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OPS335 A2 Summer 2015

1,109 bytes added, 10:17, 7 August 2015
Phase 3 - Automated Back-ups
DRAFT - Do not use until this line is removed.
''' Assignment 2 '''
This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade and is an individual assignment.
The objective is to develop a procedure for setting up a secondary DNS server on VM2, a slave NIS server on VM1, and a backup server on VM3 running Fedora 20. The procedure should include test cases to verify the correctness and completeness of the set up. The complete procedure should be break down into the following three phases:
==Phase 1 - Secondary DNS Configuration==
'''Due Date: July 31August 4, 2015'''
Develop the procedure to setup, configure, and test a secondary DNS server for your domain. You already have your Primary DNS server for your domain up and running on VM1. Your secondary DNS server must comply with the following operation policy:
'''Due Date: August 7, 2015'''
Describe how to setup, configure, and test a slave NIS server for your NIS domain. You may have to mentioned mention the changes that need to be make made to the master NIS server as well.
==Phase 3 - Automated Back-ups ==
Describe how to set up a backup server to <b>pull</b> the configuration data from the Primary DNS server, secondary DNS server, master NIS server, and slave NIS server and save the files in the directories /backup/pri-dns, /backup/sec-dns, /backup/mas-nis, /backup/sla-nis respectively. You should consider doing the following steps:
# run a shell script 1 minute after midnight to package all configuration files and database files into a tar ball file. Name the tar ball file as <date>-primary.tar for all the files for your primary DNS server, <date>-secondary.tar for your secondary DNS server, and <date>-master.tar for your master NIS server, and <date>-slave.tar for your slave NIS server. Pull the tar ball files file to the corresponding directory on the backup server.
# Create a status file in the corresponding backup directory to indicate when the backup tar ball file was created and when it was successfully backup to the backup server..
=== Sample Directory Structure on the backup server ===
The following listing show the directory structure on the backup server after three successful backups on July 1, July 2, and July 3:
├── mas-nis
│ ├── 20150701-bu-status
│ ├── 20150701-master.tar
│ ├── 20150702-bu-status
│ ├── 20150702-master.tar
│ ├── 20150703-bu-status
│ └── 20150703-master.tar
├── pri-dns
│ ├── 20150701-bu-status
│ ├── 20150701-primary.tar
│ ├── 20150702-bu-status
│ ├── 20150702-primary.tar
│ ├── 20150703-bu-status
│ └── 20150703-primary.tar
├── sec-dns
│ ├── 20150701-bu-status
│ ├── 20150701-secondary.tar
│ ├── 20150702-bu-status
│ ├── 20150702-secondary.tar
│ ├── 20150703-bu-status
│ └── 20150703-secondary.tar
└── sla-nis
├── 20150701-bu-status
├── 20150701-slavs.tar
├── 20150702-bu-status
├── 20150702-slavs.tar
├── 20150703-bu-status
└── 20150703-slavs.tar
4 directories, 24 files
= Important =