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MAP524/DPS924 Lecture 6

1,142 bytes added, 15:56, 4 August 2015
Using a pre-built DB file
Often the easiest way to create an empty database, insert test data, and test your app's usage of SQLite is the command-line tool sqlite3. On Linux it should be installed by default, on other platforms you can download and install it yourself.
<presource lang="bash"># Create the databasesqlite3 employee.db</source> <source lang="sql">
-- Now you're inside the sqlite shell, not bash. Press Ctrl+D on an empty line to quit.
-- Create a table:
-- Quit
== Test data ==
** filename is names.txt
* Open database
<presource lang="bash">sqlite3 employee.db</presource>
* Set your deliminator
<presource lang="sql">.separator ","</presource>
* Import your data
<presource lang="sql">.import names.txt names</presource>
* Display your data
<presource lang="sql">select * from names;</presource>
* Quit
<presource lang="sql">.quit</presource>
== Using a pre-built DB file ==
catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
dbOpenHelper = new DatabaseOpenHelper(context); /** * This function comes from the database example in the book. I've no idea * why it's necessary, does Android really not have a function that does this? */public void copyFile(InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException{ byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int length; while ((length = > 0) outputStream.write(buffer, 0, length); inputStream.close(); outputStream.close();}</source>
Make sure this code runs when your app starts up and don't forget to put your db file in the assets folder.
<ol start="8"><li>You should now be able to run your DB app.</li></ol>
== Questoid SQLite Browser ==
You can download the [ Questoid SQLite Browser] plugin for Android Device Monitor to be able to view your SQLite database directly from the device.
Copy the file to your [YourAndroidSdkDirectory]/tools/lib/monitor-x86_64/plugins/AndroidSQLiteBrowser_1.0.1.jar directory and restart the Android Device Monitor.
Then you can find your database file and click the "Open File in SQLite browser" button:
[[Image:QuestoidSQLitemanager.png|600px| ]]