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OPS335 FTP Lab

12 bytes removed, 18:02, 30 November 2015
Clarifying instructions
*Check the settings on your firewall. Ensure that you can still use the services you have configured in previous labs.
*Now make sure you are connected to the Internet. Start Firefox and authenticate yourself into the network.
*Login to your VM01 VM1 and ensure you have the firewall set up to allow the services you have previously configured (e.g. DNS, apache). If those services are not functioning, fix them (or your firewall) now.
Before preceeding to the next part ensure your gateway is working properly and that your server has access to the Internet. Try some of these commands on your VM/guest:
ping 192.168.X.1
#Verify that the ftp connection tracking module is installed in your kernel with the "lsmod" command. If it is not, you'll have to install it with the command: "modprobe nf_conntrack_ftp".
#Start your ftp server.
#From the command line of your vmserver, create a new file (or several) in /var/ftp/pub.
#Change the ownership of the /var/ftp/pub directory to the user ftp.
#At this point you should test your FTP server from other hosts within your intranet. It should allow anonymous users to retrieve files. From a terminal window on the gateway one of your VMs try these activities:#*ftp using the login 'ftp' to your VMhost, then list and get the file you created.
#*Try logging is as a user that exists on that machine.

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