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306 bytes added, 14:33, 8 December 2016
# put breakpoints where you want to take a look by hitting the key F9 in the line or left-click at the front of a line
# Run the program in Debug mode by hitting the green button (or key F5)
# Go to the menu Debug -> Windows to open the windows you need( see the image below)
# Choose the windows that you need (e.g. Memory, Threads, Parallel Stacks, Local or Auto and so on.)
# Hit the function keys to run a program
## Shit +F11 to get out of a subroutine (Step Out)
## F9 to put/remove breakpoints in a line
(To open windows you need for debugging on Visual Studio, You must run a program in debug mode first)
*Sample code results
# Understanding a program is important; using a serial program version, follow codes line by line to understand the program. (Parallel programming usually starts from a serial version.)
# Use the simple data for the first time to keep track of data flow in a memory, and then increase data volume for the program.
# When you missed the step you want to take a look in run-time debug mode, it will be better to start from the beginning in debug mode as data situation have already changed, and threads invocation also has been passed.
# To open windows you need for debugging on Visual Studio, You must run a program in debug mode first. Otherwise, there is no menu to open the windows.

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