Difference between revisions of "DPS909/OSD600 Fall 2017 Lab 5"

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| Joshua Longhi
| https://github.com/josh0588
| https://jlonghiblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/12/working-on-bugs/
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Revision as of 20:13, 11 October 2017

Catch Up on Any Outstanding Work

1. Make sure Lab 1, Lab 2, Lab 3, Lab 4 are all completed and posted. If you are late on any of these labs, please complete them and let your professor know so he can mark them.

2. Make sure you have bugs chosen and assigned for DPS909/OSD600 0.1 Release. You must have at least 2 bugs chosen by today, and if you don't, you need to talk to your professor today on Slack and/or during office hours (12:00-3:00, DB1038)

3. Add all your bugs to the DPS909 & OSD600 Fall 2017 Bug List

4. If you have not done so already, set up git and GitHub fully (see below)

5. Work on your chosen bugs. Talk to each other and your professor on Slack about your progress.

6. Write a blog post about how your bugs are going this week. What are you learning as you go? How has it been working on new code? What is the community like? What do they do that's new to you? What are you noticing? What problems are you encountering? Who else is working on the same project as you (e.g., other students in the course)? Have you talked with them, or read their blogs? How are they doing?

New Class Resource Page

Everyone please feel free to checkout and contribute to the newly created resources page.

Setup Git with Github

We'll need an account on Github. If you haven't done so before, take a few minutes to do the following:

  1. create an account
  2. verify your email address
  3. consider enabling two-factor authentication
  4. add info to your account bio
  5. consider changing your profile picture

We'll also need to do a bit more setup with git. Specifically, we need to set some global config options, SSH keys, etc:

  1. set your username locally
  2. set your email address locally
  3. set your line endings
  4. consider setting other global defaults while you're at it (e.g., your default editor)
  5. set up SSH keys


# Name GitHub Account (URL, eg. https://github.com/humphd) Blog Post (URL)
1 Jiel Selmani https://github.com/jselmani Working on it :)
2 Joao Rodrigues https://github.com/jmrodriguesgoncalves https://jmrodriguesgoncalves.blogspot.ca/2017/10/lab-5-getting-thimble-testing.html
3 Michael Pierre https://github.com/MPierre9 https://michaelpierreblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/fix-all-the-bugs-my-work-with-mozilla-thimble-so-far/
4 Fateh Sandhu https://github.com/Fatehsandhu https://firefoxmacblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/lab-5-in-progress/
5 Azusa Shimazaki https://github.com/azusaaz http://assmith2017.blogspot.ca/2017/10/bug-fixing-on-thimble-part1-set-up.html
6 Nicholas Krause https://github.com/xerofoify https://nicholas95com.wordpress.com/2017/10/06/gcc-debugging-build/
7 Harshkumar Patel https://github.com/Vasusena WIP
8 Phil Henning https://github.com/PhillypHenning https://bluesockphil.wordpress.com/2017/10/07/i-just-opened-an-issue-want-it/
9 Dan Epstein https://github.com/Securter http://www.danepstein.ca/lab-05/
10 Sean Prashad https://github.com/SeanPrashad http://seanprashad.com/blog/success.html
11 Svitlana Galianova https://github.com/svitlana-galianova http://svitlanagalianova.blogspot.ca/2017/10/the-least-stressful-built-ever.html
12 Marvin Sanchez https://github.com/msanchez5 TBD
13 Hadi Saeed https://github.com/hadialshakhori TBA
14 Anthony LoMagno https://github.com/ajlomagno https://anthonylomagno.wordpress.com/2017/10/10/week-5-bug-progress-and-what-ive-learned
15 Jay Yin https://github.com/jayyyin Not done yet
16 Avedis Zeitounilian https://github.com/Avedis777 http://avedis777.blogspot.ca/2017/10/my-journey-of-fixing-bugsagain.html
17 Marco Beltempo https://github.com/marcobeltempo Coming Soon
18 Joshua Longhi https://github.com/josh0588 https://jlonghiblog.wordpress.com/2017/10/12/working-on-bugs/