no edit summary
==Quick Start==
===To Join a meeting===
====Seneca User====
# Login to https://bbb.senecacollege.ca with your Seneca user id and password.
# Select a meeting or lecture to join,
# Type its password (that is given to you by the Presenter)
# Click on "Join Meeting"
# Open the meeting URL (given to you by the Presenter)
# Type your name
# Type the password (given to you by the Presenter)
# Click on Login
===Create Meetings/Lectures===
# Login to https://bbb.senecacollege.ca with your Seneca user id and password.
# Click on Create
# Complete the information
# Click on Create (you can start this meeting anytime in the future)
# To start the session instantly, Select the session and click on "Start Selected"
===Start/Manage Meetings===
# Login to https://bbb.senecacollege.ca with your Seneca user id and password.
# Click on Meetings
# Select a meeting from the table
# Select the desired button above the table to apply it to the selected meeting
#* If you are starting a Meeting/Lecture that has been flagged to be recorded, you must enter a description related to THIS meeting so it can be recognized later for viewing
===View Recordings===
Note: Everyone must logout of a meeting for the recording to process.
# If this is right after a meeting, give it few minutes for your recording to be processed.
# Click on Recordings
# Select a Recording from the list and click on the corresponding view link.
# If you would like this recording to be viewed by others, copy the URL from the view link and send it via email or any other method.
#* Note: All anyone needs to view a recording is the URL. If you don't want the recording to be public, don't publish the URL.
==General Help==
===Bug Reports and Suggestions===
If you encounter any problem with the BigBlueButton server at Seneca, please contact one of the
[[BigBlueButton|Contributors here!]]
===Logging In===
To log in to the Seneca BigBlueButton server, simply type in your Seneca username and password into "Login Name" and "Password". Student IDs and employee Employee IDs are both valid. On logging in, you will automatically be taken to the Join Meetings page.
===Joining Meetings===
To join a meeting click on the Join link in the menu. This is also the page you are sent to when you log in.
Meetings are divided into Lectures and plain Meetings. To join a meeting you will need to receive a password for that meeting. The creator has to supply the password to you.<br />check the [[Seneca BigBlueButton web gateway - Joining a meeting | detailed steps]]!
===Create Meetings===
As with the Manage Meetings table, there is an "Actions" drop-down list. The only action available is to delete the selected recording; you will be prompted for confirmation before deleting.
==Administrator Help==
===All Meetings===
This page is where you will see all meetings created by all users, with the following information displayed:
*Type (Lecture or Meeting)
*Creator (Creator's name)
*UID (Creator's Seneca ID)
*Moderator password
*Viewer password
*Guests (whether guests are allowed or not)
*Recorded (whether the meeting is recordable or not)
*Date Last Edited
Above the table, there is also a drop-down list of Actions. When you click on a meeting in the table, the following actions are available to you:
**Begins the selected meeting. The BigBlueButton client will open your meeting in a new browser tab, and your meeting will appear in the drop-down list on the Join page.
**If the meeting is recordable, you will be prompted to provide a description. This is to differentiate one recording of that meeting from another on the Manage Recordings page.
**Opens a form similar to the "Create Meetings" form, where you can edit the Moderator and Viewer passwords. If you are not logged in as a Student, you can also toggle "Allow Guests?" and "Recorded?", to the same effect as in "Create Meetings".
**Prompts you to confirm if you want to delete the meeting, and then deletes it. If you have existing recordings of this meeting, they will survive the meeting being deleted.
*Guest URL
**Supplies you with the Guest URL for the meeting. If you have not allowed guest access for this meeting, anyone visiting the URL will simply be told that you have not allowed guest access, and denied entry to the meeting.
===All Recordings===
This page is where you will see all recordings made by all users, with the following information displayed:
*Meeting (Meeting title)
*Type (Lecture or Meeting)
*Creator (Creator's name)
*UID (Creator's Seneca ID)
*Date Recorded
*Length (in minutes)
Also shown is a "Playback" column; click "View" for the recording you wish to display.
As with the All Meetings table, there is an "Actions" drop-down list. The only action available is to delete the selected recording; you will be prompted for confirmation before deleting.
For help with the config.xml file, please see [http://zenit.senecac.on.ca/wiki/index.php/Seneca_BigBlueButton_web_gateway_config_xml_help Config.XML Help]