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Team NP Complete

345 bytes added, 22:45, 21 December 2017
Initial Performance
[[File:initial_analysis.png|1000px|center|Initial performance ]]
[[File:initial_histo_analysis.png|1000px|center|First histogram analysis]]
[[File:initial_analysis_parallel_vs_serial.png|1000px|center|Initial comparison between parallel and serial implementations]]
[[File:initial_analysis_parallel_vs_serialWhat these graphs and figures are telling us is that we've efficiently parallelized the lowest of the low hanging fruit.png|1000px|center|Initial comparison between The parallel and serial implementations]]regions themselves are efficient at what they do, but as it turns out, they contributed very, very little to the computational load in the first place. There is a major hotspot which can still be parallelized.
==Parallelized and Dynamic Performance==

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