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'''Perform the following steps:'''
'''Perform the following steps:'''
#Make certain that all VMs are running.
#Switch to your VM2 machine.
#Issue the following Linux command to install Samba server utlity:<br>'''yum install samba samba-client'''<br>
#Issue the following Linux command to install Samba server utlity:<br>'''yum install samba samba-client'''<br>
#Create a backup of the file '''/etc/samba/smb.conf''', and create a new smb.conf file that includes <u>only</u> the following:
#Create a backup of the file '''/etc/samba/smb.conf''', and create a new smb.conf file that includes <u>only</u> the following:

Revision as of 10:41, 2 March 2016


Online References:


According to the samba.org website:

"Samba is the standard Windows interoperability suite of programs for Linux and Unix. Samba is Free Software licensed under the GNU General Public License, the Samba project is a member of the Software Freedom Conservancy."

Although a Samba server can provide many features such as printer sharing and backups, this lab will focus solely on sharing files on an MS Windows server on a Linux server.

This lab will first install and setup, and enable a Samba server, test a Samba server connection on another Linux server, and finally test a Samba server to connect and share MS Windows files both text-based and graphically.


In this investigation, we will set up a Samba server on our VM2 machine. We will first install, configure and enable the samba server on our virtual machine, and then we will quickly test to see if the Samba server works.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Make certain that all VMs are running.
  2. Switch to your VM2 machine.
  3. Issue the following Linux command to install Samba server utlity:
    yum install samba samba-client
  4. Create a backup of the file /etc/samba/smb.conf, and create a new smb.conf file that includes only the following:
workgroup = <yourlearnid>.org 
server string = "put your real name here without the quotes"
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
comment = "put your real name here without the quotes"
path = /home/<learnid>
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0765
  1. Append (add) the following parameter to the bottom of the global section that will limit access to the share so that only machines in your virtual network and those in the lab room will be able to access it:
  1. Append a parameter to the home section so that only your user account can access that share:
  1. Create a Samba password for user <learnid> with the command:
    smbpasswd -a <learnid>
  2. If you need to, you can change a user's password by using the command:
    smbpasswd <username>
  3. Confirm the user you created has been added using the following command:
    pdbedit -L -v
  4. Test and review your configuration with the command:
  5. You can now start your Samba server (smb.service) and ensure it will start at boot.
  6. Modify the firewall on VM2 to allow samba traffic.
  7. Test if you have a connection with the command:
    smbclient -U <learnid> -L vm2 (It will show you a list of all available shares.)

Record steps, commands, and your observations in INVESTIGATION 1 in your OPS335 lab log-book


Although the main purpose of running a samba server is to share files on a Windows server, you can also install a Samba client on another Linux machine to share files as well. This lab will demonstrate how to setup a Samba client on your host machine, mount the samba share on a directory, and access files on the remote Linux machine (vm2).

Using smbclient

Perform the following steps:

  1. In a full installation (on your host Linux machine) you should not need to install the samba-client application on your host, but if it is not present, then install that application.
  2. You will also need to install the cifs-utils package to be able to mount the filesystem:
    yum install cifs-utils
  3. From the host use the "smbclient" command in a terminal window:
    smbclient '\\vm2\home' -U <learnid>
  4. After entering your password you should get a prompt similar to:
    smb: \>
  5. Enter the ls command to see a list of the files in your home directory:
    smb: \> ls

    NOTE: you may receive the following error: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing

  6. SE Linux should be in Enforcing and will need to be adjusted (on the samba server) for this to work by issuing the command:
    setsebool -P samba_enable_home_dirs 1
  7. Once you have access to the directory use the get and put commands (similar to sftp) to move files.
  8. When you are finished close the connection.

Using 'mount -t cifs'

When performing the NFS lab, one of the initial purpose of using NFS was allowing network shares to mount remote volumes as opposed to using sftp (get and put commands). This section will demonstrate how to mount a remote Linux volume as a directory for the client Linux server.

Perform the following steps:

  1. The next way is to use the mount command.
  2. Use the mount command on the host to mount your home directory by issuing the following commands:
    mkdir /tmp/vm2-home
    mount -t cifs //vm2/home /tmp/vm2-home -o username=<learnid>
    ls /tmp/vm2-home

Record steps, commands, and your observations in INVESTIGATION 2 in your OPS335 lab log-book


This investigation will configure your host machine to access files in a MS Windows server via command line and graphically.

Installing Windows VM &

  • New procedures

Perform the following steps:

Accessing MS Windows VM Files (via command line)

  • New procedures

Perform the following steps:

Graphically Accessing MS Windows Files (nautilus application)


Perform the following tasks:

  1. Use the "Places" menu from the desktop and open 'Browse Network'.
  2. From the menu in the side-bar of the files tool, choose 'Connect to Server'.
  3. Enter smb://vm2/home as the location, and enter your samba password in the prompt.
  4. Where vm2 is the name of the server, and home is the name of the directory it is sharing.
  5. After you have checked that you can access your files, unmount the share by right-clicking its icon in the side-bar and clicking 'Unmount'.

Accessing MS Windows Files via a Web Browser (konqueror)


Perform the following tasks:

  1. You can also use a web browser with support for the SMB protocol such as Konqueror. Note that firefox does not have such support.
  2. If Konqueror is not installed then install it with the command:
    yum install kdebase
  3. Start Konqueror, the web/file browser, and in the address bar enter the following:
  4. Enter your username and password when prompted.
  5. Double click on a file you have some text in.
  6. Open it with gedit, make some changes, and save it.
  7. When prompted, choose to upload the file.
  8. Close Konqueror.
  9. cat the file on your VM2 to ensure the changes were properly uploaded.

Record steps, commands, and your observations in INVESTIGATION 3 in your OPS335 lab log-book


Arrange proof that ...


  1. What does SMB stand for? CIFS?
  2. What does the text inside square brackets in the smb.conf file mean? (e.g., "[home]").
  3. Explain the meaning of the line "create mask = 0765" in the smb.conf file?
  4. What does the smbpasswd command do?
  5. What did the setsebool command do?