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CDOT Summer 2017 Weekly Presentation Schedule

704 bytes added, 11:58, 28 August 2017
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!Public Session
|Michael Huang|TSCompare - Adventures with RESTful and SQL in Java
|Eric Brauer|Designing Hardware for Small-Batch Manufacturing
|Karan Randhawa & Ivan Gromov|J-SAS Project Overview
|Chris Johnson|Network Security Tips and Tricks
|2017-06-2827|Kert Browne|Accessible Technologies
|Chris Tyler|[[RFID Technology Talk - Summer 2017|RFID Technology]]
|Lucas Blotta|Z3 Zapp Dashboard Dockerization
|Jaeeun Cho|Redis Publishers and Subscribers
|Matthew Marangoni|Going Mobile
|Joshua Kraitberg <br> Angelo Pereira Ghezzi|Benefits of machine learning in the legal sector
|Shad Students (Ethan & Samantha)|TBA|'''Yes'''No|T1009
|Olga Belavina|TBA