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OPS335: File Servers

6 bytes added, 12:04, 3 March 2016
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hosts allow = 192.168.x
<ol><li value="4">Append (add) the following parameter to the '''home section''' so that only your user account can access that share:</li></ol>
valid users = @smbusers, <&lt;your-seneca-id>&gt;
<ol><li value="5"><li>Confirm the user you created has been added using the following command:<br>'''pdbedit -L -v'''</li><li>Test and review your configuration with the command:<br>'''testparm'''</li><li>You can now start your Samba server (smb.service) and ensure it will start at boot.</li><li>Modify the firewall on VM2 to allow samba traffic.</li><li>Test if you have a connection with the command:<br>'''smbclient -U <learnid> -L vm2''' (It will show you a list of all available shares.)</li></ol>

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