 15 20:56:00 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileNov 15 21:00:41 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 15 21:01:14 <_Rainulf> heyNov 15 21:01:16 <_Rainulf> hold onNov 15 21:01:18 <YDean1> yoNov 15 21:01:23 <_Rainulf> fardad will come in a secNov 15 21:01:38 <_Rainulf> join #seneca-oop344Nov 15 21:01:48 <_Rainulf> YDean1: /join #seneca-oop344Nov 15 21:31:21 <tjcatibog> what's the earliest both of you are free on wednesday evening?Nov 15 21:31:37 <_Rainulf> anytime's good on eveningNov 15 21:37:05 <tjcatibog> I don't know how, but fardad always manages to direct a conversation to me exactly when I switch windowsNov 15 21:37:23 <_Rainulf> lolNov 15 21:37:46 <_Rainulf> u're using chatzilla?Nov 15 21:37:54 <tjcatibog> yeahNov 15 21:38:12 <_Rainulf> hmm.. must be a feature.. i havent really tried itNov 15 21:38:41 <tjcatibog> that, and firefox froze for a few secondsNov 15 21:38:44 <tjcatibog> so I was unable to respondNov 15 21:39:12 <_Rainulf> lol so thats whyNov 15 21:40:07 <tjcatibog> are you both ok with our next meeting on wednesday evening at 7 pm?Nov 15 21:40:33 <_Rainulf> hmmNov 15 21:40:39 <_Rainulf> yeh, im goodNov 15 21:40:46 <tjcatibog> YDean1: ?Nov 15 21:40:55 <YDean1> what upNov 15 21:41:06 <YDean1> just updating the logNov 15 21:41:14 <tjcatibog> are you ok with having a meeting on wednesday evening at 7 pm?Nov 15 21:41:52 <YDean1> this wednesday im not going to be availableNov 15 21:42:12 <YDean1> but every other wednesday should be fine thoughNov 15 21:43:07 <tjcatibog> should we have it on thursday instead?Nov 15 21:43:12 <_Rainulf> im goodNov 15 21:43:18 <YDean1> yah thats goodNov 15 21:44:56 <YDean1> thursday 7?Nov 15 21:45:08 <tjcatibog> yeahNov 15 21:45:16 <_Rainulf> ok im good with thatNov 15 21:51:56 <tjcatibog> anyway, I'm off.Nov 15 21:52:02 <tjcatibog> good night guysNov 15 21:52:14 <_Rainulf> goodnite manNov 15 21:52:18 <_Rainulf> take it easNov 15 21:52:32 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630])Nov 15 22:59:26 * YDean1 has quit ()**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 16 20:07:02 2010 Nov 16 20:07:02 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 16 20:07:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 16 20:07:02 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 16 20:07:02 * [freenode-info] channel trolls and no channel staff around to help? please check with freenode support: 16 20:07:02 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 17 00:34:03 * Disconnected (Network is unreachable).**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Nov 17 00:34:03 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Nov 17 01:46:34 2010 Nov 17 01:46:34 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 17 01:46:34 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 17 01:46:34 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010**** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Nov 18 07:59:46 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Nov 18 18:18:05 2010 Nov 18 18:18:05 * Now talking on #seneca-recompileNov 18 18:18:05 * Topic for #seneca-recompile is: Notes: complex funcs due Oct 17, Sunday, IRC. Feel free to edit the team's wiki homepage ( 18 18:18:05 * Topic for #seneca-recompile set by _Rainulf!