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DPS924 Projects Fall 2014

4,837 bytes added, 20:32, 23 April 2018
Reverted edits by Chris Tyler (talk) to last revision by Kirill Sochnev
! Google Play Store
|1Alek Minassian|Toronto Green P Advisor|This is an Android application that allows you to search for parking locations near a given address. The address can either be your current location or an address you specify. Parking locations can either be viewed in a list or on a map. ???Features of the application include: * View the listing sorted by distance.* View details of a parking location such as address, cost, distance, maximum capacity,???and payment options.* Get driving directions from your location to the parking location.* Look at the street view of the parking location before you go.* Parking information is downloaded periodically from the parking database server. The frequency of these updates can be specified in the application settings.|???|???[]<br>[]<br>[]<br>[]<br>[]|???Google Play Store|[]|???
|2Sochnev,Kirill|GEOtagged Memo Application (GEO tama)|GEO tama is an application that allows users to create, edit and view memos. But it isn’t a simple memo app, this application stores location where each memo was made and displays memos on interactive map as markers. Beside expected functionality of creating, editing, deletion of memos, GEO tama can also connect to user's Facebook app (using Facebook API) and share any selected memo as a link to Google map, text and date. This application is targeted at people who travel a lot and want to somehow leave themselves a reminder about places they see and want to remember! Or this application can fit interests of any other ordinary user – after all, it’s practically a notepad with location and Facebook share capabilities.|[]<br>[]<br>[]<br>[]|[]| -  |-| Rashid,Kabeer| Torontourism| Torontorusm is an application that displays information about current events that are occurring in Toronto at the moment. The information provided for the events is from Once the an event is clicked upon you are able to call them, view their website, view the location using a map, add the event to you personal calendar. With all of the events you are able to view their poster picture if it is available. ||[]||- |-| Artemy Matvienko| Gamer Watch| Gamer Watch is a light and efficient release date tracking app that conveniently lets you know when your most anticipated games are coming out. This is an essential app for anyone who wants to know when a game is being released without the hassle of manually keeping up with release date information. The intuitive notification system used by this app keeps you informed as games release and release dates change, which sets Gamer Watch apart from other release date tracking apps and methods. Features include:* Simple and clean interface* Watch List containing all the games that you have added* Easy removal of games from your Watch List* Search capability for finding and adding the games you are interested in to the Watch List* Automatic background updates to the game release dates* Notifications that let you know if:** the release date of a game in your Watch List has changed** a game on your Watch List is coming out today** any games on your Watch List are releasing the following week|Google Play Store|Google Play Store|[]|- |-| David Novodchuk & Sana Shariff| Recipe Organizer| Recipe Organizer is an app the allows users to organize recipes on the Android device. Features include:* Minimalistic and intuitive interface.* Saving new recipes on app's database:** From the Internet - users can search for recipes provided by external api.** From scratch - users can add their recipes by typing.* Editing recipes - users can edit recipes that was added from the Internet and from scratch.* Deleting recipes from the database.|[]<br>[]<br>[]<br>[]|||- |-|???,???