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OPS335 Short-Term

4 bytes added, 19:20, 3 January 2016
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# The number of topics in the current form of the course is impossible for the students. I haven't had a single one excell at all of them and I've had some very talented students. We need to pick some topics we feel would be crucial and drop the rest or reduce the rest to study-only-no-labs (the latter seems useless to me) --Andrew<br><br>
#I've found the number of labs is reasonable, provided the labs: <ol type="a"><li value="1">work (which I found was the biggest issue, and thus modified all the labs the first semester I taught the course (in some cases had to do a complete rewrite)</li><li>Post-iptables lab Issues. I have my students flush the rules, set the default policies to accept and save them as such (and disable firewalld). This way when they troubleshoot problems, at least it's not iptables getting in the way. --Jason</li></ol><br>
# Eleven labs seems to be a lot of labs for this course. Can't students simply use c7host that they created in OPS235 (with tweaks) in order to streamline labs 0 and 1? Can students use their existing OPS235 removable hard drives to reduce re-installing CENTOS7?<ul><li>I don't think there should be a lab0. That setup should be done on their own time in advance, all needed to do the setup was learned in OPS235. If the students don't remember - that's a good reason for them to spend extra time getting a refresher on OPS235. -- Andrew</li><li>Same for networking. All the students had trouble with basic network setup. They need to be told to go back on their own and remember how to configure an interface. And they have to be tested on it for the first 2-3 weeks to make sure they know it's a serious requirement. --Andrew</li><li>Can't use c7host from 235 because a good number of students don't have it any more, it's not unusual for students to go to coop between 235 and 335. -- Andrew</li>
<li>Of the existing labs to drop, I think ftp should go. I'm debating the benefits of dropping it entirely at night, or replacing it with something cloud based -- like ownCloud. -- Jason</li>

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