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|[[User:Saad Tauseef | Saad ]]||Tauseef||[[GAM531/DPS931 Sample Team Page|Team SaLuc]]||DPS931||[mailto:stauseef1@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 stauseef1] || [https://bitbucket.org/stauseef stauseef]
|[[User:Saad Tauseef | Saad ]]||Tauseef||[[GAM531/DPS931_Team_SaLuc|Team SaLuc]]||DPS931||[mailto:stauseef1@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 stauseef1] || [https://bitbucket.org/stauseef stauseef]
|[[User:Arlene Lee | Arlene]] ||Lee|| [[GAM531/DPS931_Team_Atlantis|Team Atlantis]] ||GAM531|| [mailto:alee110@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 alee110] || [https://Zephyr135@bitbucket.org/Zephyr135 Zephyr135]
|[[User:Arlene Lee | Arlene]] ||Lee|| [[GAM531/DPS931_Team_Atlantis|Team Atlantis]] ||GAM531|| [mailto:alee110@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 alee110] || [https://Zephyr135@bitbucket.org/Zephyr135 Zephyr135]
|[[User:Lucas Passarella | Lucas]] ||Lucas|| [[GAM531/DPS931 Sample Team Page|Team SaLuc]] ||DPS931|| [mailto:lgpassarella@myseneca.ca?subject=DPS931 lgpassarella] || [https://bitbucket.org/fatliner fatliner]
|[[User:Lucas Passarella | Lucas]] ||Lucas|| [[GAM531/DPS931_Team_SaLuc|Team SaLuc]] ||DPS931|| [mailto:lgpassarella@myseneca.ca?subject=DPS931 lgpassarella] || [https://bitbucket.org/fatliner fatliner]
|[[User:Curtis Wilson | Curtis]] ||Wilson|| [[GAM531/DPS931 Team Flapjax|Team Flapjax]] ||GAM531|| [mailto:cjwilson3@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 cjwilson3] || [https://Zephyr135@bitbucket.org/curtis37 curtis37]
|[[User:Curtis Wilson | Curtis]] ||Wilson|| [[GAM531/DPS931 Team Flapjax|Team Flapjax]] ||GAM531|| [mailto:cjwilson3@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 cjwilson3] || [https://Zephyr135@bitbucket.org/curtis37 curtis37]
|[[User:Dyllon Da Silva Ricardo | Dyllon]] ||Ricardo|| [[GAM531/DPS931 Team Flapjax|Team Flapjax]] ||GAM531|| [mailto:ddricardo@myseneca.ca?subject=GAM531 ddricardo] || [https://bitbucket.org/ddricardo ddricardo]

Latest revision as of 15:21, 19 September 2015

Game Engine Foundations

GAM531/DPS931 | Weekly Schedule | Student List | Project Requirements | Teams and their Projects | Student Resources

Please add your information to the student list below!

Student List

Insert the following at the end of the table (if you are a student in GAM531/DPS931).

|[[User:WN | FN]] ||LN|| [[PN |GN]] ||SB|| [mailto:ID@myseneca.ca?subject=SB ID]

Replace the following with your own information:

  • WN: Your Wiki User name
  • FN: Your First Name
  • LN: Your Last Name
  • PN: Your Group's Project Page Name on the wiki
  • GN: Your Group name
  • SB: Your Subject (example: GAM531 or DPS931)
  • ID: Your email ID (myseneca id)
  • BB: Your bitbucket account

GAM531/DPS931 - Student List
First Name Last Name Team Name Subject Seneca Id Bit Bucket
Joseph Hughes Team Name GAM531 jp.hughes LSS_CloudScorpion
Chris Szalwinski Team Name DPS931 chris.szalwinski cszalwinski
Kevin Sidhu Team PC GAM531 kssidhu1 coios
Peter Huang Team Hide GAM531 phuang19 peterhuang
Barry Tulchinsky NA GAM531 btulchinsky
Diaoqiang He Team Atlantis GAM531 dqhe1 diaoqianghe
Jeremiah Guevarra Team Hide GAM531 jrguevarra jrguevarra
Kevin Persaud Team Hide GAM531 kpersaud16 persaud
Radney Alquiza Team Vendetta DPS931 raalquiza1 radneyalquiza
Vince Lee Team Vendetta DPS931 vlee34 lynart
Herman Hum Team Atlantis GAM531 hhhum hhhum
Hunter Jansen Thundarcats GAM531 majansen rawkamatic
Alex D'Amico Thundarcats GAM531 aadamico daag
Vernileo Turalba Team CPACoderps GAM531 vturalba leoturalba
Jordan Kirkham Team Vendetta DPS931 jckirkham jckirkham
Chad Pilkey Team PC GAM531 capilkey capilkey
Travis Roetcisoender Team Name GAM531 tcroetcisoender1 Travis4R
Samuel Azan Team PC GAM531 sbazan sbazan
Joseph Visconti Team CPACoderps GAM531 jvisconti2 jvisconti
Saad Tauseef Team SaLuc DPS931 stauseef1 stauseef
Arlene Lee Team Atlantis GAM531 alee110 Zephyr135
Lucas Lucas Team SaLuc DPS931 lgpassarella fatliner
Curtis Wilson Team Flapjax GAM531 cjwilson3 curtis37
Dyllon Ricardo Team Flapjax GAM531 ddricardo ddricardo