~Rainulf@unaffiliated/-rainulf/x-988124 at Fri Oct 15 00:10:28 2010Nov 18 18:18:05 -NickServ- You are now identified for _Rainulf.Nov 18 18:18:15 <_Rainulf> roarNov 18 18:18:19 <_Rainulf> lolNov 18 18:18:47 <_Rainulf> YDean1: join #seneca-oop344Nov 18 18:19:15 <YDean1> whats upNov 18 18:19:21 <_Rainulf> nm, just came homeNov 18 18:19:32 <YDean1> me too somewhatNov 18 18:21:50 <YDean1> how do you get this thing to beepNov 18 18:23:02 <_Rainulf> lol i dont thnk u can.. get this addon for firefox if u want 18 19:01:18 * tjcatibog ( has joined #seneca-recompileNov 18 19:27:05 <_Rainulf> tjcatibog, YDean1 pingNov 18 19:27:15 <YDean1> whats up\Nov 18 19:27:23 <_Rainulf> lol ok, just making sure u're thereNov 18 19:27:30 <YDean1> lolNov 18 19:30:20 <tjcatibog> sorry just got a quick snackNov 18 19:30:27 <_Rainulf> lol it's alriteNov 18 19:30:28 <tjcatibog> are we starting?Nov 18 19:30:29 <_Rainulf> yehNov 18 19:33:49 <tjcatibog> ugh. having neck problems right now ... seems to be stiffNov 18 19:34:00 <_Rainulf> lol wats up?Nov 18 19:34:18 <tjcatibog> I think I slept wrong last nightNov 18 19:34:23 <tjcatibog> its been bad all dayNov 18 19:34:30 <_Rainulf> ahaha.. xDNov 18 19:34:34 <tjcatibog> limited head movementNov 18 19:34:43 <_Rainulf> sameNov 18 19:34:46 <_Rainulf> well during busNov 18 19:34:51 <_Rainulf> wen i sit my head straightNov 18 19:34:53 <_Rainulf> for long lolNov 18 20:05:28 <tjcatibog> I test field?!Nov 18 20:05:29 <tjcatibog> lolNov 18 20:06:56 <YDean1> lolNov 18 20:07:28 <YDean1> just try to get it to compile i guessNov 18 20:08:58 <YDean1> do you know if border was tested for mac osNov 18 20:09:34 <_Rainulf> lolNov 18 20:09:40 <_Rainulf> sry guys, i'll afkNov 18 20:09:47 <_Rainulf> just let me know if anythingNov 18 20:12:21 <YDean1> im getting some undefind symbols in mac for borderNov 18 20:24:57 * YDean1 has quit ()Nov 18 20:25:26 * YDean1 (ae7140db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #seneca-recompileNov 18 20:27:55 <YDean1> yo guys take it ez gone see you tomorrowNov 18 20:27:58 * YDean1 has quit (Client Quit)Nov 18 20:38:49 <tjcatibog> _Rainulf: ping?Nov 18 20:41:53 <_Rainulf> yehNov 18 20:45:10 <tjcatibog> having trouble with accessibilityNov 18 20:45:20 <tjcatibog> in the functionsNov 18 20:45:39 <_Rainulf> accessibility?Nov 18 20:45:52 <tjcatibog> void FWField::container(FWDialog* theOwner)Nov 18 20:46:12 <tjcatibog> description: Sets the _container attribute of FWBorder to theOwner argumentNov 18 20:46:49 <tjcatibog> seems simple in description, but when I wrote it, it says "FWBorder::_container is inaccessible"Nov 18 20:47:34 <_Rainulf> use FWBorder* container()Nov 18 20:47:38 <_Rainulf> it returns _containerNov 18 20:47:49 <tjcatibog> pretty much the only line of code in there is FWBorder::_container = theOwner;Nov 18 20:49:37 <tjcatibog> changed it to:Nov 18 20:50:16 <tjcatibog> wait ... no that doesn't workNov 18 20:50:59 <tjcatibog> because the _container variable is private ... so I don't know how to do thisNov 18 20:51:38 <_Rainulf> lolNov 18 20:51:42 <_Rainulf> theresNov 18 20:51:44 <_Rainulf> a return functionNov 18 20:51:47 <_Rainulf> of _containerNov 18 20:51:59 <_Rainulf> use this functionNov 18 20:52:00 <_Rainulf> void FWBorder::container(FWBorder* theContainer) {Nov 18 20:52:00 <_Rainulf> _container = theContainer;Nov 18 20:52:00 <_Rainulf> }Nov 18 20:52:14 <_Rainulf> it's from fwborderNov 18 20:52:42 <_Rainulf> it's puublic too so u sshould be able to access itNov 18 20:53:52 <tjcatibog> okNov 18 20:54:11 <tjcatibog> so if I create a variable that holds the return variable of that functionNov 18 20:54:20 <_Rainulf> yepNov 18 20:54:25 <tjcatibog> and then set it to "theOwner" argumentNov 18 