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MAP524/DPS924 - 2014

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Assignment 2 (Fall 2013) - Proposals
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== [[Internet of Things (IoT)]] ==
== [[Android Discovery Zone]] ==
== [[Resources for Learning Android App Development]] ==
== [[Labs Q&A Fall 2013Android News]] == * Has anyone run into a problem where the emulator refuses to rotate (at all, never mind the layout of the running app)? I tried Ctrl+f11/f12, f11/f12, but none of them work. And I don't have a number pad on my laptop to try 7/9. --Andrew** I pressed the HOME key (number pad) on my laptop and the emulator's orientation changed from portrait to landscape. (Peter)*** Figured it out - it was already used by the xfce window manager to switch to desktop 11/12, just cleared that binding and now it works as it should with the emulator. --Andrew
* If my app has an activity (activity1) that starts another activity (activity2), what's the relationship between these two? Is it possible that == [[Working with Android will kill activity1 since activity2 is te current activity? What if activity2 is not full screen, does that make a difference? -- AndrewStudio]] ==
* How to capture emulator screenshots in Eclipse? == [[Web Programming Within Android Applications] []==
* How to export logging data from LogCat to a text file? == [[DPS924 Projects Winter 2015] []==
== [[Assignment 1 Q&A DPS924 Projects Fall 2013 |Assignment 1 Q&A2014]]==
#Is the relationship between schedule and student/teacher 1:1? (ie: to delete a schedule you can just delete the account that schedule is attached to) -- Dennis ::The assignment specifies we include "validfrom" and "validto" dates. This implies that we could have several schedules for each student/teacher. eg. one for summer, another for fall, etc. However, this being our first assignment I think it would be reasonable to have exactly one timetable per student/teacher. We would then use the "validfrom" and "validto" dates to tell us when the schedule has become outdated.... John 2# I did not understand the previous question, therefore the answer was not very useful for me. Can you explain why we would consider specified above relationship schedule and student/teacher? Isn't the schedule is created dynamically by fetching the data form the tables in data base? -- Natalia== [[Labs Q&A Fall 2013]] ==
== [[Assignment 2 Q&A Fall 2013 |Assignment 2 Q&A Working with Github and Android Studio]]==
== Assignment 2 (Fall 2013) - Proposals ==*[[Project Proposals Android: Open Data and Web Services |open data and web services]]*[[Android: Toronto Festivals and Events (Sukhbir Singh Ghotra)]]*[[Android: #Hashtag search from the Twitter updates and manipulation of returned data (Imtiaz Latif)]]*[[Android: Toronto for A2 Fall 2013 | Project Proposals you - all events, workshops, lectures, festivals, celebrations in Toronto (Natalia Levkevitch)]]* [[Android: Online Timetable Sharing backend for A2assignment 1]]* [[Android: Solid Waste Management Guidelines (Shajinth Pathmakulaseelan)]]* [[Android: Real Time TTC next vehicle arrival tracker (Dennis Villasenor)]]* [[Android MAP524: TTC real time tracker (Michael Afidchao)]]* [[Android: Parks and Recreational Facilities locator (Jose Romasanta)]]* [[Android: Events in Toronto (R. Gideon Thomas)]]* [[Android: Medical Log ()]]* [[Android: Souper Shopper (Stanley Moote)]] ==