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Seneca BigBlueButton web gateway help

42 bytes added, 14:59, 28 September 2016
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# Click on Create
# Complete the information
# Click on Create (you can start this meeting anytime in the future)
# To start the session instantly, Select the session and click on "Start Selected"
===Start/Manage Meetings===
# Login to with your Seneca user id and password.
# Click on Meetings
# Select a meeting on from the listtable# Select on the desired button on top above the table to apply it to the selected meeting#* if If you Starting are starting a Meeting/Lecture and it that has been flagged to be recorded, you must enter a description related to THIS meeting so it can be recognized later for viewing 
===View Recordings===
Note: everyone Everyone must logoff logout of a meeting for a the recording to be processedprocess.
# If this is right after a meeting, give it few minutes for your recording to be processed.
# Click on Recordings
# Select a Recording from the list and click on the corresponding view link.# if If you would like this recording to be viewed by others, copy the URL from the view link and send it via email or postingany other method.#* Note that : All anyone needs to view a recording, all others need, is the URL if . If you do not don't want the recording to be public, do not don't publish the URL.
==General Help==
===Bug Reports and Suggestions===
If you encounter any problem with the BigBlueButton server at Seneca, please contact one of the
[[Big Blue Button#ContributorsBigBlueButton|Contributors here!]]
===Logging In===