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OPS335 Installation Lab

4 bytes added, 12:41, 6 January 2016
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systemctl enable libvirtd
<ol><li value="3">Reboot your machine. If you do not, you will not be able to install any virtual machines.</li><li>Start the graphical virtual machine manager<ul><li>You will need to enter your root password.</li></ul><li>Create your own virtual network. A default virtual network has been created for you, but you will be using a custom one in this course.</li><ul type="a"><li>Right click 'localhost (QEMU)' and select 'Details'. Click on the 'Virtual Networks' tab.</li><li>Stop and delete the 'default' network.</li><li>Run, and record the output of the following command: iptables -t nat -L</li><li>Use the plus sign to add a new virtual network using the following options.</li></ul><li></ol>

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