20:54:28 <tjcatibog> then return it?Nov 18 20:54:34 <_Rainulf> yeh i guess, i havent read fieldNov 18 20:57:58 <tjcatibog> well there's two container functionsNov 18 20:58:13 <tjcatibog> void container(FWDialog* theOwner)Nov 18 20:58:23 <tjcatibog> and FWDialog* container()Nov 18 20:58:37 <tjcatibog> FWDialog* container() does exactly what you just told me to doNov 18 21:00:34 <tjcatibog> if it was the same way with 'void container(FWDialog* theOwner)' it would be in the descriptionNov 18 21:02:19 <_Rainulf> hmmNov 18 21:05:11 <tjcatibog> but it literally says: "Sets the _container attribute of FWBorder to theOwner argument"Nov 18 21:05:47 <tjcatibog> so essentially "_container = theOwner;"Nov 18 21:07:02 <_Rainulf> lol hmmmmNov 18 21:07:25 <_Rainulf> hold onNov 18 21:07:26 <_Rainulf> let me read itNov 18 21:11:43 <_Rainulf> hmmmmmmNov 18 21:12:01 <_Rainulf> yeh, but it says u're not able to access it?Nov 18 21:13:49 <tjcatibog> nopeNov 18 21:13:59 <tjcatibog> the _container variable in FWBorder is privateNov 18 21:14:03 <_Rainulf> oh yehNov 18 21:14:20 <_Rainulf> but there's a setterNov 18 21:14:22 <_Rainulf> use that isteaqdNov 18 21:14:28 <_Rainulf> instead of directly doing itNov 18 21:14:37 <_Rainulf> void container(FWBorder* theContainer);Nov 18 21:16:06 <tjcatibog> what do I pass to that function?Nov 18 21:16:09 <tjcatibog> theOwner?Nov 18 21:16:39 <_Rainulf> yehNov 18 21:17:17 <_Rainulf> i dont know wats the use of that, but thats how i understand the instruction lolNov 18 21:17:18 <tjcatibog> okNov 18 21:17:28 <tjcatibog> yeah I see what you meanNov 18 21:44:57 <tjcatibog> whoa. should've checked if this compiled before I wrote fieldNov 18 21:45:05 <tjcatibog> there's a ton of errorsNov 18 21:45:10 <_Rainulf> lololNov 18 21:45:11 <tjcatibog> none of which are field lolNov 18 21:56:27 <tjcatibog> where is FW_NO_REFRESH defined?Nov 18 21:56:41 <_Rainulf> confwNov 18 21:58:06 <tjcatibog> hrmm ... that file is included, but errors keep saying whatever is defined in there is undeclared identifiersNov 18 21:58:11 <tjcatibog> goddamn windowsNov 18 21:58:24 <_Rainulf> lolNov 18 21:58:37 <_Rainulf> pastebin the errorsNov 18 22:00:44 <tjcatibog> nah I fixed itNov 18 22:00:52 <tjcatibog> now ... 12 errors leftNov 18 22:00:57 <tjcatibog> down from 34 lolNov 18 22:04:16 <_Rainulf> LOLNov 18 22:45:49 <tjcatibog> ok so I got it compile...Nov 18 22:45:59 <tjcatibog> not entirely sure how I'm supposed to test itNov 18 22:46:32 <_Rainulf> mmkay, just merge it with trunk firstNov 18 22:46:45 <_Rainulf> and i'll take a look at itNov 18 22:47:05 <tjcatibog> I will commit it to my branchNov 18 22:47:12 <tjcatibog> I'm not confident enough to commit to trunk yetNov 18 22:47:21 <_Rainulf> lol okNov 18 22:48:20 <tjcatibog> ok go aheadNov 18 22:48:27 <_Rainulf> alriteNov 18 22:48:29 <tjcatibog> branches/tjcatibog/0.3Nov 18 22:52:12 <_Rainulf> lol put comments on ur commits btwNov 18 22:52:44 <tjcatibog> I did...Nov 18 22:52:58 <tjcatibog> did it not show up?Nov 18 22:53:06 <tjcatibog> brbNov 18 22:53:14 <_Rainulf> yeh only one thoNov 18 22:53:15 <_Rainulf> kNov 18 23:51:39 <_Rainulf> update ur trunk and get the latest fwborder.. i updated it with fardad's pseudo code he gave meNov 19 00:14:53 <tjcatibog> ok I updated it.Nov 19 00:14:55 <tjcatibog> I'm heading offNov 19 00:15:08 <tjcatibog> see you tomorrowNov 19 00:15:12 <_Rainulf> alrite man, cyaNov 19 00:15:12 * tjcatibog has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.12/20101026210630])</pre>