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OPS335 Lab 1

31 bytes added, 12:26, 14 January 2016
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<ol><li value="7">Edit the '''ifcfg-''interfacename''''' file for each of your VMs to use a static IP address (refer to previous OPS235 lab on networking: [ [ Network Config - CLI] ].<br> You should be configuring the BOOTPROTO, IPADDRESS, NETMASK, and GATEWAY for this file. Note your Your vm1 should use the first available address in the subnet, vm2 the second, and vm3 the third.</li><li>Don't forget to set the default gateway and DNS server for your VMs. You can use your host's IP address as a DNS server (''libvirt'' will proxy the requests to the real DNS server).</li><li>Make note of the files used and entries required and note them in your lab log-book.</li><li>Restart Save your editing session, and then restart each VM and run the following command to ensure they still have the network configuration you set:</li></ol>
::'''ping''' (what is the purpose of this command?). Try to ping matrix and google from your host machine. Try to ping matrix and google from each of your VM's to ensure you can reach the outside world.